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Jon Taylor

earth is a level plane that is in upward uniform motion relative to our feet


2 years!!


How sticky where these stickers?


If there are more than two genders, why are there only two options for for your child’s sex change?

But you’ll be labelled an extremist for asking, and the child will be taken into care?


Not trying to brag, but I’ve been the same gender since birth.

But I have found the solution for gender confusion.

…Kick it in the bollocks!


I had to use a tannoy system in one of my jobs and they used to sometimes write down joke names for me to call out and it wasn’t until you said them out loud that you realised what you were saying. One I remember was Hugh Janus.


Richie, we had a Focus Do it All opposite the restaurant I worked in 25 years ago.
We used to send the new potwash staff over to ask for rubber nails, tartan paint, left handed screwdrivers and all sorts of other nonsense.
Like you said, it was a character test.
That’s me fired then.


I was sent to fetch some elbow grease…


Brilliant mate. We missed that one, but I’m sure they’d have gone to get some if we asked them to. 🤣

Scottish John

We would send a new guy to the mechanics shop for a long weight.


Chuckles John, we employed the same tactic, the staff at do it all would leave them there for 20 minutes and then send them back to us.


We had a rather blonde secretary once at a brokers and our office was at one time above a supermarket and plumbing store, and was undergoing some DIY renovations, so we sent her to fetch lunch, and to get SPIRIT LEVEL BUBBLES from the plumbers!


Love it Pan, I actually got asked to go for the same thing on my first day working on a building site.
I had my wits about me as I was expecting such malarkey.
I said to my boss, do I look like I’m 16?
He managed to convince one of the other newbies later on to ask for a sky hook.


I’ve got this magical cow that can talk. I keep it outside most of the time, but sometimes you can hear it saying some hilarious things,

…”Like ‘Let me in, for fuck sake, I’m your wife!”‘

Just kidding, Women call me ugly, until they find out how much I earn .

…Then they call me ugly and poor. !


I recently ended a 20 year relationship.

I’m not upset though…

…It wasn’t mine.


Good Bizi, very good.
You never fail to put a smile on my face.
Have a cracking day mate.


Ouch, Mate, this morning caught my foreskin in my zip.,fucking eye watering experience I Can tell ya!

..That’s the last time I wear zip up boots 😘


You’re on fire Bizi.
Don’t ever stop, the world needs more people like you mate.


Cheers pal, I’m Just catching up on the monologue, 10 past the hour.👍

I’m ashamed to say that my grandfather abandoned his post during the war.

His manager back at the sorting office was furious..


The powers that be don’t want happy families strong intelligent and fearless they want you demoralised broke and on credit so they can murder you


Its ALL by design its part of the NWO it’s not feminism driving it

Diane Hughes

If they pull off a yes/yes in this referendum, the next thing will be to revoke Article 40.5. Just you watch!


They are doing the same in Ireland as in the US. They basically want to get rid of any protections for the people in the constitution.

Diane Hughes

Especially the 2nd Amendment, a disarmed people is a crushed people, you only have to look at the UK Australia NZ, no wonder the Americans always go on about 2A!

Joe Public

How often can you get on a flight without any documentation ?


three dart finish


wwwwone hundred and eigghhhhty …million


You see to kill people and sterilise children you have to remove the male and promote lesbos etc


The destruction of the male and his family is probably a nwo totalitarian adenga 2030 goal

Urban Fox

After the events of the last 4 years which i now believe were planed long in advance. I see Brexit as nothing more than a Psy-Op. Used to keep up the pretense of democratic choice and UK autonomy.

Therefor its possible the Brexit vote, went the way it was always intended to.

For in a world now firmly under the boot of one world goverment in all but name, the significance of Brexit is meaningless.


At least Navalny was jailed legally for an actual crime while Assange has been imprisoned with no legality whatsoever; it is not legal to jail someone for extradition hearing when he has committed no crime the host country recognises…

Joe Public

Is Assange not guilty of exposure ?



Joe Public

He exposed the war crimes of the US of A.


I misunderstood you. He was accused of revealing the names of intelligence agents which he didn’t do. That’s what I thought you meant.


check out richard d halls take on assange, eye opening to say the least


I’ve met people who have actually known Julian Assange for some years. I’d believe them before I’d believe Richard D Hall.

Diane Hughes

On the subject of Trump. If he wins the election and he lets the people down, keep all eyes on America; disgruntled people with guns can do strange things!


