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The callers letter is very threatening! Safeguarding teams etc. The state owns our registered babies, however at present they have no mandatory jab laws. So for now, they want to know if you are being negligent, or if you have ‘reasoning” behind refusal for the childs jabs. So now you have to hit them with the library of alexandria of Anti-Vaxx science, versus the pro vaxx, back of a postage stamp tired mantras, of “Safe & Effective. No link to Autism. Cured Smallpox Polio & Measles”!

Joe Public

Just managed to get logged on to the show been trying since 4.00pm


We saw a great Spandau ballet tribute band last week, we’re going to watch a Scouse tribute band tonight.

“Took That”


Ahahhaah Ey Ey EH!!


Aha (ha ha)… =)


If there were to be a diagnostic test for long covid, it would once again just be FAKE PCR misuse, so would again be meaningless. We are looking at M.E style long fatigue, which is long known to have come from older vaccines anyway, or from environmental factors. Anosmia, is nothing new either, it is not NOVEL to “Covid”. People are sick from lifestyle factors and environmental ones, or yes, are jabbed and that is a factor if jabbed.

Urban Fox

Reality has now become like some kind of inverted parallel universe. Specialists Dr’s to treat the side effects of an illness that never existed in the first place.! They have basically found an unhealthy man, who isn’t the sharpest tool in the draw. Stuck a label on this blokes condition, and rolled him out for the cameras. To those who can see, this is so obviously the most outrageous propaganda ever. Its like listening to a sketch from little Britain. And would be funny if it wasn’t so serious. As i know my entire family is watching this and taking it all as fact. Richie was right about the roller-skates.! What kind of f**king idiot, allows his daughter to push a wheelchair on roller-skates.!


It’s crazy isn’t it. Diagnosis of long covid = guesswork. Absolutely agree about the roller skates.

Urban Fox

Hi Jennie, Good to hear from you. I slept today until just before the show.! So absolutely nothing done and nothing eaten or drank. Watched one of my favorite films last night, ”Last of the Mohicans”. Romantic period drama with some bloody battle sceans. Wonderful photography and music, loosely based on a true story. Have you seen it.? Brew and snack time now. Speak soon.


You are getting as bad as me Foxy. I can’t sleep at night and then sometimes sleep half the day away. I haven’t seen that film, I’ll look it up on imdb. I am going to watch Chips now while I have my dinner and then I must practice my bridge ready for tomorrow as I haven’t played for 3 weeks as the venue has been closed. Enjoy your cuppa.

Urban Fox

How does one practice Bridge, it sounds like practicing Tennis. LOTM is a wonderful film staring Daniel Day Lewis and the beutiful Madeline Stowe. I will find and send you a link.


Thank you. You can’t really practice very well as you play with a partner but what I do is to deal hands and then try to work out how I would play them. I need what practice I can get because I’m not that good. Yes to practice tennis on your own you’d have to be pretty quick round the net!


Quick round the Net, or practice solo tennis Gump style!


The wonderful Daniel Day Lewis. “In the Name of Father” movie, over the IRA bombings false forced confessions of the poor Conlans, is his masterpiece imo.

Urban Fox

Horses for courses as they say. Gangs of New York my second favorite with him. ”Last of” is my favorite, other than that cant think of much i like.


Yes it sounds very similar to long covid. In fact the ME association says there are symptoms similar to both conditions so could those with long covid really be suffering with ME instead? Not surprisingly theres a range of opinions about how many people suffer from ME vague as the symptoms are making it easy to diagnose (misdiagnose) long covid. I didn’t know about the connection of ME with vaccines. Interesting.


remember when they told us, one of the symptoms of covid was having no symptoms

Diane Hughes

The medical profession are riding this covid horse to death!


If he has long covid , would he not be passing it on at the school play ?

Jonathan Stone

Are we 100% sure that Simon doesn’t just have the Man Flu? I know that Flu was went missing for a while but I’m pretty sure it’s back now.

Urban Fox

I believe free speech started to be impeded in the UK in the 1990 tis, before going into overdrive since 2020, with censorship of views considered as alternative regarding covid and the new Jabs. And the cancelling of all whos views dont meat the current acceptable beliefs regarding medicine, gender, race or foreign conflicts.

This new legislation could be used to silence anyone saying anything considered unacceptable. Including members of the public, and serving MP’s such as Andrew Bridgend. Couldn’t Bridgend’s statements regarding Jab injuries and deaths be viewed as extreme.?

Last edited 2 months ago by Urban Fox

So was this Frank Hester comment a written confession or recorded on tape or something? is it really just hearsay making all the news again?


Anyone elses stream constantly cutting out since the James OBrien stuff? I have to keep reloading the player afresh. All other internet is fine.


Same here Pan, website is struggling tonight my end as well


richie, u are breaking up all week, is it my end or ur end ?


same here

william gale

High Ritchie would P.I.E. be considered as extremist or just normal in this crazy world


I will already have said enough on this here website forum to have me locked up when the time comes.


Same here. If they ever commandeer Richie’s site records I’m going down for a long time.


Every single keystroke made on the internet, is pretty much stored somewhere. They have detailed files on everyone. Not so much like KGB/Stasi but the internet history of all ISPs ever linked to you, is indeed stored somewhere. Even offline activity on a PC etc, is also known, due to backdoors in all Operating Systems. We cannot KOW TOW to their FEAR and self censor though. Basically, pardon my French but THEY CAN ALL FUCK RIGHT OFF, as they are all CRIMINALS, we are not! They have no legal or lawful authority over us all. THEY ARE OUR SERVANTS….END OF! They have all gotten WAY ABOVE THEIR STATIONS and are all DUE THE TOWER or EXILE or LIFE IN JAIL! GAME OVER!


It’s all recorded anyway. Just like every search you’ve ever made or text you’ve ever sent. There’s no escaping it.


I’d say Gove is a shit faced weasel, but that would be offensive to weasels.
Richie, I asked yesterday in the comments if you saw Andrew Bridgeons recent upload to the Internet?
He accused a senior tory, who he didn’t name, of whispering into his ear that “you can speak out all you want Andrew, but you took the jab, and will get cancer like everyone else”.
Did you see it Richie?


Richie, why would you rely on the opinion of “experts” to determine if viruses exist or not? READ THE PAPERS YOURSELF. Christine Massey sent Freedom of Information Requests to hundreds of labs all over the world. You can see the documents on her substack. The link wont paste, but just search Christine Massey.

The procedure used in virology to isolate viruses doesnt isolate anything. They do science like activities, spend a lot of money, employ 1000s of people to perpetuate a false belief.

See Stefan Lanka’s experiment. He did the same “isolation” technique with no sample from a sick patient and got the same result. The chemicals put in the petri dish kill the cells and when the cells disintegrate the lab techs point to one of the particles and say it must be a virus.


Yup, then they pour that soup of mixed junk into a PC (not just the chosen particle) and ask it to make up theoretical sequences of certain lengths, that COULD perform functions. It does as told and makes millions of choices. They then PICK ONE and say “Voila it’s a new virus!”, then move on to sadistic animal murder, to claim it’s “transmissible and deadly”! It’s total hogwash, as you well know.


