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Joe Public

Dame June Raine is fekkin off to a new job very soon.


Quick clip on Shedding science Contains lots of references in the links below the video, to more recent studies on Shedding and more.


The Arab League of Nations at the ICJ utterly destroys the legitimacy of the illegal/unlawful State of Israels illegal occupation.

The speaker here has Balls of Steel to give this speech and I suspect Israel may well come for him or destroy his career somehow, as they sure as hell wont stop what they are up to.

Joe Public

Is there a show today Tuesday 27 Feb ?


No not tonight, BBG has an Engineer today to try to fix the website issues and other sound things I believe. He announced such on THE PAPERS show this morning. Possibly on facebook too.

Diane Hughes

I’ve no sound here………………

Diane Hughes

Is there no show tonight?

Jonathan Stone

Just in case anybody is wondering, there is no show today as Richie is having work done on his mixing desk (pictured below).

Only kidding, that is part of the NASA mission control they used to go to the moon. Weeeeeeell, I’m kidding about the going to the moon bit as well.

Last edited 2 months ago by Jonathan Stone

I did call in to the show earlier and Richard Nixon answered with something of a time delay! He said his new Apple Pie Phone was having mixtured issues with the rings of Saturns Custard and the President of India Chandrahasa mission was a total success but they were all pout of Rhubarbarellas or some such. It was a sketchy line but it was as Bob Hoskins said, “Good to Talk!” 😉 Now I am off to watch CraterMass, as I love a good sci-fi horror friction with decent effects!

Urban Fox

Thats very clever Pan, once i worked it out. Lol. Though it took me about 5 minutes. The Papers and a brew now. ”THE PAPERS, Richie Allen reads the papers, so you don’t have to.” I’m proud of that one.

Last edited 2 months ago by Urban Fox

I thought it was a bit too small to be Richie’s studio!


Richard D Hall does excellent detailed work. His interviews with Dr. Judy Wood is a great example as well as his indepth examination of 911. He is highly observant, ethical, intelligent and humourous. It is a tragedy that he is being put through this. His work is impeccable and that is why they are coming after him. If he was just blowing smoke they wouldnt bother.


My grandfather must be turning in his gave at what a shithole this country has become, what did he die fighting for?

He was one of the highest decorated Soldiers during World War Two.

Many eye witness claim it was the Tinsel on his helmet that got him shot.

Last edited 2 months ago by BiZi

His father, My great grandfather, died during World War one, due to multiple blows to the head.

he tried to hang himself with a pair of braces..


I believe Richie answered his own scepticism right there when he said he and the Mrs attended a concert after the “MEN bombing” and body scanning was introduced thereon and in other concerts all around the UK. There’s tour Problem, Reaction Solution right there. Amazing work carried out by Richard D Hall, no one comes close in my view and that’s why they’ve targeted him. He’s too good and he’s gotta be stopped. Marianna Spring drew the short straw but she lied on her CV and was forced to apologise. It’s a mad world for sure.


I see that Charlotte Church is in trouble for coming out as anti genocide…


I don’t think the Skripals saga worked, it was farcical.


Hallmark of a totalitarian govt = shock trauma events

Urban Fox

The number 22 is classed as an important number in numerology. And your guest is correct in the associations that he just mentioned. However this is not proof that no bombing ever took place. Though the official narrative seems very suspect, i tend to believe that the bombing itself was real.

Much more practical with such a high profile venue, to just kill people. I cant see the benefit in faking this particular incident.


Hello mr fox I just caught the end of the interview but I didn’t think it was suggested people dont get killed in shock trauma events some most certainly do I presume

Urban Fox

Hi Brian, Todays guest was supporting Richard D Halls claim, that the whole Manchester arena bombing was faked. And that no people died or were injured at the arena that night.


I am the Simon that Richie read out – just to clarify what I was saying was it was the research of a youtuber UK Critical Thinker who has a wealth of videos that can be found on Richard D Halls website that Richard then expanded upon can be viewed here


If you’re talking about badly executed bomb events, I have to mention the Palmers Green “paint pot” bomb…


Shock trauma events it’s quite common eg Covid


A friend who i went to school with has worked for the ambulance service in Salford for 35 year and he doesnt know anyone of his colleagues who attended the MEN that night and he also told me that he should have been on duty but it was changed….That is odd at the very least..Ask for verification from other Ambulance service people who can be validated.