36k for a post deconstructing whiteness? Trudeau just called to say he’s found his boot polish for that extra cash

Joe Public

Would it help if you are a evangelical christian do you think ?


Evenn’ all, looks like the majority voting for George in Rochdale were extremists…


I have a condition which prevents me from being vaccinated but it did protect me from getting covid. This condition is known as having more than 2 brain cells. It is a serious condition that makes it increasingly difficult to live in the modern world.

Joe Public

British Values need to be defined in order to know whether or not you oppose them.


Jimmy Savile  was a British institution wasn’t he; does that mean the whistle blowers were extremists…?

Joe Public

Anyone with a critical mind would appear to be extremist.


1 death in 20 years!! 4 cases lol A 33% increase (shock horror)….wait from how many to start with? Ummmm NONE!!

Do you recall Hancock doing the same over Devon/Cornwall COVID hospitalisations? He said “It’s double in admissions since last month!” “How many was there last month?”…”Ummm ONE!”

The whole of Cornwalls hospitals had like 5 admissions across that summer of “PANIC IF TOURISTS COME! THEY”LL KILL US ALL!” and pubs and clubs and beaches were RAMMED and NOTHING HAPPENED! As COVID DOES NOT EXIST!

Joe Public

Who are the C of E going to pay this £1billion to ?


The Israelites that were in Egypt.


Gabapentin and Pregabalin are not pleasant drugs! Far better to use SILICA in distilled water and consume Lions Mane mushrooms to re-myelinate nerve conditions, in a natural healthy way. Gabapentin is particularly nasty.


Hi Richie ,do you know about this .Only just seen it myself but Danny could be a good guest.
Cheers Kennedy.


Quelle surprise!

Dónal O Brien

What was the name of the song Richie mentioned about the song being pornographic? Thanks.

Urban Fox

Here you go Donal, Louie Louie by the Kingsmen.

Last edited 2 months ago by Urban Fox

on the subject of Sinn Fein being infiltrated, there is a character of noteby the name of Chuck Feeney ( a Soros type influencer) who I understand has been their largest single donator over many years in the USA.. Personally I think they were infiltrated at least as early as mid 1980’s .. of course the obvious red flag was Gerry Adams getting the envelope Nobel Prize kick back fund.


Thank you, Richie! Great show!

Diane Hughes

My friend has let me borrow his set of The Dukes Of Hazzard collection. I’m getting well into it, all those nice old muscle cars and good looking people. Ah back in the day!


I’m watching a series called CHIPS from the 70s which I never saw when it was originally on and I’m really enjoying it. Unusually most of the actors are still alive which is nice. As I watch a lot of old TV series I spend a lot of time watching dead people. I’m drooling over the young sergeant in it who is now in his 80s.

Diane Hughes

California HIghway Police. I remember it well, I was drooling over the bikes!


Yes they are great bikes and the stunts are really well done.


Great to hear Blind Joe again & also enjoyed the Sunday morning aerobics earlier with Jools & Rod. You’re making a sunny day sunnier.


Loving the show melodies brilliant back to my teens what a time.

Urban Fox

Talking of puritanical views, my mind jumped back to the conservative teacher and decency campaigner Mary Whitehouse. I met her when she came into the hotel restaurant where i was Head waiter in 1985. She was upset that the kitchen had closed, but i heated her some soup and got her something cold to eat.

At the time we all made fun of her views, but looking at the debauchery around us in the present times, i think she was probably well intended and perhaps had a point.

Time for coffee now, accompanied by birthday chocolate brownies. I’m panicking Richie, as I’ve got 10 years on yourself.


Would it be your birthday today Fox? If so, warmest wishes from us in Narfolk.
Hope you have a beautiful day mate.

Urban Fox

Thanks Chris, Though I’m not feeling very happy about it, just another day here. I may try and get a walk in the park later. Have a great day yourself, and say hi to Mrs. Gardner from the Fox.


Mrs Gardener wishes you all the best mate. We are off out for our Christmas meal with one of my customers this afternoon.
He has a cleaner as well as a gardener, and is taking us out with our other halves for a roast.
Make sure you take that walk mate, it’ll be good for the soul.

Urban Fox

Christmas in March, OK works for me. Lol. P.S Hope you got my messages from a few weeks ago. Keep meaning to give you my email.


I’d forgotten about the PM mate, I’ll take a look later when the website calms down.
I’ll send you my email as well, it’ll be easier to communicate than the website.