Re ‘The Papers’ earlier and the billionaire that wants to replicate the Titanic.

Surely he meant the Olympic?

(and don’t call me Shirley).


Olympic theory does seem solid yes. You have to wonder if the rich bois in the submarine disaster recently, were taken out to prevent true ID of the Olympic too.


A valid point that had never occurred to me – however, given the manless ROV’s that have been there over the years I don’t see any ‘new’ information being garnered from 100+ years of rust.

However – given the write-off of the Olympic (a collision with a British Frigate I believe) I’d question White Star Line’s provenance (J. Pierpont Morgan at the ‘helm’ – an evil bastard – think Schwab on steroids) I would not be at all surprised to learn that one was replaced by the other and damned be those (including prominent figures opposed to the creation of the FED).

Double bubble as they say (and as Larry Silverstein rubs his hands with glee).

I guess all this makes me a far-right or left conspiracy theorist. Pardon me for thinking aloud!

I’ll be damned!


Lol, no you are not damned. Valid point back you made of the various ROV’s already yes. Its clear from those that the Olympic was indeed swapped. The motives as you say, FED Reserve competition/opposition and an insurance scam. I do not think they planned for everyone to die, but the planned rescue indeed screwed up via the Star Line, or was on purpose to off the FED opposition at all costs. Its a tragic tale but at least it doesn’t have DeCaprio being rapidly jettisoned into the icy waters, or that god awful Celine Dion trout wailing on and on, for what felt like 10 years non-stop on the radio. DeCaprio now as WEF boi no.1 probably should be slipped into Icy Waters though. Even though I do like his acting.

I thought this a fairly decent documentary on such “disaster”


Multiple objectives, like 911, are called “Stacked Functions”


I read a book about that recently and I did find the Olympic theory pretty convincing.

Jonathan Stone

I’ve thought about this having seen a documentary a few years ago. The one thing that struck me as curious was how the Titanic sank no it’s very first voyage. To hit an iceberg and sink on your very first voyage seems incredibly unfortunate/coincidental. However, it would be in the interest of anybody doing an insurance job to have it sink on the first voyage for sure.

How many other ships/planes etc, bar experimental ones, have ever crashed on the very first journey?


Blimey!, this echo chamber is tribal. Does anyone actually get off their arses and do anything productive to bring about the changes they so desire aside from cut and paste articles and pass them round to their fellow tribe folk. Talk about going round and round in ever decreasing circles.


Your having a good scrap on here lately 😂


I was going to have a wank this morning but after a quick look at my energy budget…..

Welsh Gregg

From Chinese media December 2022.

Welsh Gregg

James obrien (Tues) reminded me of Ross & Pauline


EMF documentary “GEN ZAPPED!” – 2022

Well worth a watch! Just not a SMART WATCH, as they are dangerous! Just like any so called SMART device or body wearable! DANGEROUS! Yeah for real!

jay joffe

Richie should slow down on the getting opinions of others and speed up on trying to learn enough himself to actually have an opinion based on having tried to understand. The shortcut of insulting people who are claiming things are true without justifying them doesn’t compensate for your apparent unwillingness to learn, preferring to claim that you’re not too bright. If you keep insisting that, you will make it be true. I spent 24 hours watching the videos of drsambailey. She showed many papers using circular reasoning, using footnotes to other papers with circular reasoning. Papers which show that they changed the meaning of the word “isolate” to something which is completely the opposite of “isolate”. The information is there for Richie Allen to be able to form an opinion and thus ask intelligent questions of the people whose opinions he is transmitting to us. He is using the logical fallacy of the appeal to authority and the logical fallacy of the bandwagon. He is hesitating to use his own intellect. I’m usually happy to listen to him, but found him quite disappointing today.

jay joffe

I challenge anybody to find the control and the falsifiable hypothesis in the Nobel Prize winning experiment by Stanley in 1946. This invalid experiment is why your grandparents convinced you that pathogenic virus particles exist. If you can’t find the control, as I can’t, please tell me why you believe in pathogenic virus particles in the absence of proof, or at worst, tell me why Nobel awarded somebody who would have failed his high school biology class.


Yup, when you go back to source on all these claimed viruses, the science would indeed get an F GRADE as its BS in all cases yes! lol




I was interviewed at the Police Station the other day.

To every question I simply answered, ‘No comment’.

Well, I’ve just been informed I didn’t get the job.


Lol Brilliant.


If you’re offended by my wife breastfeeding in public then you need to STFU.

What she’s doing is natural and strengthens her bond with the puppy.

Dave the Nurse

Richie i worked on HIV wards in the uk and usa in the 1990’s which it first kicked off. if you wish me to chat about end of life protocols will do.


Would be great to get you on the show Dave. Like Dr Kevin Corbett (nursing doctorate, PHD etc), he too worked the HIV era and now realises that the HIV theory of AIDS was total bunkum. Killer drug protocols instead did the damage atop fake testing, like Western Blot, PCR and Lat Flow etc. AZT the real killer on those without true AIDS, which was a combination umbrella term over many pre-existing well known conditions. Fauci has much to answer for! Perth Group and others demolished HIV=AIDS as did PCR inventor Kary Mullis. Whom would have blown whistle on Covid, immediately, if he had not mysteriously caught pneumonia in August in the USA on 2019. How convenient.


is this website running on pedal power? It is slower than the great James O’Brien himself.

Diane Hughes

No wonder they revolted, if they gave them Budweiser!


I can’t throw things around because of the food because it’s me who cooks it.

Diane Hughes

I’m in the same boat!


Look at the Size of my new TV compared to the size of my old Dish Washer!


Brilliance! lol

Urban Fox

I would have better things to do with my time than watch TV, if i was with the woman in the photo.

Last edited 2 months ago by Urban Fox

Urban getting FOXY!! lol


I keep a picture of my wife in the front of my wallet, so I can remember why there’s no money in it.




When my wife left, I was sad and lonely.

So I got a dog, a new motorbike, shagged 2 women and blew a grand on drugs and alcohol.

She’s going to go fucking nuts when she gets back from work.


Had to share that one!

Jonathan Stone

Hi Jennie, I voted No last week to ensure your right to keep making sandwiches. You’re welcome.


Thank you.


I’m just catching up on the monologue, work and all that.

Has anyone Noticed how the word ‘spiteful’ has a P in it?

Well, so does this cup of coffee that I’ve just made for my boss.😉


Esther Rancid?!

Is that the same Esther Rancid who cares so much about human suffering that she wanted to deny people like me (unvaxxed) any healthcare for anything or another one?


Thankyou Beryl, will fire that up after the show 🙂


That was very interesting Beryl. Carnivore has cured many peoples issues. Keto too. However for other people, it can be vegetarianism/vegan etc, as personal biochemistry can mean some folks have reactions to vegetables, oxalates, fibre etc, rather than Carbs and such. Complex. Everyone has to try different things properly, one by one, until they find their own personal trigger factor, it would seem.


