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“posh”is -or was-mean to imply  that onlty wealthy people could afford to sail and,to wave to plebs on the dockside, they would ask for a cabin on  “port out starboard home”…..=p.o.s.h. posh.


No James, the wealthy card is the only real privileged card that  really exists, no matter what  your sex – sorry gender – or ethnicity…

Patrick Videan

Now Okay, Richie, having reloaded Google. Only to arrive back and the Cunt O’Brien is spewing out his disgusting guts again.


Evenin’ all, the thing is you shouldn’t  call something a “gentlemen’s” club; these  days you’d have to rename it “the vulnerable cis male rehabilitation” club if you want to keep it…

Tim in Brazil

Gobbledy gook. What does ‘damage civilians’ mean? I think kill, wound, maim are better descriptive verbs. I suppose ‘damaging civilians’ must be ‘collateral damage’. 


Talk about objectifying human beings; “damaged civilians” really ticks the box there…

Patrick Videan

There is some kind of Echo going on so the sppech on the show is irritating and almost indiscernible and I’ve tried logging in and out several rimes..


I got that with the player on Brave; its two streams playing at once for some reason, just pause the stream and one should still keep going on its own…

Dónal O Brien

Hi Richie there is a very bad echo.


Hit the PAUSE button on the player ONCE and you’ll find it still plays but no echo. Seems a double stream is being sent.  


Worked for me today…

Tim in Brazil

Go out and come back in


Superbly good Tom Lehrer style History of Pandemic Scams song –  Guy totally nails Germ theory history and quackzines, along with many other topics along the way.  He is very talented and made this in early 2020 calling the whole thing out.  


Ahh the Gilbert Barbie doll!  Needs a remake, covered in blood with 10 jabs in each hand and a noose round its neck!


Jeeezus H Christ!!


Yup, got a face only ITs mother could love! 😉


Oh dear


Tragic for the lad but great news for another nail in Pfizers reputation and a “worry factor” for Joe Public, over further gene therapies!


Richie,Im mailing you a letter with 10 checks, starting for May, then  postdated so you can deposit one every month. 🙂
I know its better for you to have monthly support than a bigger sum once in awhile.
Does anyone in the forum know if checks written on an American bank account can be easily deposited in a UK account?  I havent mailed them yet.


P.S.I know you havent time but you would really respect Richard D Hall in his interview with Gemma ODoherty who is facing the same kind of legal persecution.
If you interview that Martin character who is going after RDH, i think its only fair that you interview Richard as well.


Not sure but I think Richard declined an offer to come on the show. Could of been because the trial was on going.


I had not realised RDH has made a 3rd and 4th FILM and subsequent 1hr update, following Part 1 NIGHT OF THE BANG and Part 2 MANCHESTER ON TRIAL.  So there’s another 3hrs or so of new material.  

Pt 3 is here  “A TABLE FOR TWO” 

Richie is not terribly familiar with RDH Arena work sadly, so it would make a difficult interview, until he is up to speed on such in full.  




Cheers, good interview/info from Gemma.

Joe Public

There may be some exchange rate fees, but no problems otherwise.



Urban Fox

The UK stock market FTS 100 ( list of top 100 companies ), has broken several records over the last 2 weeks. Closing today 7th May, at 8313 points, which is the highest value ever. Remarkable as before April this year, the highest price was 8012 February 2023. And bearing in mind the steep drop early 2020, which took the value to well below 5000.

So why despite the roller coaster of the last 4 years, has there not already been a complete crash. Many including myself, expected this to happen within 12 months. Some of it can be put down to ignorance of what was unfolding. Ignorance of what some of us believe is part of a much bigger plan. Unwarranted optimism that covid was nothing more than a ‘black swan event’. An unplanned, unavoidable, unforeseen freak event, expected to be short lived and recoverable. Then others seeing this positive outlook, catching the optimism and following with their money. But does that explain everything, or is there more to this.

Anyone who follows the stock markets daily bulletins, will know the form they normally take. They point out which sectors and company’s are doing particularly well. Then speculate on why things are doing as they are. So for example currently, potential interest rate cuts, a boost to mining for the first time in years, and a strong dollar, ( Many of the top 100 companies deal in dollars.) have all been listed as reasons for things going so well. There may be some truth in all of this. Though the strangest thing i heard touted the last 2 weeks, was that lessening tensions in the middle east, was resulting in current optimism. But i no more believe any of this is the whole picture, than i did the various reasons given since 2020.

What I’ve observed is whenever i new virus threat is spoken about, a new war starts, whether that be Ukraine and Russia, or the gynocidal lunacy that’s taking place in Gaza, or any number of things both real and imagined that have taken place over the last few years. The stock market has unsurprisingly taken a hit. But then surprisingly made a suspiciously quick recovery again. Which has led me to believe that the markets are being deliberately manipulated. This is a very easy thing to do, for those with knowledge of the next moves planned. And for those with limitless resources, able to invest millions in buying up shares. 