Urban Fox



Many happy returns Foxy. Have an enjoyable day. Don’t worry about getting older, it can only get worse lol. I always think that the birthdays with a 0 on the end are the worst.

Urban Fox

Thanks Jennie, What’s happening where you are.? Its bright and dry here for a change, which hopefully is a good omen.


Glad you are having a fine day, it’s the same here but still cold. Sorry I’m late replying to your message, the days just fly by.


Many Happy Returns to the Denned Fox Sir 🙂

Urban Fox

Thanks Pan, Have a good day. And hope you got the new link to that film i posted.


Oh thanks Fox, I will go find said link mate 🙂 Enjoy your day bud 🙂


Bless you Birthday Fox, as I just went back many many pages with no joy, after checking PM’s to find the link. I just gave up just now lol. Right that’s to be watched now then I reckon. Endured a GOD AWFUL horror last night, that had tons of comments claiming how brilliant it was. Seriously 2hrs I will never back, it was such utter dross.

Urban Fox

No problems, just had a look for it last few minutes. It was a good idea, which never made it to a series. Unintentionally hilarious at times. Saw a rather dodge horror myself earlier called Ribblehead. Great idea, but not well acted and to convoluted.


SPECTRE was great mate for its time. Almost Ken Russells The Devils like by the end LOL. Nicely done for its time though. I enjoyed that.


My great grandmother was one of 22 children including 3 sets of twins but only 8 of them survived to adulthood. I was an only child. How things changed in 3 generations.


Hi Richie, thanks for your fab tunes, it’s bright and sunny here in Shropshire. I am replacing a siezed brake caliper, brake discs and brake pads on my old diesel car that has done 169000 miles. It quite funny because the other half came out with a coffee and said it must be going well because I heard you singing to Richies songs and no other language was to be heard 😁, keep up the great work you BBG 👍👍👍


Richie line dancing country music has been revamped and brought to America long ago, it has its origins in Irish culture I think, how could it not we are everywhere lol


I’ve never been line dancing Richie, but I was asked to go once with my mate Jackie, who’s 20 years older than me.
I politely declined the offer.
I believe she used to call it “Shit Kicking”, and she religiously went every weekend.
I honestly never went.

Sean O Meachair

Dia duit Richie Agus maidin maith.

Was watching The Six Million Dollar Man for the first time in years.
What a great show from my youth..We can rebuild him!!

They Don’t make shows like that anymore…
Or The Man from Atlantis,..The A Team,
Batman , Alias Smith and Jones…I could go on and on….
Many thanks Richie.


Happy Sunday to Richie and the listeners. Sunny for a change here in Manchester. Bar a handful of mainstream musicians, the rest did let us all down but Covid saw some great talents emerge, in all genres, with parodies or original tracks, ripping into the agenda. Meanwhile mainstream artists, pushed shots on folks and many died of them too!

5TIMESAUGUST is great. “Anti-Fascist Blues” is an amazing Bob Dylan reworking


Great minds eh Pan. Hello mate, wishing you all the best for today.


Morning Chris Sir. Yeah just refreshed and seen you posted 5X August too lol. Media Bear are hilarious. Nice to speak to aswell on their live sessions.


There wasn’t many, but there was a few. Media bear cracked me up, I loved the costumes.
A small ray of light, in an otherwise depressing time.

Welsh Gregg

The people’s poem


Morning All,
Richie, regarding the protesting musicians, how about 5 Times August? He put out some great material during the nonsense, check him out.
Also, your mate Blind Joe. Media Bear also did some great tunes.
Wishing everyone a groovy day. X

There’s a link to his channel on YouTube Richie, you should check him out, very good.

Welsh Gregg

On the TV show “the young ones” a guy was tortured in hell by having Barry manilow pumped into his ears. Rik (mayall) “the people’s poet” also references him in “the people’s poem”

Dónal O Brien

In Ireland young musicIans said nothing. The only one in Ireland who said anything regarding lockdowns was Seamus Begley. Rest In Peace.


Exactly they all took the 30pieces silver everywhere, I’ll never look at them the same again cowards.


Always really liked the song Louie Louie but I’ve never heard about the controversy and I’ve never really noticed the lyrics to be honest.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Mrs Bridgen has been paid and by someone other than the Sunday Times or am I just being a wicked conspiracy theorist.


