Former Press Secretary: “Boris Didn’t Believe In His Own Lockdown”

Boris Johnson’s former Press Secretary has claimed that the former Prime Minister “effectively admitted that he didn’t really believe in his own lockdown” during his appearance before the Privileges Committee yesterday.

Will Walden was speaking to SKY News Kay Burley. Walden said that in his opinion, Johnson’s indifference to his own lockdown rules was “the most telling thing” to come from his evidence.

It’s a point which has been missed by most media commentators this morning.

Yes, Johnson broke his own rules. Yes, Johnson is a pathological liar.

But, when you get past the obvious, surely the next questions is why?

Why was Johnson (and staff) so unconcerned by Covid-19 at a time when he was telling the nation to close businesses, stay indoors, wear masks and socially distance?

Johnson told us that hugs could kill. He imposed limits on the number of people who could gather indoors. Weddings and funerals were scaled down. Seniors were abandoned in care homes to save them from the virus.

Why then, did Johnson carry on as if he himself was impervious to covid? What did he know?

The answer is that he knew Covid-19 was a very mild illness. He knew that even the most clinically vulnerable were very unlikely to succumb to it.

His Chief Medical Officer told him that.

Why then, did he impose lockdowns, which he himself obviously didn’t believe in? Why did he push the unnecessary and unproven covid jabs?

Don’t hold your breath waiting for someone to put these questions to Johnson.

Callers to the nation’s radio shows are irate because in their mind’s, they did the right thing and missed funerals and weddings while Johnson was cavorting.

It’s astonishing. Are they being obtuse? Are they stupid? Are they really annoyed at Johnson for not following the rules?

Why can’t they make the relatively straightforward leap to understanding that the straw-haired goon didn’t follow his own rules because he knew that they were ridiculous?





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