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I’d be interested to hear what your guest has to say about sea level rise predictions that haven’t happened,  such as the Maldive crisis…


I don’t think Gerald is doing very well here.
30 years ago, they predicted that the area I currently live in would be underwater in 2020. It isn’t.
Why would I believe anything that they tell me now, are these computer models done on the same computer they used to predict the scamdemic?


A group of scientists have just been to the North Pole to take ice core samples and they found no evidence of warming. The problem is computer modelling instead of actual physical scientific investigation.

The IPCC is a political orgtanisation not a scientific one.


for goodness sake….how far back was nasa on line….8000years?i think not….if we go below 200ppm carbon,all life dies….he may be a chemist,biologist he aint!

Jon Taylor

the error i see with these people is that they think science is consensus. there is nothing scientific in people agreeing on something. 100 people could be wrong about something and one person could be right.


Science is just theories until a better one comes along. There is no such thing as settled science.


Climate change has existed throughout history, so what was it caused it then and why is that not the case now?


He has only got an oplnion and has no proof …sorry richie he is only making a fool of himself


It’s a Spot on Interview 👍

Btw, I’m gutted the clocks went forward in the UK this weekend.

We lost 1 hr of rain.

Any views on the harms of playing God with Weather Manipulation via

Last edited 1 month ago by BiZi
Scottish John

This might not go the distance.


Richie,the ipcc,is based on computer generated “models”… bad/verybad/catasrophic.I read through one of their reports,where,right at the end it was stated that-“we will not include the results of geoengineering in this report…” admittance by omission,does not make me feel that the whole truth is being “studied”


I am sure their plan is to only let people shower for three minutes , twice a week so it will effect all


In a way,these new laws are a good thing because its made it easier to protest this madness and turned more people (who’d have thought JK Rowling would join the ranks) of rebels against the establishment…


She is though protected by her extreme wealth and public profile in a way which wouldn’t be so for the rest of us.

Urban Fox

I’ve always had a lot of time for JK, and love her books and films. Hope your well today, thanks for your other reply.


I’ve nothing against her personally but it’s a fact that people who have great wealth are pretty much above the law.


I see that the phantom downvoter is back.


Evenin’ all, looks like good news from Germany…


It would be nice if the UK laws were relaxed, but I doubt it’ll happen anytime soon.
Cannabis tends to make people have to much to think.
They don’t like it when you start thinking……

Urban Fox

It was Azhar Ali who was withdrawn as Labour candidate for the Rochdale byelection, for comments he made about the 7 October attacks on Israel.

Nobody is allowed to say anything these days, unless its on the prescribed list of truth.


Richie could you ask your guest please what he thinks about carbon credits. Even if carbon was the major cause of climate change, which I don’t believe for a second that it is, carbon credits would still be an out and out racket and make no sense.

Urban Fox

Hi J, No surprise that i agree. Great choice of track just before the show, ”Some like it hot”,1985. Not heard in years, love it.!

”Some like it hot and some sweat when the heat is on
Some feel the heat and decide that they can’t go on
Some like it hot, but you can’t tell how hot ’til you try
Some like it hot, so let’s turn up the heat ’til we fry.”


Missed that, I only came on as it was starting. Thanks for your e-mail, a lot to take in and think about and I have downloaded it as it I’ll need to read it a time or two. But very interesting ideas.

Urban Fox

Thanks Jennie, and for your reply’s today. I’m off to make a brew and cook.


Enjoy. I’m off to watch another episode of Mission Impossible. It might be a load of bull but at least it’s enjoyable bull unlike the load of bull we’ve just listened to from today’s guest.


Good old Robert Palmer…




Richie, excellent song from Dominic Frisby here (from a year ago, that I had missed), called “Unacceptable Views” Which is perfect for THE PAPERS show and your epic rants.

You maybe get Dominic on as a guest on the main shows, as he is a very talented satirical lyricist and musician, amidst all this agenda mess.


HATE SPEECH (4yrs old, so he really called it early here).


am i the only one that didnt listen in because u said u were taking a break

Urban Fox

I was expecting him to be off all week Anto. I got confused, as he normally breaks at Easter time. But then i realized he is off the following week, for the whole week. With the melodies off for the rest of the month.


What a lovely choice of song to choose for a wedding song. We’ll all be thinking of Jess and Chris on Tuesday.

Happy Easter to Richie, Caroline and everyone.


Thanks Jennie, listening to it just now made me cry, bit silly really.
It remains the best day of my life, so much joy and laughter.
We had all 4 of our dogs there for the entire day. 🙂

Urban Fox

Happy Easter Chris and Jess

”We are hard pressed on every side,
But not crushed.
Perplexed but not in despair,
Persecuted but not abandoned,
Struck down but not destroyed.