Those in the underfunded hospice movement say that pain can be controlled and no-one needs to die because of unbearable pain.


Hi everyone, I read in the comments about possible cures for MS. I’m multitasking and not doing a very good job of it! So whoever is looking they might like to watch this video,


Do you think they’ll move to make general suicide legal?


Heaven knows, no frontiers……. and I’ve seen heaven in your eyes…………. MB Ah, G’wan Richie…. pweeze

Jonathan Stone

Richie, I heard that they were all sitting down for dinner at the Clonrea and everything was going fine until the entertainment came out. It was Pat Shortt singing Jumbo Breakfast Roll – “Two eggs two rasher two sausage two bacon two puddins one black and white”. It all kicked off then.

Last edited 2 months ago by Jonathan Stone
Sean O Meachair

Dia duit Richie.great show.
22 million in tv licence Rte are down and rising.
The government and rte will go down together Hopefully.maith thú

Jonathan Stone

This apparently is the footage from Dungarven Hotel.

Jonathan Stone

Actually I’m not sure so sure now. It is not labelled as Clonrea. Can anybody confirm?


Menopause is very rare in Japan, due to high iodine intake from Seaweeds and Seafoods. Natto (fermeted soybean) or Nattokinase and Kiwi fruit, also prevents Osteoporosis, by preventing rogue Osteoclast activity known as EPAUL. Something triggers osteoclasts to go beserk in bone eating, which leads to the porous bones structural weakness. I rather suspect the cause is Fluoride, disrupting the enzymes of the Osteoclasts, switching off the normal pattern of eating bone and stopping, to allow OsteoBlasts to lay down new bone.


Agreed, these female conditions claimed to be “just part of life” are due to our lifestyle and beliefs including painful menses, menopause, pain in childbirth etc. I practiced meditation during the birth of my second child and it evaporated the fear I felt as my uterus contracted during the birth of my first child.

There was almost no pain at all, just an awareness the the muscles were doing their work and quite a bit of bliss consciousness.


I.M.O…Covid exists. It was probably ‘gain of functioned’ to be more transmissible not more deadly. We were told through media outlets that it was a deadly disease so as to raise the fear levels and make people more accepting of the ‘vaccine’. The vaccine contained nano-technology (see Charles Lieber& Robert Langer research) that hooked people up to the internet of nano things(see D.A.R.P.A) for the coming Technocracy/Brave New World order. The citizens that were duped are now track and traceable 24/7…simple really!


I don’t agree with you but I wish people wouldn’t downvote others because they disagree with them. We are supposed to believe in freedom of speech on this platform.


Its “Gain of FICTION”. They cannot prove the existence of the virus claimed in the first place, so how can they tweak it?

In addition, ALL human and animal transmission experiments have always FAILED. Spanish Flu, normal Flu etc, they have never managed to study transmission properly. It always fails. With animals they simply kill them in horrible ways, to claim the virus did it! Its made up and fraud. Virologies methodology of cell line cultures, is what kills the cells, but they claim a virus did it, from the sample they added. Same thing happens to same cell line, with no sample though. Which is why they never do such controls, as it debunks the viral claim instantly.

So they cannot prove transmission ever, so how can they tweak it, to make it more transmissible? They cant. It’s just SCI-FI.

As for DARPA/BARDA? Sure, they ran the whole Warpspeed programme via DoD. Nanotech and routers? Well sure, people are magnetic and they are emitting MAC codes in some cases. I know some of my neighbours do, as weird mac codes appear on my old Kindle BT scanner, that are not labelled ones and cannot be connected to. I know several magnetic armed people too. Some from Flu shots, not even covid shots. So something is secretly being injected. What? I have no idea.


Totally agree.


Really! You seem quite adamant but post no evidence to back up your claims that it’s science-fiction. You seem to be spending too much time on the counter intelligence sites. At least prefix your comments with imo.


I don’t know if you are new but several of us have spent 4 years posting evidence from numerous sources including some of the top scientists in the world.


Oh well if they’re the top scientists in the world then they must be in the know. Where can I find this league of extraordinary scientists?


Do some research maybe?


Ok boss. I’ll get on twitter X right now.


I don’t know why you are being sarcastic really because my beliefs are genuine based on 4 years of a great deal of research. Anyway I’m off to get some dinner now. Have a nice evening.


I’m being sardonic actually. 4 years, wow. Only another 31 till you catch up.


It would be difficult to have researched the covid scam for more than 4 years because that’s when it started and that is obviously what we were discussing.


He is referring to having 35yrs experience within the Virological Industries. I seem to recall he works in such field.

Dr Mike Yeadon spent his whole career in Respiratory Virological R&D for drugs to treat such, only to wake up in COVID and realise that no such viruses exist all along! Takes some serious balls to have that wake up call! Like being hit in the face with a Blue Whale. Yet Yeadon is firmly on the NO VIRUS camp now and finally sees the WOOD from the forests trees, or perhaps that should be backwards here, as these people are so focused on the MINUTIAE that they cannot see the bigger picture.

The foundational science of all Virology is based on totally bogus, flawed methodology. It all falls down from there, but the whole industry tries to skip that foundation as “well thats all well known” and is now firmly up its own rabbit hole, with modern virologies made up In-Sillico methods and ABUSE of PCR and other testing methods.

They must return to the drawing board and PROVE step 1 first. Which they cant!

Now this has HUGE RAMIFICATIONS to MANY INDUSTRIES and is why many people do not want to touch this with a bargepole. Its seriously worse than Holocaust Denial as a Career Killer!


Dolores Cahill also worked in virology including working with Dr Anthony Fauci (of whom she has a very low opinion) and like Mike Yeadon she has changed her mind.


Yes its a very bold move to make. Did not know she worked with Fauci. What a detestable state agent maggot that foul entity is! So much blood on his hands, all with a smirk.


She was forced out of her teaching post at a top Dublin university for daring to put forward her opinions based on evidence and logic.


as mark bailey said umpteen times, ”prove what,
u have given me nothing to challenge”


Beliefs aren’t knowings Jennie. How did your belief in a Santa clause turn out…false no doubt!


Santa is real! He is just a Shamanic story of AMANITA MUSCARIA Fly Agaric Mushrooms experiences though! Plus even Christ has been depicted as such Mushroom, along with many prior pagan gods. As such experience comes down the chimney as Santa Claustrum to deliver presents to the tree of life the Solar Plexus (Virgin Virgos Sheath of Wheat) to anoint the PNS/CNS with the Sacred Christos fluid of the mind in Golgotha place of the skull. It then re-ascends the spines 33 vertebrae of Jacobs ladder, is crucified at the optic chiasma and the Christos Abrahamic (Aries) godhead is achieved in rejuvenation. The pituitary and pineal are then activated afresh, as the mixed Milk and Honey secretions of the Christos Anointing oil and such repeats each month, at different times, depending on Birth Sign. The bad people have BAD TRIPS and they are the naughty list children denied the sacred winter mushrooms by the shaman, as no one wants a bad tripper with bad intents during a festive celebration. So they get coal etc instead lol. The good kids, get the dried Red and White shrooms, from under the Pine Tree and dried by the fire hearth (stockings) or hung from the tree (xmas decorations), and they have a GOOD TRIP and experience the cosmos within themselves and meet the religious/spiritual experience, which laid basis (perhaps) for many world faiths. Mostly all linked with the Sun and movements above, with the bodily 12 organ systems and 12 cranial nerve disciples within the body below. So forth etc. So Santa does exist actually. It just got its meaning changed perhaps.


