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Morning Richie, and Melodies crew. I’m late to the party today.
The gardening beat me yesterday, I ache all over, and have nothing but my love for you all to share.
Scarifying lawns is hard work, I have learnt this in the last 24 hours.
Wishing everyone a beautiful day. X

Urban Fox

Hi Chris, how’s things.? No idea what Scarifying is, but it sounds nasty.


Hi Fox, it involves raking the moss out with a fan rake, it’s hard work mate.
I have muscles aching today that I didn’t even know existed.
I’m now running a bath.
Hope you have a good day.

Urban Fox

Thanks Chris and you.


Scarifying Lawns! LMFAO How about GRASS-O-LINE?

Now that, is hard work!


Hi Richie,
I agree with David as I was a keeper for 30 odd years and for more than one time, time seemed to slow down.
I think it’s down to reflex’s though.
In younger days when reflex’s were sharper than they are now it could probably make you think that time slowed down.
Just my take on it’
Great show as ever.


I once knew an amazing goal keeper! He was so intent on stopping ever attempted goal that he was near suicidal in his attempts! Yeah he would leap into the boxes pillars and such and break his body in the process! But, he did stop the goals!

He was terribly accident prone in real life, off the pitch too and would literally walk into lamp posts and such like. Clearly had no spatial awareness, unless a football was aimed near him! In which case, he took great pleasure in stopping the football, even whilst he then crashed into a metal object, to have done so.

Martin was a fooking football legend!

Nothing got by him! Well except a shit tonne of plaster casts in between his “fit to play” status!

I shit you not here Paul, this is a real dude from Devon, that was Kamikazee to stop footballs!

Even just remembering all of his “accidents” shall we say, has me in stitches! 🙂

Urban Fox

Morning everyone from a sunny but cold London. Richie those first songs you played today including Engleberg Humperdinck, took me back to my childhood, listening to my old radio late night under the covers. My mother got me listening to those songs, as she would play them all the time.

Thanks for the music and the memories.


I’m listening in bed because it’s cold, wet and miserable here but I’m enjoying the music as always. Talking of time standing still I was upstairs on the front seat of a bus some years ago and a man ran across the road without looking. I knew the bus was going to hit him but everything went into slow motion and it seemed ages before the impact. The man was injured but he wasn’t killed because of the bus driver’s excellent reflexes.

Urban Fox

Morning Jennie, Hope your well. I’m off to make a pot of tea now, then will be making a late breakfast / early lunch. Have a good day, keep warm.


I just got up to reply as I heard the little ping. I’m not stirring outside today, miserable day. I’ve got to get up shortly to make my veggie casserole as it takes hours to cook. Enjoy your breakfast/lunch.

Urban Fox

Thanks J, speak later.

Dónal O Brien

What is the name we listened by The Beach Boys.

Sean O Meachair

Great to hear the beach boys richie.
Was lucky enough to see them play in vicar Street.
Wad fascinated to see how they would sound live…the answer is brilliant.
Great show


Ah yes, Richie! I’ve experienced this time effect thing when I was into athletics as a young lad.

I was quite good at the high jump, psyching myself up as I prepared to run up and jump over the bar.

Would you believe, I could jump higher than the legendary Richie Allen!

But not these days lol


Lovely bit of classical there Richie ❤️

Sean O Meachair

Great show Richie.
Heading to see Wexford play Clare in the hurling league.
Brings back great memories of glory days in the 90s when Liam Griffin said…hurling is the river dance of sport…
All best

Dónal O Brien

GAA Gaelic Athletic Association are now all gone no paper tickets.


Ozzy what a Legend

Dónal O Brien

Cork V Waterford Allianz Hurling League Division 1A 3:45pm in Supervalu Páirc Uí Chaoimh ar @TG4TV


richie , one of the days u wont be able to give ur ticket to anyone, because the ticket wont match up with the face recognition /credit score lol


A very Good Morning, Richie & Caroline! The forecast is sunny with a high of 24 today. We know it is going to be bright because we’ve got Sunday Morning Melodies. Good morning to all of the listeners. Especially, Sophie, Andrew, Julie and family!


love is like candy, how true is this, only love really means sex, sex is like candy


Richie, I just opened the stream for your PRE SHOW tunes, and then I opened them on FireFox along with Brave browser!

I just had a DULPICTY of the Piano songs, in perfect harmony with each other from two streams and it was mesmerising!

Someone, skilled needs to cut all theses streams together, as it is so beautiful in echo echo of each notes perfections resonated so heartfelt in its individual instrumentation and yet in copied repetion is somehow, even more unique! NO JOKE BBG! Simply delay the stream a synched moment and listen a new!