So i do not lose hope,
For the power that is within me,
Is greater than the power
That is within the world.

I am the lion of the tribe of Juda.”

For Jess

Urban Fox

It was only yesterday i was thinking of the Bond theme to Thunderball Richie, and how wonderful the lyrics are. Would be fantastic if you could play it one week, as i can’t recall you playing it before.

” He always runs whilst others walk, he acts whilst other men just talk, he looks at this world and wants it all, so he strikes like Thunderball.”

Urban Fox

Happy Easter Richie, Caroline and listeners. I’ve been up all night and still missed the first hour, as i got the time wrong. Though in a world they would have the same, I’m happy for us to keep one of the few differences we still have.

I think i will open my box of posh chocy biscuits today, that i bought months ago. And maybe pop in the little chapel in the church.


I did exactly the same even though Richie reminded us the other day. I forgot to alter my alarm clock. Happy Easter, enjoy your posh biscuits.

Urban Fox

That may be the phenomena of ’emotional reciprocity ‘ or something psychic going on there. As i was actually writing a long email to yourself believe it or not, finishing it just before puting Richie on. Happy Easter Jennie, hope my email was not to long. Time for brew and biscuits now, though have 2 fresh biscuits from the co op to finish before the box.


Thank you. I’m off to Tesco shortly so I’ll save reading the e-mail till I come back and I can sit with a cup of tea and a couple of biscuits while I read it. I’ll be going in the rain as usual. It doesn’t matter how long it is, it’s nice to get them and I’m sure it will be interesting.

Dónal O Brien

Sport in Ireland want transgender and non binary inclusivitiy in sport.

Last edited 1 month ago by Dónal O Brien

its up to the women, if they dont stand up and be counted, thats it

Dónal O Brien

Professor Luke O Neill says daylight saving is bad for health.


Ahahaha that’s the same Pro Vax Pharma Shill knobhead thats been pushing the jabs hardest in Ireland, Here he has the audacity, to claim clock changes can cause Heart Attacks and Strokes, as a cover story for his hocked poison!

‘You reacclimatise after a few days anyway, but in that period, say a few days after the clock changes, there is an increased risk of various things like heart attacks – that is very clear – and stroke for example,’ “

He needs Exile at the least! Despicable unscientific SHILL. Lots of blood on his hands.


imagine saying the clocks going forward one hour, wil give u heart attack/strokes lol

Jonathan Stone

Maybe he could get his bubble to adjust for the best lighting.

If you want to know more about this image check the link below, when Luke O’Neill was leading the COVID madness.

Dónal O Brien



Good morning Richie. All it bit grey and over cast here in sussex ( seems to be that way alot these days .I wonder why ?) I always remember sunny Easters from childhood (maybe i just had a sunnier outlook !!!) Got all the family over for a big lunch .5 x grand children and 2 x young dogs .Going to be total chaos but i can’t think of of better way to spend the day . much love to you all .
keep up the good work ,love what you do .


Happy Easter Richie and listeners! Lovely sunny day here in Liverpool. I’m tucking into my Easter egg later! Yes, I still have an Easter egg.


Hi Richie, talking about boot sales, we’re at Ayr Racecourse this morning – got here early and of course lost an extra hour lol.

We sell a broad range of household items but my specialty is media – blurays and CDs.

Have got well over a thousand CDs here today! All labelled up and categorised into various genres for easy access.

Even got some Bob Seger CDs!

Happy Easter to all!

Last edited 1 month ago by Steve.T
Peter Orr

2 years I’ve waited for Knopflers charity single. Dissapointed isn’t the word Richie. It’s a 40 year old song just re done. Fecking Slash has just a better single.

Peter Orr

done *

Sean O Meachair

Beannachtaí na Cásca ort Richie Agus míle buíochas.
I love Easter and remember in school a great teacher who at Easter would remind us
In life and lent folks as Oscar Wilde said” I can resist anything but temptation…”

But remember at Easter time Oscar Wilde also said. “Every Saint has a past but every sinner has a future…”

Míle buíochas Richie. Great tunes. Happy Easter


“He is Risen!” Yes the Big Baldy Gammon has resurrected from his Tomb since Thursday Night, on the 3rd Morning, this glorious Easter Sunday Melodies 🙂

Happy Easter to one and all 🙂

Jonathan Stone

Bridge Hit Conspiracy Plot Twist:
The ship had been guided using a navigation system based on the globe model, however because the Earth is in fact flat, they went straight in to the bridge.