Tim in Brazil

Richie Your hybrid story is the best solution. My wake up call was the Boston marathon Bombings. I saw a video on You Tube about an hour after the first explosion, Two teenage girls were saying that the explosion “came out of a hole in the ground” None of the flimsy flagstaffs were broken and the grils did not talk about people injured. As time passed by and the story developed, I tried to find the video again but it had been deleted. Bomb yes. Carnage no


Also the balloons tied to the lampost which didn’t burst when the bomb went off.


It is of course entirely possible that a bomb did go off as described but the authorities and media showed fake footage to bait the truther community in order to discredit and prosecute those covering it…


That my friend, is a very good point. They could be using this to divide us critical thinkers.
Kinda how I see flat earth, all that does is divide opinion and move our focus.

Jonathan Stone

I like Richard D Hall’s work, but I think the problem is that too often he presents conjecture as truth.


Joining the show late today, but can’t wait for the repeat on Podomatic. I’ve been listening for 15 minutes, I’m still undecided on this, so hopefully I’ll have a bit more to go on after I’ve listened to the whole interview.
What I’ve got so far is this is civilised conversation, and a fair interview.
I think the official narrative stinks, but wonder why they wouldn’t just set off a bomb regardless of who got hurt. I can’t see the sense in just pretending it happened, when it would be so easy for them to just do it?

Urban Fox

How you Chris, no nor can i. Three words i believe sum up the cabals Modus Operandum, Expediency, Pragmatism, Caution. Such a high profile venue and busy location as well, would make it particularly problematic to fake.


I think I concur with that Fox, but then what I actually know, could be written on the back of a postcard.
You wrote an interesting comment, I was going to reply to you, but gave up commenting during the show after my reply to Faisal took 15 minutes to upload.


If you kill real people you have to deal with their families, especially the MamaBears.


I don’t know a lot about the Manchester bombing but in the three events that I’ve done extensive research into, the Kennedy assassination, 9/11 and Sandy Hook I believe the official narratives to be a pack of lies. In all three cases I thought the official version was genuine before I researched them and changed by mind because of the evidence. There are a few other events where I also think things don’t add up but I haven’t done as much research.

Kennedy died and many people died on 9/11 but not in the way described in the official narrative but I strongly believe that Sandy Hook was totally fake.

Patrick Videan

The thing that I fremember about Richard’s alleged expose of the 2017 Event was filmed footage of the morning of the ‘day’ where a number of people were practising being attended to with various faux injuries that were being treated. I found that very convincing and implied that an ‘event’ was going to happen on the night and preparations were being made.


Richie, a simple question


is the claimed explosive of 7/7 and I would hazard a guess the Arena bombing!


You could have Richard D on and have it out with him but you won’t, why?


That was what Richard said to me & I said I don’t know – I think Richie will get him on once the court case has finished


I think maybe Nick should come back after a chance to look into the specific points you’ve raised…


7/7 or the arena, it is the same thing! Abedi was not a suicide bomber, and ran in/out/.drove off it seems and was arrested by armed cops down the block! SO RDH is NOT wrong to suggest that something is very wrong with the official narrative! If they dare to jail RDH over this then I will personally by breaking him out of jail, just for a fuckin laugh! Think of those fake ARABS in IRAQ that were actually SAS, planting bombs in Mosques etc on behalf of your treasonous once now thank fuck dead Queen!

RDH has tried yes. Richie, you, have not even watched the fucking films or read the books! You claim you have but always reveal that you have not had time, as too busy jogging on, to have ever read or evaluated any of such.


I am with you brother but when we get arrested we will be called a terrorist cell! Plus where are we gonna hide him?




think saffi did die, but not at Manchester, there is no proof


richie , you’re believing 7/7/ , but not manchester ?

Urban Fox

Regarding Hall and many other such people, i tend not to make judgements regards who is genuine or not. Even though i may not agree with everything they say, i can’t know what they really believe.

As for the arena bombing itself, i suspect the official narrative may be suspect. But like yourself Richie, I’m satisfied that the bombing itself took place.


