Poll Suggests Public Support For Russia Sanctions Could Fall

A poll commissioned by SKY News suggests that public support for sanctions on Russia – imposed after the invasion of Ukraine – could be about to fall.

The poll by Ipsos found that while 70 per cent of the public supports sanctioning Russia now, that figure could drop significantly if the cost of living crisis continues to worsen.

According to SKY News:

However, just 41% of people now say they would still back sanctions if it means a further rise in energy bills.

That’s a significant decrease since March, when three out of four people (73%) were willing to stomach an increase in energy prices.

Since then, energy costs have more than doubled, adding over £1,200 to the annual bills of a typical household.

A third of people (32%) now say they would oppose sanctions if they were to lead to a further increase in energy prices, up from just 8% of respondents in March.

Ipsos interviewed a representative sample of 1,069 adults aged 16-75 in Great Britain between 19 and 20 October for Sky News.

The poll suggests that public support for Britain’s role in assisting Ukraine remains high, with 59% of people in favour of sending arms and money to the country and 58% saying that the UK should accept more Ukrainian refugees.

However, increases in energy bills since March have left public support for sanctions more fragile than before.

According to the poll, 41% of the public are “very concerned” about the war’s impact on the UK economy, with the same proportion saying that it is contributing “a great deal” to rising prices.

The only factor which respondents were more likely to identify as contributing significantly to inflation was the Conservative government’s economic policies (48% of people).

Respondents also identified excessive corporate profits, global economic headwinds and UK interest rates as key causes of the cost-of-living crisis.



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