Good Morning, Richie & Caroline! Good morning to all of the listeners. Especially, Sophie, Andrew, Julie and family.


Morning Richie and listeners hope it’s a great day in this insane world, but we get a break on Sunday melody show thanks.

Urban Fox

Regards what i said about straight white men being side lined and denigrated, proven by what’s on the screen and elsewhere. I keep a close eye on the current dramas, even though rarely watch in full. And watch the current Hollyoaks and Emmerdale. Last nights Emmerdale just one example. A white woman being interviewed by the police. Detective in charge a black woman, solicitor black woman, assistant cop was a white woman. The village solicitor is a gay black man, his father is a black vicar. Formerly the vicar was a woman. Hollyoaks has a gay solicitor, transsexual head mistress until recently, now replaced by a gay head master. The village cop is a black woman, and her friend cop is a gay man. Its been happening for about 10 years i would say. But its accelerated rapidly since 2020, like the whole agenda has.

As for the Irish minister for children being a witch or gay. I can say with certainty the vast majority of witches, occultist or pagans have absolutely nothing to do with Satanism, child abuse, pedophilia, or any such thing. That being said i tend not to trust any politician whether they claim to be gay, straight, transsexual, cat, dog, pagan, whitch, Christian, Jewish or any other demographic.

Last edited 2 months ago by Urban Fox

You are absolutely right. Just one observation that we had to make recently is that every major film we’ve seen in the last few years, the leading police detective (or whatever they are called) is a black man. That’s not being racist for pointing it out, but in fact this decision to choose the actors for certain roles based on their ethnicity, is clearly racist. Reverse racism still has to be racist.

Regarding the former minister for children being a gay witch, would anyone be surprised that they, or any other minister are in that position because they are practicing something nefarious? I think you’re right not to trust any of them.

Last edited 2 months ago by Baird

Nick Griffin would be a good interview as he’s currently blowing smoke up George Galloway”s Arse!

Joe Public

Nostradamus was the first conspiracy theorist.

Scottish John

I was butler to charlie’s table at Constantine’s 50th birthday party. It was a memorable night.


But do you have the limited edition plate?

Scottish John

I wasn’t told what the protocols were so they only got one drink.


Serves them right lol…



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Jon Taylor

earth is a level plane that is in upward uniform motion relative to our feet


2 years!!


How sticky where these stickers?


If there are more than two genders, why are there only two options for for your child’s sex change?

But you’ll be labelled an extremist for asking, and the child will be taken into care?


Not trying to brag, but I’ve been the same gender since birth.

But I have found the solution for gender confusion.

…Kick it in the bollocks!


I had to use a tannoy system in one of my jobs and they used to sometimes write down joke names for me to call out and it wasn’t until you said them out loud that you realised what you were saying. One I remember was Hugh Janus.


Richie, we had a Focus Do it All opposite the restaurant I worked in 25 years ago.
We used to send the new potwash staff over to ask for rubber nails, tartan paint, left handed screwdrivers and all sorts of other nonsense.
Like you said, it was a character test.
That’s me fired then.


I was sent to fetch some elbow grease…


Brilliant mate. We missed that one, but I’m sure they’d have gone to get some if we asked them to. 🤣

Scottish John

We would send a new guy to the mechanics shop for a long weight.


Chuckles John, we employed the same tactic, the staff at do it all would leave them there for 20 minutes and then send them back to us.


We had a rather blonde secretary once at a brokers and our office was at one time above a supermarket and plumbing store, and was undergoing some DIY renovations, so we sent her to fetch lunch, and to get SPIRIT LEVEL BUBBLES from the plumbers!


Love it Pan, I actually got asked to go for the same thing on my first day working on a building site.
I had my wits about me as I was expecting such malarkey.
I said to my boss, do I look like I’m 16?
He managed to convince one of the other newbies later on to ask for a sky hook.


I’ve got this magical cow that can talk. I keep it outside most of the time, but sometimes you can hear it saying some hilarious things,

…”Like ‘Let me in, for fuck sake, I’m your wife!”‘

Just kidding, Women call me ugly, until they find out how much I earn .

…Then they call me ugly and poor. !


I recently ended a 20 year relationship.

I’m not upset though…

…It wasn’t mine.


Good Bizi, very good.
You never fail to put a smile on my face.
Have a cracking day mate.


Ouch, Mate, this morning caught my foreskin in my zip.,fucking eye watering experience I Can tell ya!