Richie the evidence is over whelming. He stalked no one. They are going after him because his work is outstanding.


yes Richard D Hall has no right to anyones medical records. NOBOBY DOES! Dr Vernon Coleman, graciously also gave up his own medical license to practise so called medicine, when he alone, decided, that the oath of Dr and Patient Confidentiality, upon a mere sick note required for a few days off work!

Colemans PRINCIPLES is what we are talking about here!


So I salute Dr Coleman and I salute Richard D Hall for daring to look into something very fishy!

Something is very wrong with the Arena Bombing so called and NO RICHIE the ONUS OF TRUTH is ON THE OFFICIAL NARRATIVE WEAVERS!

WE are merely asking questions! NEVER BLOCK SUCH!


‘Manchester Atrocity Lifts Rock of British Foreign Policy, Reveals Faustian Alliance with Extreme Islam” ~ John Pilger

… Suddenly the control orders were lifted. “I was allowed to go, no questions asked,” said one LIFG member. MI5 returned their passports and counter-terrorism police at Heathrow airport were told to let them board their flights.


I’ve searched for tv footage of Eve Hibbert and not found anything, just interviews with Martin…


I still haven’t seen any footage of the concert itself except right at the end when the explosions were heard, and you can’t even see Arriane Grande in any of those; I’d still like to see evidence that the concert even happened…


richie, surely u cant use bbc as evidence


Yes RDH knocked on their door! They declined the knock. Just like any stranger. RDH had less rights than a post man, yet he abused no such further rights at all. He rang their doorbell. Nothing more. Merely to ask some questions, if they had answered the door and politely decided to be asked such questions.



The Manchester Atrocity –

British-based Libyan fighters were allowed to move freely between the UK and Libya even though they were members of terrorist networks like the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group which was aligned with al-Qaeda and designated a foreign terrorist organisation in 2004. Former British MI5 agent David Shayler said that MI6 collaborated with the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group in a 1996 assassination attempt on Gaddafi.

Many of these anti-Gaddafi operatives trained by the British SAS came from Manchester in the north of England and called themselves the ‘Manchester fighters’. One of them said that three quarters of the anti-Gaddafi ‘rebels’ at the start of the conflict in 2011 were from Manchester, with others from London, Sheffield and countries such as China and Japan.

Among them was Ramadan Abedi, an airport security guard, who left England as an asset of MI6 to fight against Gaddafi with British support and was allowed to come and go at will. Five years later his son, Salman Abedi, would return from Libya to Manchester where he was named as the suicide bomber that killed 22 people and injured 119, many of them children, as they left a performance by singer Ariana Grande at the Manchester Arena.

Theresa May, the British Prime Minister, condemned the attack and ordered troops on the streets to protect the public. The Home Secretary responsible for border control in the David Cameron government when Salman Abedi’s father and other British terrorists were freely allowed to move between the UK and Libya was … Theresa May.

The hypocrisy is stunning. Former MI5 agent David Shayler has said that father Ramadan Abedi worked for MI6 under the code-name ‘Tunworth’ and was given £40,000 for the assassination attempt on Gaddafi in 1996. His son, Salman Abedi, was yet another ‘known to the security agencies’ to be named as a terrorist killer.

UK ‘counter terrorism’ agencies were warned at least five times about the danger posed by Abedi, including his stated willingness to be a suicide bomber, but did nothing. MI5 was warned by the FBI months before the attack that Abedi was part of a North African Islamic State cell in the north west of England which was planning attacks, but did nothing.

Abedi was reported to have been on a US terrorist watch list in 2016 and yet was allowed in the run up to the Manchester attack to travel unquestioned between Libya, Syria, Turkey and Britain despite visiting a convicted Libyan jihadist jailed in Liverpool near Manchester in the months before the attack.

Terrorists named for the London Bridge attacks which killed eight people shortly after Manchester continued the theme. Police, MI5 and the UK border authority were reported to have missed at least 18 opportunities to investigate and question those involved. One of them, Rachid Redouane, was another who fought in Libya during the US-UK-NATO coup against Gaddafi with a unit trained by Qatar (with UK/ US ‘liaison’ officers) known as Liwa al Ummah which moved on to Syria after Libya had been devastated and merged with the ‘Free Syrian Army’ – you know, the US/ UK/ NATO-supported ‘moderate rebels’ in Syria that we were told so much about.