Urban Fox

Morning from the lair Pan. Hope your well.


All good my way Mr Fox, in fact I watched DOOR IN THE WOODS the other day and LMFAO yes it was a painful experience! Time I will not get back from a good concept, predictably going back to school at the end. Rather well done, in it’s sheer awfulness and yes the acting was, well, how can we put it? Crap! LOL. Very funny mate! Sadly the other film you linked, has been removed by Youtube, so if you can recall what it was, I will need the name, to track down another version mate 🙂 Top of the morning to you Fox 🙂 Just been chilling with Richies THE PAPERS this sunny Manchester Monday Morning, at the other Foxes Den. My Foxes are less frequent visitors these days it seems, and my stray cat Anubis Bast, seems to be using their old den as a retreat. Yesterday she had a great stand off with a baby mouse, which was oblivious to the cats PAUSED presence, as it came back and forth from bushes to her feet to take grains. She kept looking at me, to say, “yes you’ve just fed me, so I suppose I should not eat the mouse, right?” to which from the window I was lent out of I was like “Yes I would appreciate not watching you massacre it in front of me please!”. Respectfully, she allowed the mouse to feed and leave and then walked off with an air of superiority, that only a cat can muster up, in sheer defiant, “I AM GOD!” mode! It was hilarious to watch.

I had forgotten the Salford Riots BBG mentioned this morning, and it seems they were an overspill from the very suspicious Mark Duggan Cop Shooting which spread into random looting nationwide.

Such times will occur again soon, you can feel the vibe of such palpably to kick off sooner or later. Way worse than toilet papers wars for covid! That was just a tester of what they really have planned, when they clamp down on the supply chain “food reaction game” of Pedo/Podestas for real.

Urban Fox

Glad you liked the film. My favorite part is the demon using sign language for the deaf actor, Lol funny.! The other one is Spector 1977, by Star Trek creator.

Surprised the cat not going for the mouse. Life forms are surprising sometimes. I watched other birds looking after a bird with one leg in the church garden one day. And i regularly see this squirrel outside the lair, sitting amongst the birds sharing their bread.

I was going to do a post on todays papers, but i will have to leave it for now. As so much to do. Speak later. P.S. Do you live in Manchester.?

Scottish John

Say this in an Irish accent, Whale Hoyle Beef Hooked,

Urban Fox

I disagree with these views I’ve heard about the cabal being a Giah Earth cult. This seems to me the appearance they are trying to cultivate.

As there is nothing wrong with respecting the planet, and humans working in harmony with nature.

I see the cabal as being anti Earth and Anti human, the very opposite of what they would have us believe.


I would agree, they are hiding in so called New Age as a seeming nice thing, and alternative to New World Order Dystopia, and tree hugging the planet to save it, is a cuddlier image. In reality, they have been raping the planet since time began for profits/resources and are merely now blaming US LOT, for our selfish desire for their lovely products they blessed us with. Which they now want to take away, to save us silly little children.

Urban Fox

Thanks for that pan, as i didn’t put it as good as i could have done. But you have done it for me. Also good you said ‘So called’ as well. I got load of comments about New age, and new age take on old themes, after Chris’s show. Which pissed me off no end. As i thought i went to great pains to show that there’s no such thing. There is simply the way things work and the way things dont. What they have done throughout history, is to hide the truth of things. Including the truth about how we create and are the creators.


I agree. If they really believed what they are saying they would start by changing their own lifestyles. As you rightly say there are many genuine environmental problems but they just invent ones that will make them more money and give them control. The link to Epoch that I have put up is well worth a look, he explains really clearly what the whole CO2 caused climate change nonsense is really about.

Urban Fox

Thanks Jennie.


For me, Mark Windows explains this topic in the most understandable way:

Urban Fox

Thanks Euan, But it was actually Marks comments regards this, i was disagreeing with. And i should know about the Earth religions, paganism and all things occult. As it has been my entire life. Both in terms of study and practice. The religions and so called cults he talks of, actually believed and still do in working in harmony with nature and the planet. Whilst recognizing that man has dominance over it. Just as it says in the bible as well. What the cabal has done, is highjack and subvert old beliefs and knowledge, in order to confuse and control the masses. If you look at their own diagrams and documents, they clearly state they consider man no different from animals or a tree, and just another commodity.

Their whole agenda is actually anti human and anti nature. Therefor it actually has nothing to do with what Mark said.


Well put from the Fox Den 🙂


A.I (official) Version it seems! LMFAO!

Urban Fox

Thanks Pan, Talk later.