How did I not see that sooner; I feel so foolish…

Jonathan Stone

Don’t feel bad.I also felt foolish once, when I picked up a violin and expected frets.That was the moment when the guitarist realizes he’s been playing at beginner mode all his life.Happy Easter, my friend.


For any so inclined, is a 3 part series of Documentaries on “THE DEEPER MEANING OF THE MATRIX”

Pt2 and Pt3 are on the channels SPACEMAN page here:

Overall its nearly 6 hours long:

It is brilliantly made and explores the Religious and Esoteric meanings behind THE MATRIX movies and universe. Which are a very clever re-working of Biblical and Buddhist/Hindu and other Pagan traditions, brought into a Sci-Fi world, to tell the story of Mans Spiritual awakening.

Neo is basically the Christ or Buddha figure, as is Harry Potter also such a Biblical reworking, fully admitted by JK Rowling. Star Wars is another older example.

Once you know what you are looking for, it becomes easier to spot the central motifs of such stories and characters plot points. It’s not called the Greatest Story ever told for no reason.

Tremendous archive footage from varied sources within these and they are superb way to gain deeper insight and enriched understanding, of a variety of faiths and there concepts.


Pt2 and Pt3 are on the channels SPACEMAN page here:


Excellent Good Friday THE PAPERs podcast Richie and looking forward to the Easter Sunday melodies 🙂

Happy Easter to one and all and hope you all get some decent weather for it and have a lovely time.


It was so nice to hear such common sense for solving the most pressing problems we face today, very simple solutions if not for the control files on all the politicians. I hope they do nationalize the water again and it may start a flood of similar actions on other life necessities.


I’ve just got a position with an organisation that hands out clothes to poor and disadvantaged people.

…I work for Primark!


By the way,  I found a good video on the Baltimore bridge story that highlights mystery of why theship turned right towards the bridge support and  why ships of that   size are allowed to navigate the narrow gap without tugs…


Who owned the Cargo ship?


Keep an eye on those insurance claims, policies, who and when they where taken out 👍

Might be fek all but keep an eye on it.

Urban Fox

Hi Bizi, Yes the above is correct. Though what that misses out above, is all festivals held around the world near springtime. Are also to do with the idea of death and rebirth. Which includes in nature, life coming back to the land. In fact that is the predominant belief being celebrated. As the sex and fertility is connected to physical rebirth, into our human bodies.


You mean Spring! 😉

First full moon of spring the Jews celebrate the Pass Over on the SATURNday night, the following SUNday is Easter Sunday 👍

All credit to Jordan Maxwell, what I heard and how I listened to it as how I came to my own opinion.

With no rains from the heavens above there would be no life of Mother earth

Who remembers April Showers? It hasn’t stopped pissing it down for months.

If God was real he’d of bitch slapped these twats outta the sky, manipulating the weather.

Urban Fox

We’ve had a lot of rain in London recently, but we’ve also gone long periods without only a couple of years ago.. But its nothing compared to the North West cost, where I’m originally from. But it always rained a lot up that way. Not that far from where Richie is, seems to be constantly raining there. Though the stats would seem to indicate that extreme weather is not more common than it ever was, in fact the opposite. I think they are messing around with the sun though. As it’s not natural for there to be so little sun, even when the weather is warm.


They’re not messing with the Sun, only in the way of how much we see of it.

Have they got a Rickets Jab?


All this talk of luciferian strategies reminds me of the Irish Eurovision entry…


Richie , this is all very nice and how it should be but let’s be honest , it’s never going to happen.
Great show…have a nice easter.

Jim in Staines.


Land  reform  has been  a volatile political issue since the Graccus brothers…


Intriguing, shall take a gander at that later. Thanks Violinist 🙂


Despite the rise in VAN LIFE, the Government quietly changed Trespass Law under Covid, or just prior, and the new rules have not really been enforced much yet. However they are designed to make Van life very difficult indeed.
Will be interesting when they start cracking down and exercising these new powers.


After the death of Lt . Col Thomas Bearden , his work has been passed onto Dutchsinse on YT which was shown yesterday
Russian ( Soviet ) Weather engineering over North America 1985
Secret Super Weapons that drive Disarmament Negotiations 1988
Very Technical


Its more than just conflation; CO2 driven  climate change was a misdirection from ACTUAL pollution problems, undermining real environmentalism…


I agree. There are real and urgent environmental problems but all the powers that be talk about is climate, climate, climate which is of course the one thing that we can’t do anything about.