Manchester Arena attack: relatives want extradition facts
This article is more than 4 years old
‘Distressed’ families plead for information about brother of suicide bomber Salman Abedi


Now whilst I am unaware of the wider “MANCHESTER FIGHTERS”, the FACT the CATAGORIC FACT, that ABEDI was Mi6 and his whole family in Whalley Range, were basically IMPORTED into the UK and USED endlessly by intelligennce agencies to create the eventual Arena bombing, after years of FAKE “ISIS” (yes yawn ISIS is made up, you dumb fucks!), FSA, Arab Spring, Ghaddaffi assasination attempts even that Shayler and Machon, tired to point out. They too, hung around SadChester. As do you Richie! RDH has done NOTHING WRONG to ask QUESTIONS!

Correct RICHIE…. Abedi DID NOT SUICIDE DIE FROM A BOMB ON HIM! He was….as EDH proves and the Inquiry proves.. Abedi was ARRESTED by ARMED COPS down the road AFTER THE COP CARS CHASED THE SILVER CAR!


its all about the evidence, and they showed us none, to prove anyone died


Evenin’ all, all this fuss about hate; just shake it off… =)


I’m thankful I don’t work in some corporate office or public service type job, I don’t think I’d last long nowadays.


Jacob Rothschild…

Last edited 2 months ago by Steve.T

OH BBGs not to blame, he is caught in dat old flame, of U2’s never knew roadsold shame, and it’s not to crane the neck about, as Bonio, due on a slab, for all honest folks about but no doubting the talent, as Bono once sung it and before he sang the preaches of the W.H.O and WEF and their little pedo masters red cards nests laurels as fun, so called un sung theories of the more obvious ones!


W.H,O still haven’t found, what they were KIDDY FIDDLING FOR!


The Office for National Statistics says that the number of excess deaths in 2023, thought to be 31k, has been reduced to 11k, after they used a new method of calculation.

The Horizon computer.


In a decent world they would be wanting to find out why there are excess deaths not fudging the figures.

Urban Fox

Yes indeed Jennie, how are you today.? The suns just come out here.!


It’s dry and bright thank goodness but cold.


In a Decent World Everyone should be applauding British Gas on their door steps on a Thursday night. It’s not easy to increase profits tenfold.

When customers bills have only tripled.


Why do politicians lie?

Is it maybe because when they do try and tell the truth, they get sacked for being an anti-Semite and called a Nazi racist Conspiracy theorist by
self-loathing arseholes in the limelight?

Those same self loathing arseholes that most are on the same payroll as those politicians that keep their mouth’s shut, until they’re told When, What and Not to say, on a Gender they choose!

All Politicians are BlackMailed, manipulated Bribed Puppets, That now need Protection because the Pitch Forks are coming..

Whilst they sit back watch the world population reduce, at our expense “Excess Deaths” taxes will get higher and higher and harder to pay?

Whilst they send 12 billion to Ukraine?

Fucking Madness!


Apparently, in a keynote speech yesterday at the Stonewall LGBTQ Conference.

Sir Keir Starmer,
has come out as “Non Spinery”


Good one.


Recall the ANGEL fish, as NEMOS John the Baptist figure, as Obi Wan, as Morpheus, as Hagrid, as so many more and recall Willem Dafoes death to Tom Berenger, in that so Iconic scene, of the military machine!

So many bright lights, snuffed out and daily now in Gaza and Ukraine and so many un-reported wars each day. No matter what we all try to say, they PUSH the bloody burger machines endless meat grinder, onto the innocent and defenceless, and they sell it and exploit it, and profit from it and they laugh, as people and babies DIE!


Sean O Meachair

Dia duit Richie.
Was once lucky enough to play for Wexford against Kilkenny at underage
Totally froze !! But felt time slowing down for a penalty.

Was so nervous that when the penalty was struck i jumped out of the way to the wrong side…and stuck out a leg almost matrix like and saved it…and in the malee that followed I got the ball out for a 65..

Never forget it as the nerves were desperate
Mile buiochas


My dad wouldn’t let me get a motorbike until I took out life insurance, saying he couldn’t afford to bury me…didn’t stop me, I bought the bike

Diane Hughes

Defensive riding! Its the reason I’m still alive……………

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Joe Public

Dame June Raine is fekkin off to a new job very soon.


