Leading French Journalist Stands Up To Trans Activism

A leading columnist has warned that Anglo-Saxon feminist and transgender activism is threatening France.

According to The Times:

Eugénie Bastié, 31, has angered leftwingers with an essay, Sauver la Différence des Sexes (Save the Difference Between the Sexes), in which she argues against the arrival in France of British and American theories she says involve a “totalitarian” cancel culture and the negation of biological realities.

She says the result is women struggle to combine a career and childcare, and men, shorn of role models and their ancestral identity, become sad porn addicts. Her opponents call her a “gender crusader” panicking at the ending of France’s patriarchal system.

Bastié’s essay was published as a traditionally conservative French society seeks to come to terms with debates that have raged in the UK and the US for years.

This week the mother of a 12-year-old transgender boy said she planned to sue her council in the Paris suburbs after he was put in the girls’ dormitory on a children’s skiing holiday.

Dora Moutot, a feminist journalist, is being sued by activist associations for alleged transphobia after she called Marie Cau, France’s first transgender mayor, a “transfeminine man”.

Bastié, a columnist with Le Figaro, the right-wing newspaper, is among the signatories of an open letter defending Moutot against “an Orwellian threat to freedom of expression”. It asks: “Do we want France to take the same path as the Anglo-Saxon world?”

In her essay, Bastié says that in “the US, in England and even in our country, men and women are being chased out of universities, having their conferences cancelled and . . . books burnt because they have dared to assert that there are only two sexes and that you can’t go from one to another as you change shirts.”

She claimed the West was witnessing attempts to “deconstruct” biological reality through the propagation of an “enormous lie: that there are not two sexes”.

Far from being liberated, women were suffering from “psycho-social pathologies hitherto reserved for men: class resentment, disarray, anxiety over their personal destiny,” she said.

For men, it was worse, she said. “What model is there for young boys today? Walt Disney films only offer them models with which young girls must identify.

They have fallen behind at school and are in a minority at university and a majority amongst the unemployed, downgraded on the job market and addicted to pornography.

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