Well my belief in Santa worked out pretty well until my parents split up and then for some reason the presents stopped coming.




“A FAREWELL TO VIROLOGY” would be a good starter for 10 for you. 26,000 word uncontested or unrefuted dissertation on Virology.

Then there is now a 3 part film series going over the dissertation.

Pt 1: “”

Pt 2: “”

Pt 3: “”

No it is not just the Dr Baileys etc. There is a huge number of TERRAIN Theory Scientists out there, and has been for decades.

Now the Baileys have condensed such work, and looked at the FOUNDATIONAL SCIENCE PAPERS of ALL claimed Viruses, since the TOBACCO MOSAIC Virus in plants.

All of the Science is FAULTY METHODOLGY and basically BUNKUM! All later science, claims to expand on such in great detail but rarely has ever looked at the foundational source. Which demolishes the house cards, as it’s like a Monty Python Castle built on a swamp!

Another excellent source is Daniel Roytas of HUMANLEY. Here in interview with the Baileys as both have new books coming up (grifters Richie might say! Umm NO! Just good scientists prepared to dig into the real sources and expose them).


Daniel has gone further and looked in Parasites and Mold and if they make us ill, or if they are merely helpers, as are bacteria. Viruses it is clear however, do not seem to exist, as its all a fraud it seems. Bacteria are helpers, not transmissable pathogens. Parasites and Mold/Funghi are mycoremediators and helpers, not harmful. Or so it seems when looked at in depth. They are all scapegoats, for real issues from Bodily and Environmental Terrain exposures to toxins.


See my post above

Urban Fox

That doesn’t explain why people have said that the symptoms are worse than ordinary flue, absolutely horrific. Surely something like that should be killing people. Yet there are no excess all cause mortality deaths for 2020 anywhere in the world. Only for specific months, which coincided with the Midazolam deaths in care homes. Its such a prefect scam with the fake PCR test etc., that there was never any need for a real virus.( Whatever that is.) The only biological weapon that was ever needed was the poison Jab. Which in contrast to covid, has been proven to have killed and maimed in unprecedented numbers. And you dont release something from a lab down the road from where it originated and give the game away. And as regards it being released accidently, there is evidence of the scam being planned in advance. Therefore in my opinion, Wuhan is a false flag, designed to convince the alternative community of a real virus. I’m 100 % certain in my own heart and mind, that this is entirely fictitious.


Absolutely, why take the risk of creating something real which they can’t control when they can use lies, fearmongering and propaganda to create mass hysteria which is what the pandemic was. IMHO both Wuhan and Lombardy were chosen as flagships because they have probably the worst air quality in the world and high death rates prior to the covid scam.


Spot on! Massive pollution levels in various places were chosen as epicentres and yeah the whole thing was a sci-fi movie of FEAR to switch people rational thinking off. PCR testdemic and Pingdemic (track n trace) and voila, Covid is everywhere. Flu (does not exist either) stats and pneumonia etc all bundled in and swapped for “Covid” then medical murders for money and voila you have a faked pandemic, with no real risk to anyone at all, even the elites, and they dont even need a secret antidote etc. Its perfect. BAT or LAB (how dare you say LAB! At first), was then wheeled out later to drag out the BIO-LAB/Weapon Drama Episode with Fauci and Rand Paul duking it out in court, over a total lie. AS Wuhan had nothing, which is why Fauci was just smirking. Baric had nothing either. Just in-sillico modelling of tweaked “viruses” and fake patents paper trail to make it all seem more plausible. All RED HERRINGS.

No COVID exists. A synthetic PROTEIN mis-folded as a theoretical PRION (also don’t really exist as in BSE/CJD was not from Cows/Scrapie etc but from PHOSMET seems more likely), with in theory mRNA/Plasmid DNA instructing body cells to make such PRION protein and BOOM, yes you have a injectable weapon.

Now does the spike really even exist? The stain to detect such spike is sold by the same people as the fake PCR.

However, if the mRNA is not working as they claim it does, then the results still match the idea of Auto-Immune attack randomly across the body in different people, from whatever the jabs really are. Personally, I think the spike is a weapon and does cell surface present and DNA integrate and is very very dangerous. I also think the body has to get rid of excess of such, so it does shed. Too much anecdotal evidence globally for it not to. Plus lots of papers now suggesting it does indeed shed.

It is not a BIOLOGICAL weapon though and is not from nature at all. That maybe what Bio-labs so called are really upto. Designing synthetic injectable weapons, but they are not Souping up Bat Snot, into something deadlier than Bat Snot. Which is not deadly to begin will and never will be.


When Pasteur was dying he said that he believed he was wrong about germ theory but the newly emerging corporations had realised that they could make a killinbg from it (in more ways than one).


Spot on Beauchamp was right all along it seems, even if we now understand such better, as the Germ Theory is steadily falling apart. It relies on fake methods and fake single cause blame, via fake testing and now the realms of GeneBanks and such like, to dupe us further.


anychance of “Gabriels Oboe”??? will totally change the vibe………….. (it WILL)


I don’t think that the fraud in the identifying covid19 sequencing should be used to say ‘there was no virus’ or ‘there are no viruses’. I don’t think there is any available evidence that covid19 is actually sequenced from a virus. You can see the process of creating the sequence used for all the testing, and it is simulated or specifically created “in silico”. That’s not to say that there has not been something that’s made people sick, whether you wanna call it a virus or not.

Dónal O Brien

mel….. do NOT take ANY MS treatment AT ALL….. Detox baths, Milk thistle, dandelion root, kelp, magnesium, and celtic salt………. I cured myself of MS with these protocols…. darlin, it can be done


Tiger Milk Mushroom is not one I had heard of in Medicinal Mushroom communities. However BOOM, here is a pre-clinical study proving Respiratory Improvement from TMM

Cool to know.


richie,re isolation,
for something to exist/not exist, there has to be a record. if there is no record/proof etc.then surely its all bollox


Plane lady saw viral fragments hanging off a passenger and the cap’n immediately isolated, purified and sequenced the sample, matching it to the latest computer generated measles code, before diving the plane to the nearest landing strip and quarantining the lot of them. Heroes.


Brilliantly put Baird.

Jonathan Stone

Richie did you notice how careful everybody was about saying “People who are pregnant” on the plane.


Well spotted…

Jonathan Stone

I always feel like asking these people “In your entire life how many people do you know, who are not women, who have been pregnant”.


Richie …long covid is real you get it listning to James o’brain.

Jim and Tudy.