If my hypothesis is correct, i believe its being done for one of several reasons. Either the puppet masters are waiting for a particular date before engineering a complete crash. ( All it would take is a major event or 2, followed by selling off their shares rather than buying more.) Another possibility is they are waiting for the markets to reach a particular height, or for certain things to be put in place first. Lastly and most controversially, i believe its possible they are going to try and avoid such a thing altogether. My reasoning being, though the cabal are absolutely ruthless, stopping at nothing in order to achieve their goals. They have also shown themselves historically, to be cautious and practical. Never doing anything more than they need to.

So If they think they can bring about digital currency, the technological prison they are building, mass depopulation and transhumanism of what’s left of humanity. And do all of this without the need for a total crash, then it may well be seen as the expedient thing to do. So i dont believe personally, that a total crash of the economy is necessarily the aim. Though it is certainly not something that can be ruled out. If they do bring this this about, it makes sense that the markets are as high as possible at the time. Meaning that the damage done, would be felt more severely.

What’s happening with the stock market is important, not just to those that have shares, but to the whole economy. It should be of particular interest to those with a standard personal pension, as how well its doing invariably effects the value of such. Anyone who like me cashed theirs in 2020, should be kicking themselves now. Anyone who started the ball rolling in cashing theirs earlier in the year when i suggested it, will likely be patting themselves on the back. Likewise now may be a good time for others to think about doing so. Though as i said then, its always possible that the price may crash before the paperwork is finalized. The possibility of bank ‘bail-ins’ are another reason to watch the stock market. As i dont believe such a thing would be likely, without a severe crash. In the UK my guess is, the FTS 100 would have to crash to 4000 or less.

I’m sure many will disagree with me, but i dont see Gold and Silver as any kind of guarantee. As we can no longer rely on comparing things to past history, in the truly unprecedented times since 2020, and considering what’s planned going forward. The film character Mad Max in the apocalyptical films, traded in water, food and oil, not preciouses metals. If i had money to invest now, i would be looking at food, water, medical supplies, candles, torches, batteries, alcohol, basically anything that can be used , bartered or sold on. Certain things will always have true intrinsic value. Regardless of whatever happens in the world, and regardless how long we have on this planet that’s our home.

Graph of the FTS 100 for the last 4 weeks.

Last edited 10 days ago by Urban Fox

We in the Gorilla Media…?   😉

Patrick Videan

The Darkness has to be fully exposed so that each Human can recognize the full extent if the depravity, see the Truth  and it will act as an incentive to help build the New Earth, which won’t look anything like the WHO, WEF and the United Nations AGENDA2030 Crap. The true Creator God is in charge even though it doesn’t seem like it.


John is right about that, the people coming over to European countries are the wealthy immigrants; one of the reasons being that the poverty that has been created in our countries needs these rich immigrants to spend their money here and push against the deflationary pressure of that poverty…


Its not a financial collapse they were covering up with the pandemic, it was a deflationary shrinking of the corporate gravy train: The artificial inflation that has occurred during and since that atrocity and the massive wealth transfer from poor to rich is a dead give away…


I could not find Aidans film over the weekend on YT yes, however I watched a bunch of his stand up shows and he’s very on point and very funny! 
Here is a great example “WHO AM I?”


Bless you Jonathan, many thanks.  Will check that out after the show 🙂  

Jonathan Stone

Yeah I’m going to check it out myself, only heard about it today. 


Again you have this fraud American on your show. She is not connected at all to Ireland, her father is buried at the Freemasons lodge in the US and ask her about the killing (her own words) her husband made on the Astra zenica clot shot. Ask her. Controlled opposition that will melt away when the shit hits the fan as planned.


Frankly I’m looking forward to a new spamdemic being called as the protests will be even bigger this time and be a great chance to connect and network with like minded people now the internet is so controlled…


 Marine Gaza Gas Project….The gas field is owned by the Palestinian National Authority and the Palestinian people and it seems Netanyahu ….and Hamas do not like that


Evenin’ all, crappy weather finally behind us here in London…


It’s been lovely sunshine here in Norfolk the last few days, but they’ve started spraying the skies again today, so overcast now.

Urban Fox

Hi Chris, How are you doing. Jennie emailed me, and said she was wondering how Jess was. She wanted to say hello on the site, but she hasn’t been able to log on.


Hi Mate,
We’re OK, chugging along. Jess is doing OK, a bit up and down emotionally, but holding it together. Give Jennie our love, and of course our love to you brother. X

Urban Fox

Thanks Chris, I’m just gonna write a stock market update. Then get a  long overdue brew.


Am I the only one hearing an echo in this stream?


I had an echo from outset on Brave browser but switched to Firefox and its okay on there.  Happened to a few of us the other day last week too.  Otherwise try a refresh of the tab or log in/out again and restart the stream.  That also often fixes it.  


Actually I’m on Brave and no echo…

Jonathan Stone

I spotted that earlier it seems that the webpage is playing back two streams by mistake. Just press the pause button and it stops the echo. 


Wow, Israel and its USA Zionist bitches, threaten the ICC to retract Israeli official arrest warrants or ELSE!!