..That’s the last time I wear zip up boots 😘


You’re on fire Bizi.
Don’t ever stop, the world needs more people like you mate.


Cheers pal, I’m Just catching up on the monologue, 10 past the hour.👍

I’m ashamed to say that my grandfather abandoned his post during the war.

His manager back at the sorting office was furious..


The powers that be don’t want happy families strong intelligent and fearless they want you demoralised broke and on credit so they can murder you


Its ALL by design its part of the NWO it’s not feminism driving it

Diane Hughes

If they pull off a yes/yes in this referendum, the next thing will be to revoke Article 40.5. Just you watch!


They are doing the same in Ireland as in the US. They basically want to get rid of any protections for the people in the constitution.

Diane Hughes

Especially the 2nd Amendment, a disarmed people is a crushed people, you only have to look at the UK Australia NZ, no wonder the Americans always go on about 2A!

Joe Public

How often can you get on a flight without any documentation ?


three dart finish


wwwwone hundred and eigghhhhty …million


You see to kill people and sterilise children you have to remove the male and promote lesbos etc


The destruction of the male and his family is probably a nwo totalitarian adenga 2030 goal

Urban Fox

After the events of the last 4 years which i now believe were planed long in advance. I see Brexit as nothing more than a Psy-Op. Used to keep up the pretense of democratic choice and UK autonomy.

Therefor its possible the Brexit vote, went the way it was always intended to.

For in a world now firmly under the boot of one world goverment in all but name, the significance of Brexit is meaningless.


At least Navalny was jailed legally for an actual crime while Assange has been imprisoned with no legality whatsoever; it is not legal to jail someone for extradition hearing when he has committed no crime the host country recognises…

Joe Public

Is Assange not guilty of exposure ?



Joe Public

He exposed the war crimes of the US of A.


I misunderstood you. He was accused of revealing the names of intelligence agents which he didn’t do. That’s what I thought you meant.


check out richard d halls take on assange, eye opening to say the least


I’ve met people who have actually known Julian Assange for some years. I’d believe them before I’d believe Richard D Hall.

Diane Hughes

On the subject of Trump. If he wins the election and he lets the people down, keep all eyes on America; disgruntled people with guns can do strange things!


36k for a post deconstructing whiteness? Trudeau just called to say he’s found his boot polish for that extra cash

Joe Public

Would it help if you are a evangelical christian do you think ?


Evenn’ all, looks like the majority voting for George in Rochdale were extremists…


I have a condition which prevents me from being vaccinated but it did protect me from getting covid. This condition is known as having more than 2 brain cells. It is a serious condition that makes it increasingly difficult to live in the modern world.

Joe Public

British Values need to be defined in order to know whether or not you oppose them.


Jimmy Savile  was a British institution wasn’t he; does that mean the whistle blowers were extremists…?

Joe Public

Anyone with a critical mind would appear to be extremist.


1 death in 20 years!! 4 cases lol A 33% increase (shock horror)….wait from how many to start with? Ummmm NONE!!

Do you recall Hancock doing the same over Devon/Cornwall COVID hospitalisations? He said “It’s double in admissions since last month!” “How many was there last month?”…”Ummm ONE!”

The whole of Cornwalls hospitals had like 5 admissions across that summer of “PANIC IF TOURISTS COME! THEY”LL KILL US ALL!” and pubs and clubs and beaches were RAMMED and NOTHING HAPPENED! As COVID DOES NOT EXIST!

Joe Public

Who are the C of E going to pay this £1billion to ?


The Israelites that were in Egypt.


Gabapentin and Pregabalin are not pleasant drugs! Far better to use SILICA in distilled water and consume Lions Mane mushrooms to re-myelinate nerve conditions, in a natural healthy way. Gabapentin is particularly nasty.


Hi Richie ,do you know about this .Only just seen it myself but Danny could be a good guest.
Cheers Kennedy.


Quelle surprise!

Dónal O Brien

What was the name of the song Richie mentioned about the song being pornographic? Thanks.

Urban Fox

Here you go Donal, Louie Louie by the Kingsmen.

Last edited 2 months ago by Urban Fox

on the subject of Sinn Fein being infiltrated, there is a character of noteby the name of Chuck Feeney ( a Soros type influencer) who I understand has been their largest single donator over many years in the USA.. Personally I think they were infiltrated at least as early as mid 1980’s .. of course the obvious red flag was Gerry Adams getting the envelope Nobel Prize kick back fund.