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The callers letter is very threatening! Safeguarding teams etc. The state owns our registered babies, however at present they have no mandatory jab laws. So for now, they want to know if you are being negligent, or if you have ‘reasoning” behind refusal for the childs jabs. So now you have to hit them with the library of alexandria of Anti-Vaxx science, versus the pro vaxx, back of a postage stamp tired mantras, of “Safe & Effective. No link to Autism. Cured Smallpox Polio & Measles”!

Joe Public

Just managed to get logged on to the show been trying since 4.00pm


We saw a great Spandau ballet tribute band last week, we’re going to watch a Scouse tribute band tonight.

“Took That”


Ahahhaah Ey Ey EH!!


Aha (ha ha)… =)


If there were to be a diagnostic test for long covid, it would once again just be FAKE PCR misuse, so would again be meaningless. We are looking at M.E style long fatigue, which is long known to have come from older vaccines anyway, or from environmental factors. Anosmia, is nothing new either, it is not NOVEL to “Covid”. People are sick from lifestyle factors and environmental ones, or yes, are jabbed and that is a factor if jabbed.

Urban Fox

Reality has now become like some kind of inverted parallel universe. Specialists Dr’s to treat the side effects of an illness that never existed in the first place.! They have basically found an unhealthy man, who isn’t the sharpest tool in the draw. Stuck a label on this blokes condition, and rolled him out for the cameras. To those who can see, this is so obviously the most outrageous propaganda ever. Its like listening to a sketch from little Britain. And would be funny if it wasn’t so serious. As i know my entire family is watching this and taking it all as fact. Richie was right about the roller-skates.! What kind of f**king idiot, allows his daughter to push a wheelchair on roller-skates.!


It’s crazy isn’t it. Diagnosis of long covid = guesswork. Absolutely agree about the roller skates.

Urban Fox

Hi Jennie, Good to hear from you. I slept today until just before the show.! So absolutely nothing done and nothing eaten or drank. Watched one of my favorite films last night, ”Last of the Mohicans”. Romantic period drama with some bloody battle sceans. Wonderful photography and music, loosely based on a true story. Have you seen it.? Brew and snack time now. Speak soon.


You are getting as bad as me Foxy. I can’t sleep at night and then sometimes sleep half the day away. I haven’t seen that film, I’ll look it up on imdb. I am going to watch Chips now while I have my dinner and then I must practice my bridge ready for tomorrow as I haven’t played for 3 weeks as the venue has been closed. Enjoy your cuppa.

Urban Fox

How does one practice Bridge, it sounds like practicing Tennis. LOTM is a wonderful film staring Daniel Day Lewis and the beutiful Madeline Stowe. I will find and send you a link.


Thank you. You can’t really practice very well as you play with a partner but what I do is to deal hands and then try to work out how I would play them. I need what practice I can get because I’m not that good. Yes to practice tennis on your own you’d have to be pretty quick round the net!


Quick round the Net, or practice solo tennis Gump style!


The wonderful Daniel Day Lewis. “In the Name of Father” movie, over the IRA bombings false forced confessions of the poor Conlans, is his masterpiece imo.

Urban Fox

Horses for courses as they say. Gangs of New York my second favorite with him. ”Last of” is my favorite, other than that cant think of much i like.


Yes it sounds very similar to long covid. In fact the ME association says there are symptoms similar to both conditions so could those with long covid really be suffering with ME instead? Not surprisingly theres a range of opinions about how many people suffer from ME vague as the symptoms are making it easy to diagnose (misdiagnose) long covid. I didn’t know about the connection of ME with vaccines. Interesting.


remember when they told us, one of the symptoms of covid was having no symptoms

Diane Hughes

The medical profession are riding this covid horse to death!


If he has long covid , would he not be passing it on at the school play ?

Jonathan Stone

Are we 100% sure that Simon doesn’t just have the Man Flu? I know that Flu was went missing for a while but I’m pretty sure it’s back now.

Urban Fox

I believe free speech started to be impeded in the UK in the 1990 tis, before going into overdrive since 2020, with censorship of views considered as alternative regarding covid and the new Jabs. And the cancelling of all whos views dont meat the current acceptable beliefs regarding medicine, gender, race or foreign conflicts.

This new legislation could be used to silence anyone saying anything considered unacceptable. Including members of the public, and serving MP’s such as Andrew Bridgend. Couldn’t Bridgend’s statements regarding Jab injuries and deaths be viewed as extreme.?

Last edited 2 months ago by Urban Fox

So was this Frank Hester comment a written confession or recorded on tape or something? is it really just hearsay making all the news again?


Anyone elses stream constantly cutting out since the James OBrien stuff? I have to keep reloading the player afresh. All other internet is fine.


Same here Pan, website is struggling tonight my end as well


richie, u are breaking up all week, is it my end or ur end ?


same here

william gale

High Ritchie would P.I.E. be considered as extremist or just normal in this crazy world


I will already have said enough on this here website forum to have me locked up when the time comes.


Same here. If they ever commandeer Richie’s site records I’m going down for a long time.


Every single keystroke made on the internet, is pretty much stored somewhere. They have detailed files on everyone. Not so much like KGB/Stasi but the internet history of all ISPs ever linked to you, is indeed stored somewhere. Even offline activity on a PC etc, is also known, due to backdoors in all Operating Systems. We cannot KOW TOW to their FEAR and self censor though. Basically, pardon my French but THEY CAN ALL FUCK RIGHT OFF, as they are all CRIMINALS, we are not! They have no legal or lawful authority over us all. THEY ARE OUR SERVANTS….END OF! They have all gotten WAY ABOVE THEIR STATIONS and are all DUE THE TOWER or EXILE or LIFE IN JAIL! GAME OVER!


It’s all recorded anyway. Just like every search you’ve ever made or text you’ve ever sent. There’s no escaping it.


I’d say Gove is a shit faced weasel, but that would be offensive to weasels.
Richie, I asked yesterday in the comments if you saw Andrew Bridgeons recent upload to the Internet?
He accused a senior tory, who he didn’t name, of whispering into his ear that “you can speak out all you want Andrew, but you took the jab, and will get cancer like everyone else”.
Did you see it Richie?


Richie, why would you rely on the opinion of “experts” to determine if viruses exist or not? READ THE PAPERS YOURSELF. Christine Massey sent Freedom of Information Requests to hundreds of labs all over the world. You can see the documents on her substack. The link wont paste, but just search Christine Massey.

The procedure used in virology to isolate viruses doesnt isolate anything. They do science like activities, spend a lot of money, employ 1000s of people to perpetuate a false belief.

See Stefan Lanka’s experiment. He did the same “isolation” technique with no sample from a sick patient and got the same result. The chemicals put in the petri dish kill the cells and when the cells disintegrate the lab techs point to one of the particles and say it must be a virus.


Yup, then they pour that soup of mixed junk into a PC (not just the chosen particle) and ask it to make up theoretical sequences of certain lengths, that COULD perform functions. It does as told and makes millions of choices. They then PICK ONE and say “Voila it’s a new virus!”, then move on to sadistic animal murder, to claim it’s “transmissible and deadly”! It’s total hogwash, as you well know.


