Sweden Follows Germany In Withholding AstraZeneca Jab From Over-65’s

Sweden’s Health Ministry has just announced that it will not recommend the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine for over-65’s. It follows Germany’s decision to do the same. French President Emmanuel Macron said that the jab is “almost entirely” ineffective in the elderly.” Just as the German’s claimed last week, Sweden has now declared that there is not enough data to show how the vaccine affects OAP’s.

Here in the UK, the government has repeatedly claimed that AstraZeneca’s Jab is effective in all age groups. But European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen today accused the UK of compromising safety by approving the vaccine too quickly.

 In an interview with French newspaper Le Monde, von der Leyen was asked about Britain. She said:

“Some countries started to vaccinate a little before Europe, it is true. But they resorted to emergency, 24-hour marketing authorisation procedures. The commission and the member states agreed not to compromise with the safety and efficacy requirements linked to the authorisation of a vaccine. Time had to be taken to analyse the data, which, even minimised, takes three to four weeks. So, yes, Europe left it later, but it was the right decision. I remind you that a vaccine is the injection of an active biological substance into a healthy body. We are talking about mass vaccination here, it is a gigantic responsibility.”

It is a gigantic responsibility. Trialling, testing and rolling out a vaccine normally takes a decade. These vaccines went from the drawing board into people’s arms, in a matter of months. Months. Reports of serious adverse events and deaths, particularly in older people, are coming in day by day. Is it possible, just possible mind, that governments are covering their backsides, in withdrawing this vaccine from the list of those scheduled for seniors? I wouldn’t rule it out. The Swine Flu vaccine gave people narcolepsy. When it comes to coronavirus vaccines, narcolepsy might be the least of our worries.

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