Free public transport would be great but they need to also provide good services. The problem with public transport where I am is the unreliability and irregularity. Plus there are large areas which have no public transport.


Funny how the climate protesters never mention that…


I love listening to Tony, and agree with much of what he says.
But his fondness for the Queen always amuses and puzzles me.
To me, she was a heinous entity.

Urban Fox

Though I remember having a book of photos of her when i was a child, and she was surprisingly fit, especially in riding gear. At least in human form, a bit like the alien woman on the drama V.

How you doing.?


“At least in Human Form!” lol

Yeah V was excellent and yes some of the females were hot! lol


Hanging in there mate, possibly on my fingernails, but still in the game.
I loved V, I was a through the night TV junkie in my early teens, V was always on.
They like to show us the truth, dressed up as fiction. It does make you wonder.

Urban Fox

I think it was just an imaginative drama. And people pick up on things psychically as well. Creativity is very much linked to intuition and our psychic awareness. I liked the original and the remake. I watched them all again only recently. But the second series of the original was truly terrible, upon watching again. But good fun though. Take care, speak soon if possible.


Tony may be exaggerating a bit about writing “all” the  PR, but google verifies it to some extent on a quick search…


In Ireland we could have good quality water if they stopped poisoning it with fluoride. If people want to take fluoride they should provide it for themselves, it shouldn’t be inflicted on the whole population.


This tune was so well used by John Carpenter to open Stephen Kings “Christine” movie, as that bad ass car is getting made and claims its first victims! Such a good movie.


The only  Stephen King product I’ve ever liked, and that track is a significant factor…


Similar to the water firms, I gather the CEO of British Gas has just doubled his personal salary to 8 MILLION a year! All whilst hiking the Gas Bills too of course. Same with the Electric firms, all squeezing people whilst recording record profits.

All these firms stole the grid from Thatcher’s treasonous sale and yes we need it all re-nationalised, or at the very least, all these Utilities should be NON PROFIT organisations. No one should pay any bills, until all these firms are bankrupted down to non profit status.


Amen times 1million x

Urban Fox

Richie, I know this sounds like i just made it up. But my new council tax bill, I’ve worked out is 40 % higher than the previous one. It says online that the increases aren’t more than 6 %, so no idea what’s going on.

The Labor council leaflet, is blaming increases on the goverment. But the policies that are creating all the increases in everything, they are all working together to implement.


Is there anyway you can just not pay it saying that all your money is going on food and energy bills and also because you aren’t getting value for money from the council?

Urban Fox

Tried that before Jennie, You do that round here, you get slapped with a county court judgment pretty quick. And council tenants are in breach of there tenancy agreements if they dont pay. I will give them a call when i get round to it though.


I’d ring them straight after Easter. Are there any extra allowances or supplements you can apply for perhaps?


That’s an outrageous hike Fox! I would do as Jennie suggests and cease paying CT. You would be classed a Vulnerable Debtor and the Council cannot touch you at all with any Enforcement Agents. You just send a letter to CEO of Council and CEO of any DCA firm they eventually set on you, and the Enforcement Agents are bound by the Taking Control of Goods Act and have to “cease and desist from any enforcement action” with Vulnerability status, also protected by the Equalities Act 2010 aswell. It’s watertight Fox, to just stop paying and it will take them years probably, to even set the DCAs on you.

The letter templates are on this page with instructions.

Urban Fox

I’ve got enough people chasing me Pan already, but thanks anyway. And council tenants are in breach of tenancy if they dont pay. But i am planning on calling them.


Sorry to hear that Fox. The Templates or principle of ‘Vulnerable Status’ can block most actions from other sources. And can remove bad credit scores/CCJs etc, along with GDPR breaches as another approach for illegal sharing of your data, as you are the Data Controller.

Council Tenancy does complicate things but I am sure there is a way around that too. Good luck when you speak to them. Council Tax is all committed by Fraud and is actually illegal to pay, as they do not properly disclose the funds spending, and 10% at least goes into the Consolidation Fund of central taxes and is spent on War Investments, which is another crime. Gov then commits war crimes and other crimes with the money and that is illegal as Funding Terrorism, so to not pay Council Tax and other taxes, is the only LEGAL position to take really.

Requires TRUST FUND set up to take that route though.

Urban Fox

I disagree on the legal stuff, as previously said. But i will have a look at the first thing you said, as its given me an idea.