Thank you, Richie! Great show!

Diane Hughes

My friend has let me borrow his set of The Dukes Of Hazzard collection. I’m getting well into it, all those nice old muscle cars and good looking people. Ah back in the day!


I’m watching a series called CHIPS from the 70s which I never saw when it was originally on and I’m really enjoying it. Unusually most of the actors are still alive which is nice. As I watch a lot of old TV series I spend a lot of time watching dead people. I’m drooling over the young sergeant in it who is now in his 80s.

Diane Hughes

California HIghway Police. I remember it well, I was drooling over the bikes!


Yes they are great bikes and the stunts are really well done.


Great to hear Blind Joe again & also enjoyed the Sunday morning aerobics earlier with Jools & Rod. You’re making a sunny day sunnier.


Loving the show melodies brilliant back to my teens what a time.

Urban Fox

Talking of puritanical views, my mind jumped back to the conservative teacher and decency campaigner Mary Whitehouse. I met her when she came into the hotel restaurant where i was Head waiter in 1985. She was upset that the kitchen had closed, but i heated her some soup and got her something cold to eat.

At the time we all made fun of her views, but looking at the debauchery around us in the present times, i think she was probably well intended and perhaps had a point.

Time for coffee now, accompanied by birthday chocolate brownies. I’m panicking Richie, as I’ve got 10 years on yourself.


Would it be your birthday today Fox? If so, warmest wishes from us in Narfolk.
Hope you have a beautiful day mate.

Urban Fox

Thanks Chris, Though I’m not feeling very happy about it, just another day here. I may try and get a walk in the park later. Have a great day yourself, and say hi to Mrs. Gardner from the Fox.


Mrs Gardener wishes you all the best mate. We are off out for our Christmas meal with one of my customers this afternoon.
He has a cleaner as well as a gardener, and is taking us out with our other halves for a roast.
Make sure you take that walk mate, it’ll be good for the soul.

Urban Fox

Christmas in March, OK works for me. Lol. P.S Hope you got my messages from a few weeks ago. Keep meaning to give you my email.


I’d forgotten about the PM mate, I’ll take a look later when the website calms down.
I’ll send you my email as well, it’ll be easier to communicate than the website.

Urban Fox



Many happy returns Foxy. Have an enjoyable day. Don’t worry about getting older, it can only get worse lol. I always think that the birthdays with a 0 on the end are the worst.

Urban Fox

Thanks Jennie, What’s happening where you are.? Its bright and dry here for a change, which hopefully is a good omen.


Glad you are having a fine day, it’s the same here but still cold. Sorry I’m late replying to your message, the days just fly by.


Many Happy Returns to the Denned Fox Sir 🙂

Urban Fox

Thanks Pan, Have a good day. And hope you got the new link to that film i posted.


Oh thanks Fox, I will go find said link mate 🙂 Enjoy your day bud 🙂


Bless you Birthday Fox, as I just went back many many pages with no joy, after checking PM’s to find the link. I just gave up just now lol. Right that’s to be watched now then I reckon. Endured a GOD AWFUL horror last night, that had tons of comments claiming how brilliant it was. Seriously 2hrs I will never back, it was such utter dross.

Urban Fox

No problems, just had a look for it last few minutes. It was a good idea, which never made it to a series. Unintentionally hilarious at times. Saw a rather dodge horror myself earlier called Ribblehead. Great idea, but not well acted and to convoluted.


SPECTRE was great mate for its time. Almost Ken Russells The Devils like by the end LOL. Nicely done for its time though. I enjoyed that.


My great grandmother was one of 22 children including 3 sets of twins but only 8 of them survived to adulthood. I was an only child. How things changed in 3 generations.


Hi Richie, thanks for your fab tunes, it’s bright and sunny here in Shropshire. I am replacing a siezed brake caliper, brake discs and brake pads on my old diesel car that has done 169000 miles. It quite funny because the other half came out with a coffee and said it must be going well because I heard you singing to Richies songs and no other language was to be heard 😁, keep up the great work you BBG 👍👍👍


Richie line dancing country music has been revamped and brought to America long ago, it has its origins in Irish culture I think, how could it not we are everywhere lol


I’ve never been line dancing Richie, but I was asked to go once with my mate Jackie, who’s 20 years older than me.
I politely declined the offer.
I believe she used to call it “Shit Kicking”, and she religiously went every weekend.
I honestly never went.