Re ‘The Papers’ earlier and the billionaire that wants to replicate the Titanic.

Surely he meant the Olympic?

(and don’t call me Shirley).


Olympic theory does seem solid yes. You have to wonder if the rich bois in the submarine disaster recently, were taken out to prevent true ID of the Olympic too.


A valid point that had never occurred to me – however, given the manless ROV’s that have been there over the years I don’t see any ‘new’ information being garnered from 100+ years of rust.

However – given the write-off of the Olympic (a collision with a British Frigate I believe) I’d question White Star Line’s provenance (J. Pierpont Morgan at the ‘helm’ – an evil bastard – think Schwab on steroids) I would not be at all surprised to learn that one was replaced by the other and damned be those (including prominent figures opposed to the creation of the FED).

Double bubble as they say (and as Larry Silverstein rubs his hands with glee).

I guess all this makes me a far-right or left conspiracy theorist. Pardon me for thinking aloud!

I’ll be damned!


Lol, no you are not damned. Valid point back you made of the various ROV’s already yes. Its clear from those that the Olympic was indeed swapped. The motives as you say, FED Reserve competition/opposition and an insurance scam. I do not think they planned for everyone to die, but the planned rescue indeed screwed up via the Star Line, or was on purpose to off the FED opposition at all costs. Its a tragic tale but at least it doesn’t have DeCaprio being rapidly jettisoned into the icy waters, or that god awful Celine Dion trout wailing on and on, for what felt like 10 years non-stop on the radio. DeCaprio now as WEF boi no.1 probably should be slipped into Icy Waters though. Even though I do like his acting.

I thought this a fairly decent documentary on such “disaster”


Multiple objectives, like 911, are called “Stacked Functions”


I read a book about that recently and I did find the Olympic theory pretty convincing.

Jonathan Stone

I’ve thought about this having seen a documentary a few years ago. The one thing that struck me as curious was how the Titanic sank no it’s very first voyage. To hit an iceberg and sink on your very first voyage seems incredibly unfortunate/coincidental. However, it would be in the interest of anybody doing an insurance job to have it sink on the first voyage for sure.

How many other ships/planes etc, bar experimental ones, have ever crashed on the very first journey?


Blimey!, this echo chamber is tribal. Does anyone actually get off their arses and do anything productive to bring about the changes they so desire aside from cut and paste articles and pass them round to their fellow tribe folk. Talk about going round and round in ever decreasing circles.


Your having a good scrap on here lately 😂


I was going to have a wank this morning but after a quick look at my energy budget…..

Welsh Gregg

From Chinese media December 2022.

Welsh Gregg

James obrien (Tues) reminded me of Ross & Pauline


EMF documentary “GEN ZAPPED!” – 2022

Well worth a watch! Just not a SMART WATCH, as they are dangerous! Just like any so called SMART device or body wearable! DANGEROUS! Yeah for real!

jay joffe

Richie should slow down on the getting opinions of others and speed up on trying to learn enough himself to actually have an opinion based on having tried to understand. The shortcut of insulting people who are claiming things are true without justifying them doesn’t compensate for your apparent unwillingness to learn, preferring to claim that you’re not too bright. If you keep insisting that, you will make it be true. I spent 24 hours watching the videos of drsambailey. She showed many papers using circular reasoning, using footnotes to other papers with circular reasoning. Papers which show that they changed the meaning of the word “isolate” to something which is completely the opposite of “isolate”. The information is there for Richie Allen to be able to form an opinion and thus ask intelligent questions of the people whose opinions he is transmitting to us. He is using the logical fallacy of the appeal to authority and the logical fallacy of the bandwagon. He is hesitating to use his own intellect. I’m usually happy to listen to him, but found him quite disappointing today.

jay joffe

I challenge anybody to find the control and the falsifiable hypothesis in the Nobel Prize winning experiment by Stanley in 1946. This invalid experiment is why your grandparents convinced you that pathogenic virus particles exist. If you can’t find the control, as I can’t, please tell me why you believe in pathogenic virus particles in the absence of proof, or at worst, tell me why Nobel awarded somebody who would have failed his high school biology class.


Yup, when you go back to source on all these claimed viruses, the science would indeed get an F GRADE as its BS in all cases yes! lol




I was interviewed at the Police Station the other day.

To every question I simply answered, ‘No comment’.

Well, I’ve just been informed I didn’t get the job.


Lol Brilliant.


If you’re offended by my wife breastfeeding in public then you need to STFU.

What she’s doing is natural and strengthens her bond with the puppy.

Dave the Nurse

Richie i worked on HIV wards in the uk and usa in the 1990’s which it first kicked off. if you wish me to chat about end of life protocols will do.


Would be great to get you on the show Dave. Like Dr Kevin Corbett (nursing doctorate, PHD etc), he too worked the HIV era and now realises that the HIV theory of AIDS was total bunkum. Killer drug protocols instead did the damage atop fake testing, like Western Blot, PCR and Lat Flow etc. AZT the real killer on those without true AIDS, which was a combination umbrella term over many pre-existing well known conditions. Fauci has much to answer for! Perth Group and others demolished HIV=AIDS as did PCR inventor Kary Mullis. Whom would have blown whistle on Covid, immediately, if he had not mysteriously caught pneumonia in August in the USA on 2019. How convenient.


is this website running on pedal power? It is slower than the great James O’Brien himself.

Diane Hughes

No wonder they revolted, if they gave them Budweiser!


I can’t throw things around because of the food because it’s me who cooks it.

Diane Hughes

I’m in the same boat!


Look at the Size of my new TV compared to the size of my old Dish Washer!


Brilliance! lol

Urban Fox

I would have better things to do with my time than watch TV, if i was with the woman in the photo.

Last edited 2 months ago by Urban Fox

Urban getting FOXY!! lol


I keep a picture of my wife in the front of my wallet, so I can remember why there’s no money in it.




When my wife left, I was sad and lonely.

So I got a dog, a new motorbike, shagged 2 women and blew a grand on drugs and alcohol.

She’s going to go fucking nuts when she gets back from work.


Had to share that one!

Jonathan Stone

Hi Jennie, I voted No last week to ensure your right to keep making sandwiches. You’re welcome.


Thank you.


I’m just catching up on the monologue, work and all that.

Has anyone Noticed how the word ‘spiteful’ has a P in it?

Well, so does this cup of coffee that I’ve just made for my boss.😉


Esther Rancid?!

Is that the same Esther Rancid who cares so much about human suffering that she wanted to deny people like me (unvaxxed) any healthcare for anything or another one?


Thankyou Beryl, will fire that up after the show 🙂


That was very interesting Beryl. Carnivore has cured many peoples issues. Keto too. However for other people, it can be vegetarianism/vegan etc, as personal biochemistry can mean some folks have reactions to vegetables, oxalates, fibre etc, rather than Carbs and such. Complex. Everyone has to try different things properly, one by one, until they find their own personal trigger factor, it would seem.