My water supply sent letters asking us all to pay a portion towards helping those bill payers who are struggling to pay their water bills, I replied -How dare they ask us as bills are high enough and I insisted that they need to make all shareholders pay for this together with any repairs

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I’d be interested to hear what your guest has to say about sea level rise predictions that haven’t happened,  such as the Maldive crisis…


I don’t think Gerald is doing very well here.
30 years ago, they predicted that the area I currently live in would be underwater in 2020. It isn’t.
Why would I believe anything that they tell me now, are these computer models done on the same computer they used to predict the scamdemic?


A group of scientists have just been to the North Pole to take ice core samples and they found no evidence of warming. The problem is computer modelling instead of actual physical scientific investigation.

The IPCC is a political orgtanisation not a scientific one.


for goodness sake….how far back was nasa on line….8000years?i think not….if we go below 200ppm carbon,all life dies….he may be a chemist,biologist he aint!

Jon Taylor

the error i see with these people is that they think science is consensus. there is nothing scientific in people agreeing on something. 100 people could be wrong about something and one person could be right.


Science is just theories until a better one comes along. There is no such thing as settled science.


Climate change has existed throughout history, so what was it caused it then and why is that not the case now?


He has only got an oplnion and has no proof …sorry richie he is only making a fool of himself


It’s a Spot on Interview 👍

Btw, I’m gutted the clocks went forward in the UK this weekend.

We lost 1 hr of rain.

Any views on the harms of playing God with Weather Manipulation via

Last edited 1 month ago by BiZi
Scottish John

This might not go the distance.


Richie,the ipcc,is based on computer generated “models”… bad/verybad/catasrophic.I read through one of their reports,where,right at the end it was stated that-“we will not include the results of geoengineering in this report…” admittance by omission,does not make me feel that the whole truth is being “studied”


I am sure their plan is to only let people shower for three minutes , twice a week so it will effect all


In a way,these new laws are a good thing because its made it easier to protest this madness and turned more people (who’d have thought JK Rowling would join the ranks) of rebels against the establishment…


She is though protected by her extreme wealth and public profile in a way which wouldn’t be so for the rest of us.

Urban Fox

I’ve always had a lot of time for JK, and love her books and films. Hope your well today, thanks for your other reply.


I’ve nothing against her personally but it’s a fact that people who have great wealth are pretty much above the law.


I see that the phantom downvoter is back.


Evenin’ all, looks like good news from Germany…


It would be nice if the UK laws were relaxed, but I doubt it’ll happen anytime soon.
Cannabis tends to make people have to much to think.
They don’t like it when you start thinking……

Urban Fox

It was Azhar Ali who was withdrawn as Labour candidate for the Rochdale byelection, for comments he made about the 7 October attacks on Israel.

Nobody is allowed to say anything these days, unless its on the prescribed list of truth.


Richie could you ask your guest please what he thinks about carbon credits. Even if carbon was the major cause of climate change, which I don’t believe for a second that it is, carbon credits would still be an out and out racket and make no sense.

Urban Fox

Hi J, No surprise that i agree. Great choice of track just before the show, ”Some like it hot”,1985. Not heard in years, love it.!

”Some like it hot and some sweat when the heat is on
Some feel the heat and decide that they can’t go on
Some like it hot, but you can’t tell how hot ’til you try
Some like it hot, so let’s turn up the heat ’til we fry.”


Missed that, I only came on as it was starting. Thanks for your e-mail, a lot to take in and think about and I have downloaded it as it I’ll need to read it a time or two. But very interesting ideas.

Urban Fox

Thanks Jennie, and for your reply’s today. I’m off to make a brew and cook.


Enjoy. I’m off to watch another episode of Mission Impossible. It might be a load of bull but at least it’s enjoyable bull unlike the load of bull we’ve just listened to from today’s guest.


Good old Robert Palmer…




Richie, excellent song from Dominic Frisby here (from a year ago, that I had missed), called “Unacceptable Views” Which is perfect for THE PAPERS show and your epic rants.

You maybe get Dominic on as a guest on the main shows, as he is a very talented satirical lyricist and musician, amidst all this agenda mess.


HATE SPEECH (4yrs old, so he really called it early here).


am i the only one that didnt listen in because u said u were taking a break

Urban Fox

I was expecting him to be off all week Anto. I got confused, as he normally breaks at Easter time. But then i realized he is off the following week, for the whole week. With the melodies off for the rest of the month.


What a lovely choice of song to choose for a wedding song. We’ll all be thinking of Jess and Chris on Tuesday.

Happy Easter to Richie, Caroline and everyone.


Thanks Jennie, listening to it just now made me cry, bit silly really.
It remains the best day of my life, so much joy and laughter.
We had all 4 of our dogs there for the entire day. 🙂

Urban Fox

Happy Easter Chris and Jess

”We are hard pressed on every side,
But not crushed.
Perplexed but not in despair,
Persecuted but not abandoned,
Struck down but not destroyed.