Quick clip on Shedding science Contains lots of references in the links below the video, to more recent studies on Shedding and more.


The Arab League of Nations at the ICJ utterly destroys the legitimacy of the illegal/unlawful State of Israels illegal occupation.

The speaker here has Balls of Steel to give this speech and I suspect Israel may well come for him or destroy his career somehow, as they sure as hell wont stop what they are up to.

Joe Public

Is there a show today Tuesday 27 Feb ?


No not tonight, BBG has an Engineer today to try to fix the website issues and other sound things I believe. He announced such on THE PAPERS show this morning. Possibly on facebook too.

Diane Hughes

I’ve no sound here………………

Diane Hughes

Is there no show tonight?

Jonathan Stone

Just in case anybody is wondering, there is no show today as Richie is having work done on his mixing desk (pictured below).

Only kidding, that is part of the NASA mission control they used to go to the moon. Weeeeeeell, I’m kidding about the going to the moon bit as well.

Last edited 2 months ago by Jonathan Stone

I did call in to the show earlier and Richard Nixon answered with something of a time delay! He said his new Apple Pie Phone was having mixtured issues with the rings of Saturns Custard and the President of India Chandrahasa mission was a total success but they were all pout of Rhubarbarellas or some such. It was a sketchy line but it was as Bob Hoskins said, “Good to Talk!” 😉 Now I am off to watch CraterMass, as I love a good sci-fi horror friction with decent effects!

Urban Fox

Thats very clever Pan, once i worked it out. Lol. Though it took me about 5 minutes. The Papers and a brew now. ”THE PAPERS, Richie Allen reads the papers, so you don’t have to.” I’m proud of that one.

Last edited 2 months ago by Urban Fox

I thought it was a bit too small to be Richie’s studio!


Richard D Hall does excellent detailed work. His interviews with Dr. Judy Wood is a great example as well as his indepth examination of 911. He is highly observant, ethical, intelligent and humourous. It is a tragedy that he is being put through this. His work is impeccable and that is why they are coming after him. If he was just blowing smoke they wouldnt bother.


My grandfather must be turning in his gave at what a shithole this country has become, what did he die fighting for?

He was one of the highest decorated Soldiers during World War Two.

Many eye witness claim it was the Tinsel on his helmet that got him shot.

Last edited 2 months ago by BiZi

His father, My great grandfather, died during World War one, due to multiple blows to the head.

he tried to hang himself with a pair of braces..


I believe Richie answered his own scepticism right there when he said he and the Mrs attended a concert after the “MEN bombing” and body scanning was introduced thereon and in other concerts all around the UK. There’s tour Problem, Reaction Solution right there. Amazing work carried out by Richard D Hall, no one comes close in my view and that’s why they’ve targeted him. He’s too good and he’s gotta be stopped. Marianna Spring drew the short straw but she lied on her CV and was forced to apologise. It’s a mad world for sure.


I see that Charlotte Church is in trouble for coming out as anti genocide…


I don’t think the Skripals saga worked, it was farcical.


Hallmark of a totalitarian govt = shock trauma events

Urban Fox

The number 22 is classed as an important number in numerology. And your guest is correct in the associations that he just mentioned. However this is not proof that no bombing ever took place. Though the official narrative seems very suspect, i tend to believe that the bombing itself was real.

Much more practical with such a high profile venue, to just kill people. I cant see the benefit in faking this particular incident.


Hello mr fox I just caught the end of the interview but I didn’t think it was suggested people dont get killed in shock trauma events some most certainly do I presume

Urban Fox

Hi Brian, Todays guest was supporting Richard D Halls claim, that the whole Manchester arena bombing was faked. And that no people died or were injured at the arena that night.


I am the Simon that Richie read out – just to clarify what I was saying was it was the research of a youtuber UK Critical Thinker who has a wealth of videos that can be found on Richard D Halls website that Richard then expanded upon can be viewed here


If you’re talking about badly executed bomb events, I have to mention the Palmers Green “paint pot” bomb…


Shock trauma events it’s quite common eg Covid


A friend who i went to school with has worked for the ambulance service in Salford for 35 year and he doesnt know anyone of his colleagues who attended the MEN that night and he also told me that he should have been on duty but it was changed….That is odd at the very least..Ask for verification from other Ambulance service people who can be validated.