Boards are to replace councils , unelected Leader and he choses the Board members, on Goverment website and already being implimented in many towns and cities


CLASSIC!! I have actually DONE THAT during covid, yelling out my window to try to wake neighbours out of slumber LOL

Urban Fox

You sound as barking as me Pan. I also lost the plot a little the first couple of weeks that ”Lockdown one, The rise of tyranny” premiered. Including shouting out ”23rd of March, National day of shame”, whilst walking round the shopping center. And painting ”Democracy is dead” on the wall opposite me in the early hours of the morning. Only just getting away, as a police car came round the bloody corner. How I’m not in a high security special Fox unit somewhere, never ceases to amaze me. Of course i deny any of the above ever happened.


AHAHAHAA Love it Fox! I held a 2hr rant in my tower block carpark to all 3 tower blocks once, warning of all that HAS UNFOLDED since, just as I said would.

I also did same outside a large Tesco Superstore at night time, to a crowd of staff and customers and the staff, when I still went there, used to give me a nod and knowing smile to say “You know what, you were right!” as much of what I said has come to pass.


Interesting discovery on 5G planning applications and safety certifications to allow such.

Seems the applications are FRAUD from 5G companies that DO NOT EXIST. Serious Fraud Office is looking into such. May mean we can get all 5G taken down perhaps!

This is a local campaign each of us can get involved in, on our own councils, to force this issue.

Diane Hughes

Common Purpose; big part of the agenda, pure evil!

Dónal O Brien

Ireland is destroyed and controlled by NGO’s.


This is the best presentation I have seen about carbon credits racket, why carbon has been chosen as the villain of the piece and the scary projects that they have planned. Well worth an hour of your time.

World’s Largest ‘Carbon Capture’ Facility Set for Construction in the US


This is EXCELLENT! I have shared it around. CAPTURE is total scam as he says. I mean logically too, if you put the carbon in the aquifers, it just dissolves, then goes to the surface and diffuse straight back out again, as the earth balances all such things. So its just a powerplant raping machine that re-cycles carbon for electricity wastage from fossil fuels/nuclear and spits the carbon slightly delayed ack out again. All whilst you could have had TREES and PLANTS do that for FREE. Fucking genius!


The Push against PETS is firmly back on! Excellent article from Dr Niall McCrae.


X (Twatter) just banned 177 Farmer Protest accounts apparently! Will they do Bank Freezes like the Truckers in Canada?


It’s not just the slaughter, they need to improve the way that the donkeys are treated and cared for.

Diane Hughes

And drawing a big target in the middle of the UK! These people are unfit for purpose. They have to go!

Joe Public

Luck would have it, we in the UK have nothing to spend £7billion on.


Hannah Fry UK TV Math Expert, also chose the same Kent town for her fictional Viral Outbreak TV show, that later the real covid “Alpha Kent Strain” occurred from 1st!

The odds are ASTRONOMICAL! She knows that! Hence the peacock feather over ONE EYE in her pictures!


Great memory! That was a good one.


They hate us because we are so extremely stupid, lazy and gullable.


9/11, 7/7 and Sandy Hook all had drills going on at the same time as the supposed attacks.


OKC 1995 did too. The ATAF housed in the building were all out on a Bomb Disposal Exercise in full gear, just down the road, when it blew up and they came rushing back to help clear rumble, only to halt rescue efforts 3X on live TV (Dan Rather as Anchor), as they found 3 more unexploded bombs INSIDE the OKC building, each “larger than the last”. Everyone heard multiple explosions, and yet Tim McVeighs truck bomb, is the only claimed bomb, and yet would not even have blown the windows in from that distance, with a mere 1600lbs ANFO bomb. It was just the cover story. OKC was blown from inside and the ATF were also illegally storing C4 blasting caps, RPGs and grenades and more, in their offices there. Not a peep from MSM since the LIVE that day. It was used by Clinton to pass Bidens (ghost written) original Patriot Act in cut down form, as the 1996 Counter Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Bill. All because WTC 1993 attack, where the FBI provided the bomb to Ramsi Yousefs crew, instead of Dummy Powders for a STING OP, went wrong and did not knock one tower into the other as planned and failed to cause enough terror, to have passed the Patriot Act in 93.


Yes I’ve read somewhat about this including in one of David Icke’s books and there is a lot to be suspicious about as you set out. But I haven’t done anything like the research on this that I’ve done on 9/11 and Sandy Hook. I believe that the official narrative on both of those is a pack of lies.


This very fast clip with humour covers much of it in James Corbetts style his one on 9/11 is also excellent. On his site, search for OKC and he has very detailed documentaries on such too.