So i do not lose hope,
For the power that is within me,
Is greater than the power
That is within the world.

I am the lion of the tribe of Juda.”

For Jess

Urban Fox

It was only yesterday i was thinking of the Bond theme to Thunderball Richie, and how wonderful the lyrics are. Would be fantastic if you could play it one week, as i can’t recall you playing it before.

” He always runs whilst others walk, he acts whilst other men just talk, he looks at this world and wants it all, so he strikes like Thunderball.”

Urban Fox

Happy Easter Richie, Caroline and listeners. I’ve been up all night and still missed the first hour, as i got the time wrong. Though in a world they would have the same, I’m happy for us to keep one of the few differences we still have.

I think i will open my box of posh chocy biscuits today, that i bought months ago. And maybe pop in the little chapel in the church.


I did exactly the same even though Richie reminded us the other day. I forgot to alter my alarm clock. Happy Easter, enjoy your posh biscuits.

Urban Fox

That may be the phenomena of ’emotional reciprocity ‘ or something psychic going on there. As i was actually writing a long email to yourself believe it or not, finishing it just before puting Richie on. Happy Easter Jennie, hope my email was not to long. Time for brew and biscuits now, though have 2 fresh biscuits from the co op to finish before the box.


Thank you. I’m off to Tesco shortly so I’ll save reading the e-mail till I come back and I can sit with a cup of tea and a couple of biscuits while I read it. I’ll be going in the rain as usual. It doesn’t matter how long it is, it’s nice to get them and I’m sure it will be interesting.

Dónal O Brien

Sport in Ireland want transgender and non binary inclusivitiy in sport.

Last edited 1 month ago by Dónal O Brien

its up to the women, if they dont stand up and be counted, thats it

Dónal O Brien

Professor Luke O Neill says daylight saving is bad for health.


Ahahaha that’s the same Pro Vax Pharma Shill knobhead thats been pushing the jabs hardest in Ireland, Here he has the audacity, to claim clock changes can cause Heart Attacks and Strokes, as a cover story for his hocked poison!

‘You reacclimatise after a few days anyway, but in that period, say a few days after the clock changes, there is an increased risk of various things like heart attacks – that is very clear – and stroke for example,’ “

He needs Exile at the least! Despicable unscientific SHILL. Lots of blood on his hands.


imagine saying the clocks going forward one hour, wil give u heart attack/strokes lol

Jonathan Stone

Maybe he could get his bubble to adjust for the best lighting.

If you want to know more about this image check the link below, when Luke O’Neill was leading the COVID madness.

Dónal O Brien



Good morning Richie. All it bit grey and over cast here in sussex ( seems to be that way alot these days .I wonder why ?) I always remember sunny Easters from childhood (maybe i just had a sunnier outlook !!!) Got all the family over for a big lunch .5 x grand children and 2 x young dogs .Going to be total chaos but i can’t think of of better way to spend the day . much love to you all .
keep up the good work ,love what you do .


Happy Easter Richie and listeners! Lovely sunny day here in Liverpool. I’m tucking into my Easter egg later! Yes, I still have an Easter egg.


Hi Richie, talking about boot sales, we’re at Ayr Racecourse this morning – got here early and of course lost an extra hour lol.

We sell a broad range of household items but my specialty is media – blurays and CDs.

Have got well over a thousand CDs here today! All labelled up and categorised into various genres for easy access.

Even got some Bob Seger CDs!

Happy Easter to all!

Last edited 1 month ago by Steve.T
Peter Orr

2 years I’ve waited for Knopflers charity single. Dissapointed isn’t the word Richie. It’s a 40 year old song just re done. Fecking Slash has just a better single.

Peter Orr

done *

Sean O Meachair

Beannachtaí na Cásca ort Richie Agus míle buíochas.
I love Easter and remember in school a great teacher who at Easter would remind us
In life and lent folks as Oscar Wilde said” I can resist anything but temptation…”

But remember at Easter time Oscar Wilde also said. “Every Saint has a past but every sinner has a future…”

Míle buíochas Richie. Great tunes. Happy Easter


“He is Risen!” Yes the Big Baldy Gammon has resurrected from his Tomb since Thursday Night, on the 3rd Morning, this glorious Easter Sunday Melodies 🙂

Happy Easter to one and all 🙂

Jonathan Stone

Bridge Hit Conspiracy Plot Twist:
The ship had been guided using a navigation system based on the globe model, however because the Earth is in fact flat, they went straight in to the bridge.