Sean O Meachair

Dia duit Richie Agus maidin maith.

Was watching The Six Million Dollar Man for the first time in years.
What a great show from my youth..We can rebuild him!!

They Don’t make shows like that anymore…
Or The Man from Atlantis,..The A Team,
Batman , Alias Smith and Jones…I could go on and on….
Many thanks Richie.


Happy Sunday to Richie and the listeners. Sunny for a change here in Manchester. Bar a handful of mainstream musicians, the rest did let us all down but Covid saw some great talents emerge, in all genres, with parodies or original tracks, ripping into the agenda. Meanwhile mainstream artists, pushed shots on folks and many died of them too!

5TIMESAUGUST is great. “Anti-Fascist Blues” is an amazing Bob Dylan reworking


Great minds eh Pan. Hello mate, wishing you all the best for today.


Morning Chris Sir. Yeah just refreshed and seen you posted 5X August too lol. Media Bear are hilarious. Nice to speak to aswell on their live sessions.


There wasn’t many, but there was a few. Media bear cracked me up, I loved the costumes.
A small ray of light, in an otherwise depressing time.

Welsh Gregg

The people’s poem


Morning All,
Richie, regarding the protesting musicians, how about 5 Times August? He put out some great material during the nonsense, check him out.
Also, your mate Blind Joe. Media Bear also did some great tunes.
Wishing everyone a groovy day. X

There’s a link to his channel on YouTube Richie, you should check him out, very good.

Welsh Gregg

On the TV show “the young ones” a guy was tortured in hell by having Barry manilow pumped into his ears. Rik (mayall) “the people’s poet” also references him in “the people’s poem”

Dónal O Brien

In Ireland young musicIans said nothing. The only one in Ireland who said anything regarding lockdowns was Seamus Begley. Rest In Peace.


Exactly they all took the 30pieces silver everywhere, I’ll never look at them the same again cowards.


Always really liked the song Louie Louie but I’ve never heard about the controversy and I’ve never really noticed the lyrics to be honest.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Mrs Bridgen has been paid and by someone other than the Sunday Times or am I just being a wicked conspiracy theorist.


Good Morning, Richie & Caroline! Good morning to all of the listeners. Especially, Sophie, Andrew, Julie and family.


Morning Richie and listeners hope it’s a great day in this insane world, but we get a break on Sunday melody show thanks.

Urban Fox

Regards what i said about straight white men being side lined and denigrated, proven by what’s on the screen and elsewhere. I keep a close eye on the current dramas, even though rarely watch in full. And watch the current Hollyoaks and Emmerdale. Last nights Emmerdale just one example. A white woman being interviewed by the police. Detective in charge a black woman, solicitor black woman, assistant cop was a white woman. The village solicitor is a gay black man, his father is a black vicar. Formerly the vicar was a woman. Hollyoaks has a gay solicitor, transsexual head mistress until recently, now replaced by a gay head master. The village cop is a black woman, and her friend cop is a gay man. Its been happening for about 10 years i would say. But its accelerated rapidly since 2020, like the whole agenda has.

As for the Irish minister for children being a witch or gay. I can say with certainty the vast majority of witches, occultist or pagans have absolutely nothing to do with Satanism, child abuse, pedophilia, or any such thing. That being said i tend not to trust any politician whether they claim to be gay, straight, transsexual, cat, dog, pagan, whitch, Christian, Jewish or any other demographic.

Last edited 2 months ago by Urban Fox

You are absolutely right. Just one observation that we had to make recently is that every major film we’ve seen in the last few years, the leading police detective (or whatever they are called) is a black man. That’s not being racist for pointing it out, but in fact this decision to choose the actors for certain roles based on their ethnicity, is clearly racist. Reverse racism still has to be racist.

Regarding the former minister for children being a gay witch, would anyone be surprised that they, or any other minister are in that position because they are practicing something nefarious? I think you’re right not to trust any of them.

Last edited 2 months ago by Baird

Nick Griffin would be a good interview as he’s currently blowing smoke up George Galloway”s Arse!

Joe Public

Nostradamus was the first conspiracy theorist.

Scottish John

I was butler to charlie’s table at Constantine’s 50th birthday party. It was a memorable night.


But do you have the limited edition plate?

Scottish John

I wasn’t told what the protocols were so they only got one drink.


Serves them right lol…



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