Thank you for that. I used to follow him regularly because he’s really good. The problem is that there are only so many hours in the day but I will have a look at this one.


His 9/11 humorous one is also excellent


Yes the 9/11 one I have seen before, very, very good. Talking of people having all the info I thought it was pretty amazing that Theresa May had all the info on what had happened in the Skripals saga in less than 2 hours. I wonder what happened to them. Perhaps they sadly died from monkey pox.


NOVICHOK was hilarious as Richie mercilessly mocks so well. A perfume bottle in a skip LOL and WETWIPES as defense! Brilliant scam.


Excellent. I don’t know why they bother with CCTV cameras because whenever anything happens the footage goes missing anyway.


100% All CCTV is practically un-useable as evidence anyway its such crap quality, all of it breaches GDPR and Data Protection laws to even be there and most courts claim its inadmissable too. Its a joke at the best of times bu 100% in a False Flag, its not working, or is stolen and never seen. An Israeli firm of course ran all the London Train camera CCTV and for 28 minutes none of the cameras needed even worked that morning. Hmmm….coincidence of course! Thus we have NOTHING that proves the Beeston 4 ever boarded, ANY of the claimed trains. One of which did not even run that morning! Its so laughable these events.


Power worked for VISOR CONSULTANTS

Joe Public

Anyone who is a friend of Israhell or anyone with a duel nationality needs to be banned from any political office asap.


Peter Power 7/7 Terror Rehearsal


Hello Richie.
Only just tuned in as am busy outside. Wanted to say thank you for explaining so well yesterday’s fracas in Parliament, which I heard on the Papers podcast this AM.
I hope you never do give up what you do, where would we hear the truth after that? X

Diane Hughes

Wow Richie. You are on form this evening, I agree 100% MPs and TDs destroy people’s lives with legislation and expect no come back? Life does not work like that, bullies must be stood up to!


During the scamdemic they considerably increased the spending on security for TDs and ministers but of course this was because of all the ‘far right’ groups in Ireland. Far right = anyone who questions government policy on anything.


Ripple Effect – London Bombing [FULL]

Verint Systems is the security firm that is responsible for the CCTV surveillance cameras, in the London Underground rail network, and it is an Israeli company, with approximately 1000 employees. This documentary explores why no CCTV footage of the four Muslims boarding the tube-trains has been released.

Paul Riley

Well said. Jail the MP’s


Former CIA Officer: ‘Every Single Terrorist Attack In US Was A False Flag Attack’


I’ve been exactly the same Richie, I’ve hardly had any sleep in the last 2 or 3 days.



Operation Gladio – Full 1992 documentary BBC –

Originally aired on BBC2 in 1992, ‘Operation Gladio’ reveals ‘Gladio’, the secret state-sponsored terror network operating in Europe.

This BBC series is about a far-right secret army, operated by the CIA and MI6 through NATO, which killed hundreds of innocent Europeans and attempted to blame the deaths on Baader Meinhof, Red Brigades and other left wing groups. Known as ‘stay-behinds’ these armies were given access to military equipment which was supposed to be used for sabotage after a Soviet invasion. Instead it was used in massacres across mainland Europe as part of a CIA Strategy of Tension. Gladio killing sprees in Belgium and Italy were carried out for the purpose of frightening the national political classes into adopting U.S. policies.

Director Allan Frankovich


Thank you. Back when there were still real journalists at the BBC. The horrific attack at the railway station in Madrid has also been said to have been part of this too.


Bali and Mumbai train most likely too


Bet that use of language from JHB got Talk TV trending on X today. What a great job she does.

Andrew Wilson

Hi richie did you do a podcast last night wensday? Only I can not find it on podomatic.


There wasn’t one.


They tucked that one in nicely

Carlson pretending to be disappointed because he was not accepted in the CIA indicates he’s controlled opposition and Putin delivering this point makes him on script and also part of the game

All you have to do is see the role of each piece

There’s not many hero’s

Perhaps the real hero’s are quietly poking the works with a spanner knowing they will never be thanked.



Richie looking forward to the show today


I think Richie is down in form
We should send good energy his way?

Petra Simpson

I agree and will do so. menaupause is a natural transition and does not require medication. I know for I am 69


Lots of hate against whites too!!


54 mins ago
“Today’s show is cancelled. Apologies for short notice. I will be back tomorrow.
Speak then.”





Thanks Pan.


Is anyone else getting yesterday’s show? There must be a problem.


Yes seems to be yesterdays show. Comment Live also impossible to open at present. Taken ages.

Ali Essex

Tobias being first to help PC Palmer after being stabbed at the House of Parliament makes me wonder about his position….