How did I not see that sooner; I feel so foolish…

Jonathan Stone

Don’t feel bad.I also felt foolish once, when I picked up a violin and expected frets.That was the moment when the guitarist realizes he’s been playing at beginner mode all his life.Happy Easter, my friend.


For any so inclined, is a 3 part series of Documentaries on “THE DEEPER MEANING OF THE MATRIX”

Pt2 and Pt3 are on the channels SPACEMAN page here:

Overall its nearly 6 hours long:

It is brilliantly made and explores the Religious and Esoteric meanings behind THE MATRIX movies and universe. Which are a very clever re-working of Biblical and Buddhist/Hindu and other Pagan traditions, brought into a Sci-Fi world, to tell the story of Mans Spiritual awakening.

Neo is basically the Christ or Buddha figure, as is Harry Potter also such a Biblical reworking, fully admitted by JK Rowling. Star Wars is another older example.

Once you know what you are looking for, it becomes easier to spot the central motifs of such stories and characters plot points. It’s not called the Greatest Story ever told for no reason.

Tremendous archive footage from varied sources within these and they are superb way to gain deeper insight and enriched understanding, of a variety of faiths and there concepts.


Pt2 and Pt3 are on the channels SPACEMAN page here:


Excellent Good Friday THE PAPERs podcast Richie and looking forward to the Easter Sunday melodies 🙂

Happy Easter to one and all and hope you all get some decent weather for it and have a lovely time.


It was so nice to hear such common sense for solving the most pressing problems we face today, very simple solutions if not for the control files on all the politicians. I hope they do nationalize the water again and it may start a flood of similar actions on other life necessities.


I’ve just got a position with an organisation that hands out clothes to poor and disadvantaged people.

…I work for Primark!


By the way,  I found a good video on the Baltimore bridge story that highlights mystery of why theship turned right towards the bridge support and  why ships of that   size are allowed to navigate the narrow gap without tugs…


Who owned the Cargo ship?


Keep an eye on those insurance claims, policies, who and when they where taken out 👍

Might be fek all but keep an eye on it.

Urban Fox

Hi Bizi, Yes the above is correct. Though what that misses out above, is all festivals held around the world near springtime. Are also to do with the idea of death and rebirth. Which includes in nature, life coming back to the land. In fact that is the predominant belief being celebrated. As the sex and fertility is connected to physical rebirth, into our human bodies.


You mean Spring! 😉

First full moon of spring the Jews celebrate the Pass Over on the SATURNday night, the following SUNday is Easter Sunday 👍

All credit to Jordan Maxwell, what I heard and how I listened to it as how I came to my own opinion.

With no rains from the heavens above there would be no life of Mother earth

Who remembers April Showers? It hasn’t stopped pissing it down for months.

If God was real he’d of bitch slapped these twats outta the sky, manipulating the weather.

Urban Fox

We’ve had a lot of rain in London recently, but we’ve also gone long periods without only a couple of years ago.. But its nothing compared to the North West cost, where I’m originally from. But it always rained a lot up that way. Not that far from where Richie is, seems to be constantly raining there. Though the stats would seem to indicate that extreme weather is not more common than it ever was, in fact the opposite. I think they are messing around with the sun though. As it’s not natural for there to be so little sun, even when the weather is warm.


They’re not messing with the Sun, only in the way of how much we see of it.

Have they got a Rickets Jab?


All this talk of luciferian strategies reminds me of the Irish Eurovision entry…


Richie , this is all very nice and how it should be but let’s be honest , it’s never going to happen.
Great show…have a nice easter.

Jim in Staines.


Land  reform  has been  a volatile political issue since the Graccus brothers…


Intriguing, shall take a gander at that later. Thanks Violinist 🙂


Despite the rise in VAN LIFE, the Government quietly changed Trespass Law under Covid, or just prior, and the new rules have not really been enforced much yet. However they are designed to make Van life very difficult indeed.
Will be interesting when they start cracking down and exercising these new powers.


After the death of Lt . Col Thomas Bearden , his work has been passed onto Dutchsinse on YT which was shown yesterday
Russian ( Soviet ) Weather engineering over North America 1985
Secret Super Weapons that drive Disarmament Negotiations 1988
Very Technical


Its more than just conflation; CO2 driven  climate change was a misdirection from ACTUAL pollution problems, undermining real environmentalism…


I agree. There are real and urgent environmental problems but all the powers that be talk about is climate, climate, climate which is of course the one thing that we can’t do anything about.


