The name Steve Bray mightn’t mean anything to you. He’s the feckin’ eejit who has spent most of the past six years screaming “Stop Brexit” into a megaphone or into a mic connected to a sound system. Yeah, him.
Earlier today, Bray was surrounded by police who confiscated his equipment. The Police, Crime Sentencing & Courts act became law this morning. The act contains a provision which allows police to stop and/or ban a protest deemed to be too noisy.
Speaking to LBC Radio, Bray said:
“I’m here, protesting as normal, I’ve been protesting for the last six years or so and the police warned me twice and I said, ‘no we’re a protest.
I’m not recognising this fascist law that Priti Patel has pushed through Parliament. I put the amp on again… and they came over and started to seize the two amplifiers.
“I’m very angry but at the end of the day amplifiers are replaceable. We need more people here, we need more noise because I ain’t going to let these b******* grind me down, none of us are.
This has fast become a fascist state, when the laws don’t suit them, they change them to suit them and that’s when we need to start worrying.”
Steve Bray doesn’t know the first thing about the European Union. If he did, he’d have campaigned to leave. He’s also seemingly unaware that the UK hasn’t in fact left, not in any meaningful way.
He’s right though, when he says that Patel’s anti-protest law is fascistic. What he doesn’t realise is that the law wasn’t drafted to silence him. It was dreamed up to silence you and me and anyone else who understands the tyranny of the great reset agenda.
I doubt Steve Bray knows much about that.
I wouldn’t go about throwing around terms like fascism if I was him though. After all, he wanted the democratic will of the people ignored, because he didn’t like the result. Is that fascism? Is it authoritarianism? It doesn’t matter.
Bray is right. The Police & Crime bill is tyrannical.
Pity he doesn’t know why it’s happening though. He might be useful if he did.