Tim in Brazil

Richie Your hybrid story is the best solution. My wake up call was the Boston marathon Bombings. I saw a video on You Tube about an hour after the first explosion, Two teenage girls were saying that the explosion “came out of a hole in the ground” None of the flimsy flagstaffs were broken and the grils did not talk about people injured. As time passed by and the story developed, I tried to find the video again but it had been deleted. Bomb yes. Carnage no


Also the balloons tied to the lampost which didn’t burst when the bomb went off.


It is of course entirely possible that a bomb did go off as described but the authorities and media showed fake footage to bait the truther community in order to discredit and prosecute those covering it…


That my friend, is a very good point. They could be using this to divide us critical thinkers.
Kinda how I see flat earth, all that does is divide opinion and move our focus.

Jonathan Stone

I like Richard D Hall’s work, but I think the problem is that too often he presents conjecture as truth.


Joining the show late today, but can’t wait for the repeat on Podomatic. I’ve been listening for 15 minutes, I’m still undecided on this, so hopefully I’ll have a bit more to go on after I’ve listened to the whole interview.
What I’ve got so far is this is civilised conversation, and a fair interview.
I think the official narrative stinks, but wonder why they wouldn’t just set off a bomb regardless of who got hurt. I can’t see the sense in just pretending it happened, when it would be so easy for them to just do it?

Urban Fox

How you Chris, no nor can i. Three words i believe sum up the cabals Modus Operandum, Expediency, Pragmatism, Caution. Such a high profile venue and busy location as well, would make it particularly problematic to fake.


I think I concur with that Fox, but then what I actually know, could be written on the back of a postcard.
You wrote an interesting comment, I was going to reply to you, but gave up commenting during the show after my reply to Faisal took 15 minutes to upload.


If you kill real people you have to deal with their families, especially the MamaBears.


I don’t know a lot about the Manchester bombing but in the three events that I’ve done extensive research into, the Kennedy assassination, 9/11 and Sandy Hook I believe the official narratives to be a pack of lies. In all three cases I thought the official version was genuine before I researched them and changed by mind because of the evidence. There are a few other events where I also think things don’t add up but I haven’t done as much research.

Kennedy died and many people died on 9/11 but not in the way described in the official narrative but I strongly believe that Sandy Hook was totally fake.

Patrick Videan

The thing that I fremember about Richard’s alleged expose of the 2017 Event was filmed footage of the morning of the ‘day’ where a number of people were practising being attended to with various faux injuries that were being treated. I found that very convincing and implied that an ‘event’ was going to happen on the night and preparations were being made.


Richie, a simple question


is the claimed explosive of 7/7 and I would hazard a guess the Arena bombing!


You could have Richard D on and have it out with him but you won’t, why?


That was what Richard said to me & I said I don’t know – I think Richie will get him on once the court case has finished


I think maybe Nick should come back after a chance to look into the specific points you’ve raised…


7/7 or the arena, it is the same thing! Abedi was not a suicide bomber, and ran in/out/.drove off it seems and was arrested by armed cops down the block! SO RDH is NOT wrong to suggest that something is very wrong with the official narrative! If they dare to jail RDH over this then I will personally by breaking him out of jail, just for a fuckin laugh! Think of those fake ARABS in IRAQ that were actually SAS, planting bombs in Mosques etc on behalf of your treasonous once now thank fuck dead Queen!

RDH has tried yes. Richie, you, have not even watched the fucking films or read the books! You claim you have but always reveal that you have not had time, as too busy jogging on, to have ever read or evaluated any of such.


I am with you brother but when we get arrested we will be called a terrorist cell! Plus where are we gonna hide him?




think saffi did die, but not at Manchester, there is no proof


richie , you’re believing 7/7/ , but not manchester ?

Urban Fox

Regarding Hall and many other such people, i tend not to make judgements regards who is genuine or not. Even though i may not agree with everything they say, i can’t know what they really believe.

As for the arena bombing itself, i suspect the official narrative may be suspect. But like yourself Richie, I’m satisfied that the bombing itself took place.