Free public transport would be great but they need to also provide good services. The problem with public transport where I am is the unreliability and irregularity. Plus there are large areas which have no public transport.


Funny how the climate protesters never mention that…


I love listening to Tony, and agree with much of what he says.
But his fondness for the Queen always amuses and puzzles me.
To me, she was a heinous entity.

Urban Fox

Though I remember having a book of photos of her when i was a child, and she was surprisingly fit, especially in riding gear. At least in human form, a bit like the alien woman on the drama V.

How you doing.?


“At least in Human Form!” lol

Yeah V was excellent and yes some of the females were hot! lol


Hanging in there mate, possibly on my fingernails, but still in the game.
I loved V, I was a through the night TV junkie in my early teens, V was always on.
They like to show us the truth, dressed up as fiction. It does make you wonder.

Urban Fox

I think it was just an imaginative drama. And people pick up on things psychically as well. Creativity is very much linked to intuition and our psychic awareness. I liked the original and the remake. I watched them all again only recently. But the second series of the original was truly terrible, upon watching again. But good fun though. Take care, speak soon if possible.


Tony may be exaggerating a bit about writing “all” the  PR, but google verifies it to some extent on a quick search…


In Ireland we could have good quality water if they stopped poisoning it with fluoride. If people want to take fluoride they should provide it for themselves, it shouldn’t be inflicted on the whole population.


This tune was so well used by John Carpenter to open Stephen Kings “Christine” movie, as that bad ass car is getting made and claims its first victims! Such a good movie.


The only  Stephen King product I’ve ever liked, and that track is a significant factor…


Similar to the water firms, I gather the CEO of British Gas has just doubled his personal salary to 8 MILLION a year! All whilst hiking the Gas Bills too of course. Same with the Electric firms, all squeezing people whilst recording record profits.

All these firms stole the grid from Thatcher’s treasonous sale and yes we need it all re-nationalised, or at the very least, all these Utilities should be NON PROFIT organisations. No one should pay any bills, until all these firms are bankrupted down to non profit status.


Amen times 1million x

Urban Fox

Richie, I know this sounds like i just made it up. But my new council tax bill, I’ve worked out is 40 % higher than the previous one. It says online that the increases aren’t more than 6 %, so no idea what’s going on.

The Labor council leaflet, is blaming increases on the goverment. But the policies that are creating all the increases in everything, they are all working together to implement.


Is there anyway you can just not pay it saying that all your money is going on food and energy bills and also because you aren’t getting value for money from the council?

Urban Fox

Tried that before Jennie, You do that round here, you get slapped with a county court judgment pretty quick. And council tenants are in breach of there tenancy agreements if they dont pay. I will give them a call when i get round to it though.


I’d ring them straight after Easter. Are there any extra allowances or supplements you can apply for perhaps?


That’s an outrageous hike Fox! I would do as Jennie suggests and cease paying CT. You would be classed a Vulnerable Debtor and the Council cannot touch you at all with any Enforcement Agents. You just send a letter to CEO of Council and CEO of any DCA firm they eventually set on you, and the Enforcement Agents are bound by the Taking Control of Goods Act and have to “cease and desist from any enforcement action” with Vulnerability status, also protected by the Equalities Act 2010 aswell. It’s watertight Fox, to just stop paying and it will take them years probably, to even set the DCAs on you.

The letter templates are on this page with instructions.

Urban Fox

I’ve got enough people chasing me Pan already, but thanks anyway. And council tenants are in breach of tenancy if they dont pay. But i am planning on calling them.


Sorry to hear that Fox. The Templates or principle of ‘Vulnerable Status’ can block most actions from other sources. And can remove bad credit scores/CCJs etc, along with GDPR breaches as another approach for illegal sharing of your data, as you are the Data Controller.

Council Tenancy does complicate things but I am sure there is a way around that too. Good luck when you speak to them. Council Tax is all committed by Fraud and is actually illegal to pay, as they do not properly disclose the funds spending, and 10% at least goes into the Consolidation Fund of central taxes and is spent on War Investments, which is another crime. Gov then commits war crimes and other crimes with the money and that is illegal as Funding Terrorism, so to not pay Council Tax and other taxes, is the only LEGAL position to take really.

Requires TRUST FUND set up to take that route though.

Urban Fox

I disagree on the legal stuff, as previously said. But i will have a look at the first thing you said, as its given me an idea.


My water supply sent letters asking us all to pay a portion towards helping those bill payers who are struggling to pay their water bills, I replied -How dare they ask us as bills are high enough and I insisted that they need to make all shareholders pay for this together with any repairs

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