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Morning Richie, and Melodies crew. I’m late to the party today.
The gardening beat me yesterday, I ache all over, and have nothing but my love for you all to share.
Scarifying lawns is hard work, I have learnt this in the last 24 hours.
Wishing everyone a beautiful day. X

Urban Fox

Hi Chris, how’s things.? No idea what Scarifying is, but it sounds nasty.


Hi Fox, it involves raking the moss out with a fan rake, it’s hard work mate.
I have muscles aching today that I didn’t even know existed.
I’m now running a bath.
Hope you have a good day.

Urban Fox

Thanks Chris and you.


Scarifying Lawns! LMFAO How about GRASS-O-LINE?

Now that, is hard work!


Hi Richie,
I agree with David as I was a keeper for 30 odd years and for more than one time, time seemed to slow down.
I think it’s down to reflex’s though.
In younger days when reflex’s were sharper than they are now it could probably make you think that time slowed down.
Just my take on it’
Great show as ever.


I once knew an amazing goal keeper! He was so intent on stopping ever attempted goal that he was near suicidal in his attempts! Yeah he would leap into the boxes pillars and such and break his body in the process! But, he did stop the goals!

He was terribly accident prone in real life, off the pitch too and would literally walk into lamp posts and such like. Clearly had no spatial awareness, unless a football was aimed near him! In which case, he took great pleasure in stopping the football, even whilst he then crashed into a metal object, to have done so.

Martin was a fooking football legend!

Nothing got by him! Well except a shit tonne of plaster casts in between his “fit to play” status!

I shit you not here Paul, this is a real dude from Devon, that was Kamikazee to stop footballs!

Even just remembering all of his “accidents” shall we say, has me in stitches! 🙂

Urban Fox

Morning everyone from a sunny but cold London. Richie those first songs you played today including Engleberg Humperdinck, took me back to my childhood, listening to my old radio late night under the covers. My mother got me listening to those songs, as she would play them all the time.

Thanks for the music and the memories.


I’m listening in bed because it’s cold, wet and miserable here but I’m enjoying the music as always. Talking of time standing still I was upstairs on the front seat of a bus some years ago and a man ran across the road without looking. I knew the bus was going to hit him but everything went into slow motion and it seemed ages before the impact. The man was injured but he wasn’t killed because of the bus driver’s excellent reflexes.

Urban Fox

Morning Jennie, Hope your well. I’m off to make a pot of tea now, then will be making a late breakfast / early lunch. Have a good day, keep warm.


I just got up to reply as I heard the little ping. I’m not stirring outside today, miserable day. I’ve got to get up shortly to make my veggie casserole as it takes hours to cook. Enjoy your breakfast/lunch.

Urban Fox

Thanks J, speak later.

Dónal O Brien

What is the name we listened by The Beach Boys.

Sean O Meachair

Great to hear the beach boys richie.
Was lucky enough to see them play in vicar Street.
Wad fascinated to see how they would sound live…the answer is brilliant.
Great show


Ah yes, Richie! I’ve experienced this time effect thing when I was into athletics as a young lad.

I was quite good at the high jump, psyching myself up as I prepared to run up and jump over the bar.

Would you believe, I could jump higher than the legendary Richie Allen!

But not these days lol


Lovely bit of classical there Richie ❤️

Sean O Meachair

Great show Richie.
Heading to see Wexford play Clare in the hurling league.
Brings back great memories of glory days in the 90s when Liam Griffin said…hurling is the river dance of sport…
All best

Dónal O Brien

GAA Gaelic Athletic Association are now all gone no paper tickets.


Ozzy what a Legend

Dónal O Brien

Cork V Waterford Allianz Hurling League Division 1A 3:45pm in Supervalu Páirc Uí Chaoimh ar @TG4TV


richie , one of the days u wont be able to give ur ticket to anyone, because the ticket wont match up with the face recognition /credit score lol


A very Good Morning, Richie & Caroline! The forecast is sunny with a high of 24 today. We know it is going to be bright because we’ve got Sunday Morning Melodies. Good morning to all of the listeners. Especially, Sophie, Andrew, Julie and family!


love is like candy, how true is this, only love really means sex, sex is like candy


Richie, I just opened the stream for your PRE SHOW tunes, and then I opened them on FireFox along with Brave browser!

I just had a DULPICTY of the Piano songs, in perfect harmony with each other from two streams and it was mesmerising!

Someone, skilled needs to cut all theses streams together, as it is so beautiful in echo echo of each notes perfections resonated so heartfelt in its individual instrumentation and yet in copied repetion is somehow, even more unique! NO JOKE BBG! Simply delay the stream a synched moment and listen a new!