Richie the evidence is over whelming. He stalked no one. They are going after him because his work is outstanding.


yes Richard D Hall has no right to anyones medical records. NOBOBY DOES! Dr Vernon Coleman, graciously also gave up his own medical license to practise so called medicine, when he alone, decided, that the oath of Dr and Patient Confidentiality, upon a mere sick note required for a few days off work!

Colemans PRINCIPLES is what we are talking about here!


So I salute Dr Coleman and I salute Richard D Hall for daring to look into something very fishy!

Something is very wrong with the Arena Bombing so called and NO RICHIE the ONUS OF TRUTH is ON THE OFFICIAL NARRATIVE WEAVERS!

WE are merely asking questions! NEVER BLOCK SUCH!


‘Manchester Atrocity Lifts Rock of British Foreign Policy, Reveals Faustian Alliance with Extreme Islam” ~ John Pilger

… Suddenly the control orders were lifted. “I was allowed to go, no questions asked,” said one LIFG member. MI5 returned their passports and counter-terrorism police at Heathrow airport were told to let them board their flights.


I’ve searched for tv footage of Eve Hibbert and not found anything, just interviews with Martin…


I still haven’t seen any footage of the concert itself except right at the end when the explosions were heard, and you can’t even see Arriane Grande in any of those; I’d still like to see evidence that the concert even happened…


richie, surely u cant use bbc as evidence


Yes RDH knocked on their door! They declined the knock. Just like any stranger. RDH had less rights than a post man, yet he abused no such further rights at all. He rang their doorbell. Nothing more. Merely to ask some questions, if they had answered the door and politely decided to be asked such questions.



The Manchester Atrocity –

British-based Libyan fighters were allowed to move freely between the UK and Libya even though they were members of terrorist networks like the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group which was aligned with al-Qaeda and designated a foreign terrorist organisation in 2004. Former British MI5 agent David Shayler said that MI6 collaborated with the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group in a 1996 assassination attempt on Gaddafi.

Many of these anti-Gaddafi operatives trained by the British SAS came from Manchester in the north of England and called themselves the ‘Manchester fighters’. One of them said that three quarters of the anti-Gaddafi ‘rebels’ at the start of the conflict in 2011 were from Manchester, with others from London, Sheffield and countries such as China and Japan.

Among them was Ramadan Abedi, an airport security guard, who left England as an asset of MI6 to fight against Gaddafi with British support and was allowed to come and go at will. Five years later his son, Salman Abedi, would return from Libya to Manchester where he was named as the suicide bomber that killed 22 people and injured 119, many of them children, as they left a performance by singer Ariana Grande at the Manchester Arena.

Theresa May, the British Prime Minister, condemned the attack and ordered troops on the streets to protect the public. The Home Secretary responsible for border control in the David Cameron government when Salman Abedi’s father and other British terrorists were freely allowed to move between the UK and Libya was … Theresa May.

The hypocrisy is stunning. Former MI5 agent David Shayler has said that father Ramadan Abedi worked for MI6 under the code-name ‘Tunworth’ and was given £40,000 for the assassination attempt on Gaddafi in 1996. His son, Salman Abedi, was yet another ‘known to the security agencies’ to be named as a terrorist killer.

UK ‘counter terrorism’ agencies were warned at least five times about the danger posed by Abedi, including his stated willingness to be a suicide bomber, but did nothing. MI5 was warned by the FBI months before the attack that Abedi was part of a North African Islamic State cell in the north west of England which was planning attacks, but did nothing.

Abedi was reported to have been on a US terrorist watch list in 2016 and yet was allowed in the run up to the Manchester attack to travel unquestioned between Libya, Syria, Turkey and Britain despite visiting a convicted Libyan jihadist jailed in Liverpool near Manchester in the months before the attack.

Terrorists named for the London Bridge attacks which killed eight people shortly after Manchester continued the theme. Police, MI5 and the UK border authority were reported to have missed at least 18 opportunities to investigate and question those involved. One of them, Rachid Redouane, was another who fought in Libya during the US-UK-NATO coup against Gaddafi with a unit trained by Qatar (with UK/ US ‘liaison’ officers) known as Liwa al Ummah which moved on to Syria after Libya had been devastated and merged with the ‘Free Syrian Army’ – you know, the US/ UK/ NATO-supported ‘moderate rebels’ in Syria that we were told so much about.