Those in the underfunded hospice movement say that pain can be controlled and no-one needs to die because of unbearable pain.


Hi everyone, I read in the comments about possible cures for MS. I’m multitasking and not doing a very good job of it! So whoever is looking they might like to watch this video,


Do you think they’ll move to make general suicide legal?


Heaven knows, no frontiers……. and I’ve seen heaven in your eyes…………. MB Ah, G’wan Richie…. pweeze

Jonathan Stone

Richie, I heard that they were all sitting down for dinner at the Clonrea and everything was going fine until the entertainment came out. It was Pat Shortt singing Jumbo Breakfast Roll – “Two eggs two rasher two sausage two bacon two puddins one black and white”. It all kicked off then.

Last edited 2 months ago by Jonathan Stone
Sean O Meachair

Dia duit Richie.great show.
22 million in tv licence Rte are down and rising.
The government and rte will go down together Hopefully.maith thú

Jonathan Stone

This apparently is the footage from Dungarven Hotel.

Jonathan Stone

Actually I’m not sure so sure now. It is not labelled as Clonrea. Can anybody confirm?


Menopause is very rare in Japan, due to high iodine intake from Seaweeds and Seafoods. Natto (fermeted soybean) or Nattokinase and Kiwi fruit, also prevents Osteoporosis, by preventing rogue Osteoclast activity known as EPAUL. Something triggers osteoclasts to go beserk in bone eating, which leads to the porous bones structural weakness. I rather suspect the cause is Fluoride, disrupting the enzymes of the Osteoclasts, switching off the normal pattern of eating bone and stopping, to allow OsteoBlasts to lay down new bone.


Agreed, these female conditions claimed to be “just part of life” are due to our lifestyle and beliefs including painful menses, menopause, pain in childbirth etc. I practiced meditation during the birth of my second child and it evaporated the fear I felt as my uterus contracted during the birth of my first child.

There was almost no pain at all, just an awareness the the muscles were doing their work and quite a bit of bliss consciousness.


I.M.O…Covid exists. It was probably ‘gain of functioned’ to be more transmissible not more deadly. We were told through media outlets that it was a deadly disease so as to raise the fear levels and make people more accepting of the ‘vaccine’. The vaccine contained nano-technology (see Charles Lieber& Robert Langer research) that hooked people up to the internet of nano things(see D.A.R.P.A) for the coming Technocracy/Brave New World order. The citizens that were duped are now track and traceable 24/7…simple really!


I don’t agree with you but I wish people wouldn’t downvote others because they disagree with them. We are supposed to believe in freedom of speech on this platform.


Its “Gain of FICTION”. They cannot prove the existence of the virus claimed in the first place, so how can they tweak it?

In addition, ALL human and animal transmission experiments have always FAILED. Spanish Flu, normal Flu etc, they have never managed to study transmission properly. It always fails. With animals they simply kill them in horrible ways, to claim the virus did it! Its made up and fraud. Virologies methodology of cell line cultures, is what kills the cells, but they claim a virus did it, from the sample they added. Same thing happens to same cell line, with no sample though. Which is why they never do such controls, as it debunks the viral claim instantly.

So they cannot prove transmission ever, so how can they tweak it, to make it more transmissible? They cant. It’s just SCI-FI.

As for DARPA/BARDA? Sure, they ran the whole Warpspeed programme via DoD. Nanotech and routers? Well sure, people are magnetic and they are emitting MAC codes in some cases. I know some of my neighbours do, as weird mac codes appear on my old Kindle BT scanner, that are not labelled ones and cannot be connected to. I know several magnetic armed people too. Some from Flu shots, not even covid shots. So something is secretly being injected. What? I have no idea.


Totally agree.


Really! You seem quite adamant but post no evidence to back up your claims that it’s science-fiction. You seem to be spending too much time on the counter intelligence sites. At least prefix your comments with imo.


I don’t know if you are new but several of us have spent 4 years posting evidence from numerous sources including some of the top scientists in the world.


Oh well if they’re the top scientists in the world then they must be in the know. Where can I find this league of extraordinary scientists?


Do some research maybe?


Ok boss. I’ll get on twitter X right now.


I don’t know why you are being sarcastic really because my beliefs are genuine based on 4 years of a great deal of research. Anyway I’m off to get some dinner now. Have a nice evening.


I’m being sardonic actually. 4 years, wow. Only another 31 till you catch up.


It would be difficult to have researched the covid scam for more than 4 years because that’s when it started and that is obviously what we were discussing.


He is referring to having 35yrs experience within the Virological Industries. I seem to recall he works in such field.

Dr Mike Yeadon spent his whole career in Respiratory Virological R&D for drugs to treat such, only to wake up in COVID and realise that no such viruses exist all along! Takes some serious balls to have that wake up call! Like being hit in the face with a Blue Whale. Yet Yeadon is firmly on the NO VIRUS camp now and finally sees the WOOD from the forests trees, or perhaps that should be backwards here, as these people are so focused on the MINUTIAE that they cannot see the bigger picture.

The foundational science of all Virology is based on totally bogus, flawed methodology. It all falls down from there, but the whole industry tries to skip that foundation as “well thats all well known” and is now firmly up its own rabbit hole, with modern virologies made up In-Sillico methods and ABUSE of PCR and other testing methods.

They must return to the drawing board and PROVE step 1 first. Which they cant!

Now this has HUGE RAMIFICATIONS to MANY INDUSTRIES and is why many people do not want to touch this with a bargepole. Its seriously worse than Holocaust Denial as a Career Killer!


Dolores Cahill also worked in virology including working with Dr Anthony Fauci (of whom she has a very low opinion) and like Mike Yeadon she has changed her mind.


Yes its a very bold move to make. Did not know she worked with Fauci. What a detestable state agent maggot that foul entity is! So much blood on his hands, all with a smirk.


She was forced out of her teaching post at a top Dublin university for daring to put forward her opinions based on evidence and logic.


as mark bailey said umpteen times, ”prove what,
u have given me nothing to challenge”


Beliefs aren’t knowings Jennie. How did your belief in a Santa clause turn out…false no doubt!


Santa is real! He is just a Shamanic story of AMANITA MUSCARIA Fly Agaric Mushrooms experiences though! Plus even Christ has been depicted as such Mushroom, along with many prior pagan gods. As such experience comes down the chimney as Santa Claustrum to deliver presents to the tree of life the Solar Plexus (Virgin Virgos Sheath of Wheat) to anoint the PNS/CNS with the Sacred Christos fluid of the mind in Golgotha place of the skull. It then re-ascends the spines 33 vertebrae of Jacobs ladder, is crucified at the optic chiasma and the Christos Abrahamic (Aries) godhead is achieved in rejuvenation. The pituitary and pineal are then activated afresh, as the mixed Milk and Honey secretions of the Christos Anointing oil and such repeats each month, at different times, depending on Birth Sign. The bad people have BAD TRIPS and they are the naughty list children denied the sacred winter mushrooms by the shaman, as no one wants a bad tripper with bad intents during a festive celebration. So they get coal etc instead lol. The good kids, get the dried Red and White shrooms, from under the Pine Tree and dried by the fire hearth (stockings) or hung from the tree (xmas decorations), and they have a GOOD TRIP and experience the cosmos within themselves and meet the religious/spiritual experience, which laid basis (perhaps) for many world faiths. Mostly all linked with the Sun and movements above, with the bodily 12 organ systems and 12 cranial nerve disciples within the body below. So forth etc. So Santa does exist actually. It just got its meaning changed perhaps.