Urban Fox

Morning from the lair Pan. Hope your well.


All good my way Mr Fox, in fact I watched DOOR IN THE WOODS the other day and LMFAO yes it was a painful experience! Time I will not get back from a good concept, predictably going back to school at the end. Rather well done, in it’s sheer awfulness and yes the acting was, well, how can we put it? Crap! LOL. Very funny mate! Sadly the other film you linked, has been removed by Youtube, so if you can recall what it was, I will need the name, to track down another version mate 🙂 Top of the morning to you Fox 🙂 Just been chilling with Richies THE PAPERS this sunny Manchester Monday Morning, at the other Foxes Den. My Foxes are less frequent visitors these days it seems, and my stray cat Anubis Bast, seems to be using their old den as a retreat. Yesterday she had a great stand off with a baby mouse, which was oblivious to the cats PAUSED presence, as it came back and forth from bushes to her feet to take grains. She kept looking at me, to say, “yes you’ve just fed me, so I suppose I should not eat the mouse, right?” to which from the window I was lent out of I was like “Yes I would appreciate not watching you massacre it in front of me please!”. Respectfully, she allowed the mouse to feed and leave and then walked off with an air of superiority, that only a cat can muster up, in sheer defiant, “I AM GOD!” mode! It was hilarious to watch.

I had forgotten the Salford Riots BBG mentioned this morning, and it seems they were an overspill from the very suspicious Mark Duggan Cop Shooting which spread into random looting nationwide.

Such times will occur again soon, you can feel the vibe of such palpably to kick off sooner or later. Way worse than toilet papers wars for covid! That was just a tester of what they really have planned, when they clamp down on the supply chain “food reaction game” of Pedo/Podestas for real.

Urban Fox

Glad you liked the film. My favorite part is the demon using sign language for the deaf actor, Lol funny.! The other one is Spector 1977, by Star Trek creator.

Surprised the cat not going for the mouse. Life forms are surprising sometimes. I watched other birds looking after a bird with one leg in the church garden one day. And i regularly see this squirrel outside the lair, sitting amongst the birds sharing their bread.

I was going to do a post on todays papers, but i will have to leave it for now. As so much to do. Speak later. P.S. Do you live in Manchester.?

Scottish John

Say this in an Irish accent, Whale Hoyle Beef Hooked,

Urban Fox

I disagree with these views I’ve heard about the cabal being a Giah Earth cult. This seems to me the appearance they are trying to cultivate.

As there is nothing wrong with respecting the planet, and humans working in harmony with nature.

I see the cabal as being anti Earth and Anti human, the very opposite of what they would have us believe.


I would agree, they are hiding in so called New Age as a seeming nice thing, and alternative to New World Order Dystopia, and tree hugging the planet to save it, is a cuddlier image. In reality, they have been raping the planet since time began for profits/resources and are merely now blaming US LOT, for our selfish desire for their lovely products they blessed us with. Which they now want to take away, to save us silly little children.

Urban Fox

Thanks for that pan, as i didn’t put it as good as i could have done. But you have done it for me. Also good you said ‘So called’ as well. I got load of comments about New age, and new age take on old themes, after Chris’s show. Which pissed me off no end. As i thought i went to great pains to show that there’s no such thing. There is simply the way things work and the way things dont. What they have done throughout history, is to hide the truth of things. Including the truth about how we create and are the creators.


I agree. If they really believed what they are saying they would start by changing their own lifestyles. As you rightly say there are many genuine environmental problems but they just invent ones that will make them more money and give them control. The link to Epoch that I have put up is well worth a look, he explains really clearly what the whole CO2 caused climate change nonsense is really about.

Urban Fox

Thanks Jennie.


For me, Mark Windows explains this topic in the most understandable way:

Urban Fox

Thanks Euan, But it was actually Marks comments regards this, i was disagreeing with. And i should know about the Earth religions, paganism and all things occult. As it has been my entire life. Both in terms of study and practice. The religions and so called cults he talks of, actually believed and still do in working in harmony with nature and the planet. Whilst recognizing that man has dominance over it. Just as it says in the bible as well. What the cabal has done, is highjack and subvert old beliefs and knowledge, in order to confuse and control the masses. If you look at their own diagrams and documents, they clearly state they consider man no different from animals or a tree, and just another commodity.

Their whole agenda is actually anti human and anti nature. Therefor it actually has nothing to do with what Mark said.


Well put from the Fox Den 🙂


A.I (official) Version it seems! LMFAO!

Urban Fox

Thanks Pan, Talk later.