Manchester Arena attack: relatives want extradition facts
This article is more than 4 years old
‘Distressed’ families plead for information about brother of suicide bomber Salman Abedi


Now whilst I am unaware of the wider “MANCHESTER FIGHTERS”, the FACT the CATAGORIC FACT, that ABEDI was Mi6 and his whole family in Whalley Range, were basically IMPORTED into the UK and USED endlessly by intelligennce agencies to create the eventual Arena bombing, after years of FAKE “ISIS” (yes yawn ISIS is made up, you dumb fucks!), FSA, Arab Spring, Ghaddaffi assasination attempts even that Shayler and Machon, tired to point out. They too, hung around SadChester. As do you Richie! RDH has done NOTHING WRONG to ask QUESTIONS!

Correct RICHIE…. Abedi DID NOT SUICIDE DIE FROM A BOMB ON HIM! He was….as EDH proves and the Inquiry proves.. Abedi was ARRESTED by ARMED COPS down the road AFTER THE COP CARS CHASED THE SILVER CAR!


its all about the evidence, and they showed us none, to prove anyone died


Evenin’ all, all this fuss about hate; just shake it off… =)


I’m thankful I don’t work in some corporate office or public service type job, I don’t think I’d last long nowadays.


Jacob Rothschild…

Last edited 2 months ago by Steve.T

OH BBGs not to blame, he is caught in dat old flame, of U2’s never knew roadsold shame, and it’s not to crane the neck about, as Bonio, due on a slab, for all honest folks about but no doubting the talent, as Bono once sung it and before he sang the preaches of the W.H.O and WEF and their little pedo masters red cards nests laurels as fun, so called un sung theories of the more obvious ones!


W.H,O still haven’t found, what they were KIDDY FIDDLING FOR!


The Office for National Statistics says that the number of excess deaths in 2023, thought to be 31k, has been reduced to 11k, after they used a new method of calculation.

The Horizon computer.


In a decent world they would be wanting to find out why there are excess deaths not fudging the figures.

Urban Fox

Yes indeed Jennie, how are you today.? The suns just come out here.!


It’s dry and bright thank goodness but cold.


In a Decent World Everyone should be applauding British Gas on their door steps on a Thursday night. It’s not easy to increase profits tenfold.

When customers bills have only tripled.


Why do politicians lie?

Is it maybe because when they do try and tell the truth, they get sacked for being an anti-Semite and called a Nazi racist Conspiracy theorist by
self-loathing arseholes in the limelight?

Those same self loathing arseholes that most are on the same payroll as those politicians that keep their mouth’s shut, until they’re told When, What and Not to say, on a Gender they choose!

All Politicians are BlackMailed, manipulated Bribed Puppets, That now need Protection because the Pitch Forks are coming..

Whilst they sit back watch the world population reduce, at our expense “Excess Deaths” taxes will get higher and higher and harder to pay?

Whilst they send 12 billion to Ukraine?

Fucking Madness!


Apparently, in a keynote speech yesterday at the Stonewall LGBTQ Conference.

Sir Keir Starmer,
has come out as “Non Spinery”


Good one.


Recall the ANGEL fish, as NEMOS John the Baptist figure, as Obi Wan, as Morpheus, as Hagrid, as so many more and recall Willem Dafoes death to Tom Berenger, in that so Iconic scene, of the military machine!

So many bright lights, snuffed out and daily now in Gaza and Ukraine and so many un-reported wars each day. No matter what we all try to say, they PUSH the bloody burger machines endless meat grinder, onto the innocent and defenceless, and they sell it and exploit it, and profit from it and they laugh, as people and babies DIE!


Sean O Meachair

Dia duit Richie.
Was once lucky enough to play for Wexford against Kilkenny at underage
Totally froze !! But felt time slowing down for a penalty.

Was so nervous that when the penalty was struck i jumped out of the way to the wrong side…and stuck out a leg almost matrix like and saved it…and in the malee that followed I got the ball out for a 65..

Never forget it as the nerves were desperate
Mile buiochas


My dad wouldn’t let me get a motorbike until I took out life insurance, saying he couldn’t afford to bury me…didn’t stop me, I bought the bike

Diane Hughes

Defensive riding! Its the reason I’m still alive……………

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