Well my belief in Santa worked out pretty well until my parents split up and then for some reason the presents stopped coming.




“A FAREWELL TO VIROLOGY” would be a good starter for 10 for you. 26,000 word uncontested or unrefuted dissertation on Virology.

Then there is now a 3 part film series going over the dissertation.

Pt 1: “”

Pt 2: “”

Pt 3: “”

No it is not just the Dr Baileys etc. There is a huge number of TERRAIN Theory Scientists out there, and has been for decades.

Now the Baileys have condensed such work, and looked at the FOUNDATIONAL SCIENCE PAPERS of ALL claimed Viruses, since the TOBACCO MOSAIC Virus in plants.

All of the Science is FAULTY METHODOLGY and basically BUNKUM! All later science, claims to expand on such in great detail but rarely has ever looked at the foundational source. Which demolishes the house cards, as it’s like a Monty Python Castle built on a swamp!

Another excellent source is Daniel Roytas of HUMANLEY. Here in interview with the Baileys as both have new books coming up (grifters Richie might say! Umm NO! Just good scientists prepared to dig into the real sources and expose them).


Daniel has gone further and looked in Parasites and Mold and if they make us ill, or if they are merely helpers, as are bacteria. Viruses it is clear however, do not seem to exist, as its all a fraud it seems. Bacteria are helpers, not transmissable pathogens. Parasites and Mold/Funghi are mycoremediators and helpers, not harmful. Or so it seems when looked at in depth. They are all scapegoats, for real issues from Bodily and Environmental Terrain exposures to toxins.


See my post above

Urban Fox

That doesn’t explain why people have said that the symptoms are worse than ordinary flue, absolutely horrific. Surely something like that should be killing people. Yet there are no excess all cause mortality deaths for 2020 anywhere in the world. Only for specific months, which coincided with the Midazolam deaths in care homes. Its such a prefect scam with the fake PCR test etc., that there was never any need for a real virus.( Whatever that is.) The only biological weapon that was ever needed was the poison Jab. Which in contrast to covid, has been proven to have killed and maimed in unprecedented numbers. And you dont release something from a lab down the road from where it originated and give the game away. And as regards it being released accidently, there is evidence of the scam being planned in advance. Therefore in my opinion, Wuhan is a false flag, designed to convince the alternative community of a real virus. I’m 100 % certain in my own heart and mind, that this is entirely fictitious.


Absolutely, why take the risk of creating something real which they can’t control when they can use lies, fearmongering and propaganda to create mass hysteria which is what the pandemic was. IMHO both Wuhan and Lombardy were chosen as flagships because they have probably the worst air quality in the world and high death rates prior to the covid scam.


Spot on! Massive pollution levels in various places were chosen as epicentres and yeah the whole thing was a sci-fi movie of FEAR to switch people rational thinking off. PCR testdemic and Pingdemic (track n trace) and voila, Covid is everywhere. Flu (does not exist either) stats and pneumonia etc all bundled in and swapped for “Covid” then medical murders for money and voila you have a faked pandemic, with no real risk to anyone at all, even the elites, and they dont even need a secret antidote etc. Its perfect. BAT or LAB (how dare you say LAB! At first), was then wheeled out later to drag out the BIO-LAB/Weapon Drama Episode with Fauci and Rand Paul duking it out in court, over a total lie. AS Wuhan had nothing, which is why Fauci was just smirking. Baric had nothing either. Just in-sillico modelling of tweaked “viruses” and fake patents paper trail to make it all seem more plausible. All RED HERRINGS.

No COVID exists. A synthetic PROTEIN mis-folded as a theoretical PRION (also don’t really exist as in BSE/CJD was not from Cows/Scrapie etc but from PHOSMET seems more likely), with in theory mRNA/Plasmid DNA instructing body cells to make such PRION protein and BOOM, yes you have a injectable weapon.

Now does the spike really even exist? The stain to detect such spike is sold by the same people as the fake PCR.

However, if the mRNA is not working as they claim it does, then the results still match the idea of Auto-Immune attack randomly across the body in different people, from whatever the jabs really are. Personally, I think the spike is a weapon and does cell surface present and DNA integrate and is very very dangerous. I also think the body has to get rid of excess of such, so it does shed. Too much anecdotal evidence globally for it not to. Plus lots of papers now suggesting it does indeed shed.

It is not a BIOLOGICAL weapon though and is not from nature at all. That maybe what Bio-labs so called are really upto. Designing synthetic injectable weapons, but they are not Souping up Bat Snot, into something deadlier than Bat Snot. Which is not deadly to begin will and never will be.


When Pasteur was dying he said that he believed he was wrong about germ theory but the newly emerging corporations had realised that they could make a killinbg from it (in more ways than one).


Spot on Beauchamp was right all along it seems, even if we now understand such better, as the Germ Theory is steadily falling apart. It relies on fake methods and fake single cause blame, via fake testing and now the realms of GeneBanks and such like, to dupe us further.


anychance of “Gabriels Oboe”??? will totally change the vibe………….. (it WILL)


I don’t think that the fraud in the identifying covid19 sequencing should be used to say ‘there was no virus’ or ‘there are no viruses’. I don’t think there is any available evidence that covid19 is actually sequenced from a virus. You can see the process of creating the sequence used for all the testing, and it is simulated or specifically created “in silico”. That’s not to say that there has not been something that’s made people sick, whether you wanna call it a virus or not.

Dónal O Brien

mel….. do NOT take ANY MS treatment AT ALL….. Detox baths, Milk thistle, dandelion root, kelp, magnesium, and celtic salt………. I cured myself of MS with these protocols…. darlin, it can be done


Tiger Milk Mushroom is not one I had heard of in Medicinal Mushroom communities. However BOOM, here is a pre-clinical study proving Respiratory Improvement from TMM

Cool to know.


richie,re isolation,
for something to exist/not exist, there has to be a record. if there is no record/proof etc.then surely its all bollox


Plane lady saw viral fragments hanging off a passenger and the cap’n immediately isolated, purified and sequenced the sample, matching it to the latest computer generated measles code, before diving the plane to the nearest landing strip and quarantining the lot of them. Heroes.


Brilliantly put Baird.

Jonathan Stone

Richie did you notice how careful everybody was about saying “People who are pregnant” on the plane.


Well spotted…

Jonathan Stone

I always feel like asking these people “In your entire life how many people do you know, who are not women, who have been pregnant”.


Richie …long covid is real you get it listning to James o’brain.

Jim and Tudy.

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