Boards are to replace councils , unelected Leader and he choses the Board members, on Goverment website and already being implimented in many towns and cities


CLASSIC!! I have actually DONE THAT during covid, yelling out my window to try to wake neighbours out of slumber LOL

Urban Fox

You sound as barking as me Pan. I also lost the plot a little the first couple of weeks that ”Lockdown one, The rise of tyranny” premiered. Including shouting out ”23rd of March, National day of shame”, whilst walking round the shopping center. And painting ”Democracy is dead” on the wall opposite me in the early hours of the morning. Only just getting away, as a police car came round the bloody corner. How I’m not in a high security special Fox unit somewhere, never ceases to amaze me. Of course i deny any of the above ever happened.


AHAHAHAA Love it Fox! I held a 2hr rant in my tower block carpark to all 3 tower blocks once, warning of all that HAS UNFOLDED since, just as I said would.

I also did same outside a large Tesco Superstore at night time, to a crowd of staff and customers and the staff, when I still went there, used to give me a nod and knowing smile to say “You know what, you were right!” as much of what I said has come to pass.


Interesting discovery on 5G planning applications and safety certifications to allow such.

Seems the applications are FRAUD from 5G companies that DO NOT EXIST. Serious Fraud Office is looking into such. May mean we can get all 5G taken down perhaps!

This is a local campaign each of us can get involved in, on our own councils, to force this issue.

Diane Hughes

Common Purpose; big part of the agenda, pure evil!

Dónal O Brien

Ireland is destroyed and controlled by NGO’s.


This is the best presentation I have seen about carbon credits racket, why carbon has been chosen as the villain of the piece and the scary projects that they have planned. Well worth an hour of your time.

World’s Largest ‘Carbon Capture’ Facility Set for Construction in the US


This is EXCELLENT! I have shared it around. CAPTURE is total scam as he says. I mean logically too, if you put the carbon in the aquifers, it just dissolves, then goes to the surface and diffuse straight back out again, as the earth balances all such things. So its just a powerplant raping machine that re-cycles carbon for electricity wastage from fossil fuels/nuclear and spits the carbon slightly delayed ack out again. All whilst you could have had TREES and PLANTS do that for FREE. Fucking genius!


The Push against PETS is firmly back on! Excellent article from Dr Niall McCrae.


X (Twatter) just banned 177 Farmer Protest accounts apparently! Will they do Bank Freezes like the Truckers in Canada?


It’s not just the slaughter, they need to improve the way that the donkeys are treated and cared for.

Diane Hughes

And drawing a big target in the middle of the UK! These people are unfit for purpose. They have to go!

Joe Public

Luck would have it, we in the UK have nothing to spend £7billion on.


Hannah Fry UK TV Math Expert, also chose the same Kent town for her fictional Viral Outbreak TV show, that later the real covid “Alpha Kent Strain” occurred from 1st!

The odds are ASTRONOMICAL! She knows that! Hence the peacock feather over ONE EYE in her pictures!


Great memory! That was a good one.


They hate us because we are so extremely stupid, lazy and gullable.


9/11, 7/7 and Sandy Hook all had drills going on at the same time as the supposed attacks.


OKC 1995 did too. The ATAF housed in the building were all out on a Bomb Disposal Exercise in full gear, just down the road, when it blew up and they came rushing back to help clear rumble, only to halt rescue efforts 3X on live TV (Dan Rather as Anchor), as they found 3 more unexploded bombs INSIDE the OKC building, each “larger than the last”. Everyone heard multiple explosions, and yet Tim McVeighs truck bomb, is the only claimed bomb, and yet would not even have blown the windows in from that distance, with a mere 1600lbs ANFO bomb. It was just the cover story. OKC was blown from inside and the ATF were also illegally storing C4 blasting caps, RPGs and grenades and more, in their offices there. Not a peep from MSM since the LIVE that day. It was used by Clinton to pass Bidens (ghost written) original Patriot Act in cut down form, as the 1996 Counter Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Bill. All because WTC 1993 attack, where the FBI provided the bomb to Ramsi Yousefs crew, instead of Dummy Powders for a STING OP, went wrong and did not knock one tower into the other as planned and failed to cause enough terror, to have passed the Patriot Act in 93.


Yes I’ve read somewhat about this including in one of David Icke’s books and there is a lot to be suspicious about as you set out. But I haven’t done anything like the research on this that I’ve done on 9/11 and Sandy Hook. I believe that the official narrative on both of those is a pack of lies.


This very fast clip with humour covers much of it in James Corbetts style his one on 9/11 is also excellent. On his site, search for OKC and he has very detailed documentaries on such too.


Thank you for that. I used to follow him regularly because he’s really good. The problem is that there are only so many hours in the day but I will have a look at this one.


His 9/11 humorous one is also excellent


Yes the 9/11 one I have seen before, very, very good. Talking of people having all the info I thought it was pretty amazing that Theresa May had all the info on what had happened in the Skripals saga in less than 2 hours. I wonder what happened to them. Perhaps they sadly died from monkey pox.


NOVICHOK was hilarious as Richie mercilessly mocks so well. A perfume bottle in a skip LOL and WETWIPES as defense! Brilliant scam.


Excellent. I don’t know why they bother with CCTV cameras because whenever anything happens the footage goes missing anyway.


100% All CCTV is practically un-useable as evidence anyway its such crap quality, all of it breaches GDPR and Data Protection laws to even be there and most courts claim its inadmissable too. Its a joke at the best of times bu 100% in a False Flag, its not working, or is stolen and never seen. An Israeli firm of course ran all the London Train camera CCTV and for 28 minutes none of the cameras needed even worked that morning. Hmmm….coincidence of course! Thus we have NOTHING that proves the Beeston 4 ever boarded, ANY of the claimed trains. One of which did not even run that morning! Its so laughable these events.


Power worked for VISOR CONSULTANTS

Joe Public

Anyone who is a friend of Israhell or anyone with a duel nationality needs to be banned from any political office asap.


Peter Power 7/7 Terror Rehearsal


Hello Richie.
Only just tuned in as am busy outside. Wanted to say thank you for explaining so well yesterday’s fracas in Parliament, which I heard on the Papers podcast this AM.
I hope you never do give up what you do, where would we hear the truth after that? X

Diane Hughes

Wow Richie. You are on form this evening, I agree 100% MPs and TDs destroy people’s lives with legislation and expect no come back? Life does not work like that, bullies must be stood up to!


During the scamdemic they considerably increased the spending on security for TDs and ministers but of course this was because of all the ‘far right’ groups in Ireland. Far right = anyone who questions government policy on anything.


Ripple Effect – London Bombing [FULL]

Verint Systems is the security firm that is responsible for the CCTV surveillance cameras, in the London Underground rail network, and it is an Israeli company, with approximately 1000 employees. This documentary explores why no CCTV footage of the four Muslims boarding the tube-trains has been released.

Paul Riley

Well said. Jail the MP’s


Former CIA Officer: ‘Every Single Terrorist Attack In US Was A False Flag Attack’


I’ve been exactly the same Richie, I’ve hardly had any sleep in the last 2 or 3 days.



Operation Gladio – Full 1992 documentary BBC –

Originally aired on BBC2 in 1992, ‘Operation Gladio’ reveals ‘Gladio’, the secret state-sponsored terror network operating in Europe.

This BBC series is about a far-right secret army, operated by the CIA and MI6 through NATO, which killed hundreds of innocent Europeans and attempted to blame the deaths on Baader Meinhof, Red Brigades and other left wing groups. Known as ‘stay-behinds’ these armies were given access to military equipment which was supposed to be used for sabotage after a Soviet invasion. Instead it was used in massacres across mainland Europe as part of a CIA Strategy of Tension. Gladio killing sprees in Belgium and Italy were carried out for the purpose of frightening the national political classes into adopting U.S. policies.

Director Allan Frankovich


Thank you. Back when there were still real journalists at the BBC. The horrific attack at the railway station in Madrid has also been said to have been part of this too.


Bali and Mumbai train most likely too


Bet that use of language from JHB got Talk TV trending on X today. What a great job she does.

Andrew Wilson

Hi richie did you do a podcast last night wensday? Only I can not find it on podomatic.


There wasn’t one.


They tucked that one in nicely

Carlson pretending to be disappointed because he was not accepted in the CIA indicates he’s controlled opposition and Putin delivering this point makes him on script and also part of the game

All you have to do is see the role of each piece

There’s not many hero’s

Perhaps the real hero’s are quietly poking the works with a spanner knowing they will never be thanked.



Richie looking forward to the show today


I think Richie is down in form
We should send good energy his way?

Petra Simpson

I agree and will do so. menaupause is a natural transition and does not require medication. I know for I am 69


Lots of hate against whites too!!


54 mins ago
“Today’s show is cancelled. Apologies for short notice. I will be back tomorrow.
Speak then.”





Thanks Pan.


Is anyone else getting yesterday’s show? There must be a problem.


Yes seems to be yesterdays show. Comment Live also impossible to open at present. Taken ages.

Ali Essex

Tobias being first to help PC Palmer after being stabbed at the House of Parliament makes me wonder about his position….

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