Not pulling any of their punches here!


Mind you, US  already put its military and NATO in general outside the jurisdiction of ICC (just about everythin George Bush did in War of Terror would have been prosecuted otherwise) so I’m not sure what a handful of senators threatening US sanctions against the ICC as an institution would do…


Well yes the ICC has no real teeth anyway, and most judges there are in theory corrupt exiles shipped off to do nothing under a courtesy title.  Otherwise as you say, Blair and Co-Conspirator War of Terror scum, would indeed all already be hung!  Still Israels pressure to silence all critics now since its outrageous genocide after clearly allowing Oct 7th, is very boldly showing whom pulls the strings now, and has exposed so manys true colours. 

Scottish John

Richie, when i started subscribing i couldn’t pay directly into your bank account, any suggestions.


Evenin’ all, how  do non-binaries kill people  ?    They / them…    =D


Happy bank  holiday y’all…


Thats  “they (slash) them” if anyone didn’t get it…


Gerry O’Neill interviews Derek Bligh on Scholar Gypsies

Scottish John

RBN  appeals for funding repeatedly every day so i wouldn’t feel too bad about doing the same, maybe a pre-recorded jingle type thing. I was actually shocked and saddened to learn how few people contribute to the show because quite frankly i hate to imagine life without it. If i’m able i’ll be making an increase in my monthly subscription and i urge anyone who reads this please put your hand in your pocket.


Hi Richie, I am a contributor to the show and I’d be absolutely gutted if the show was no more but I’d fully understand why.
It’s your show and you decide how you proceed but you like feedback so here’s mine: I think you should put some of your content behind a paywall, if the content is good enough (and it is) people will support you and pay to listen to essential content.
I believe a tiered system or a flat paywall with some free content is the only way to guarantee the show continues.
You’ll receive increased monthly contributions and one offs after your appeal last night but it will taper off I fear.

I hope you can find a solution and I would personally like to thank you for your daily show which I look forward to and never miss the next day, you’re one of several creators who I get my news from.
The last 4 years have been a rollercoaster of both a physical and emotional journey for me, I never realised how much the establishment hated their plebs and thanks to you and your guests, I’ve learnt so much about the machine and how it works .

Thank you Richie and be lucky.

kevin lodge

Hi Richie, for the funding suggest you put an pre-recorded announcement for support at the start and end of each show? It is essential that you stay on air!!!!


I’ve done EMDR. It’s like 20 years of talk therapy progress in 90 mins. The eye movements, or in my case, tapping both legs while sitting, preoccupies a part of the brain that then allows a more holistic perspective to be accessed. Programmed beliefs, emotional wounds, etc, can all be released. It is not overwhelming and allowed me to feel/experience what I truly held at a deeper level, when my egoic mind convinced me that I had nothing to see. Each has his own preferred therapy. EMDR helped me and my analytical controlling mind. The only other way I have ever accessed such useful life changing information was from hours of meditation.
It is not that new and there is a lot of YouTube videos and information on the net about it. You can begin with a therapist, learn a few tools and can then use it on your own.
When you are ready for experience over the safety of only thoughts/words. When you are tired of standing in the rain with ½ an umbrella and the ego is telling you that you are entirely dry. When you listen to Iain McGilchrist and wonder how the right brain feels to be engaged with the left. Try EMDR.

Paul G

Please support Richie if you can afford it, we cannot afford to lose his show. I’ve sent an extra £30 and I will be increasing my monthly donation too. 

Dave the Nurse

They pyramids were power stations like Telsa tower

Urban Fox

Healers usually had training in astrology and the occult arts, all which they considered science.

The original Hypocritic oath, included not operating on areas of the body, if the moon was in the star sign governing that area. Research has shown conclusively, that operations that ignore this, have a greatly reduced likelihood of success.

Though modern medicine ignores this.

Last edited 15 days ago by Urban Fox

Again I’d just like to add that it is not just the Israeli government that is involved in this genocide unilaterally; the  US and UK  governments have funded and armed this since the beginning  and have STILL NOT made  any threats to withdraw that  aid on any condition…

Urban Fox

Some life coaches and un-mainstream therapists, have used eye movements as part of their-tool-box for many years.

The theory being, that because the direction our eyes look, involves using different parts of our brain. By moving our eyes in various directions, we can bring harmony between the different areas. It could be likened to exercising the whole body, rather than just one part.

There are also some very simple visualization exercises, that can reprogram the way we feel about traumatic events.

William Henderson

Ceasefire? How about end the occupation? I seen one of the university protest leaders in an older photo wearing a black lives matter t-shirt, are these protests just BLM take 2, controlled and pushed by the powers that be?

Last edited 15 days ago by William Henderson

This thing about Israel taking over and ruling western nations is such bollocks.


The murky world of journalism

What nobody told you about Ukraine – Mindblowing!

Something incredible was revealed by a brave hero of humanity. Udo Ulfkotte was the editor of one of Europe’s largest newspapers, the Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung. A few years ago he confessed to the world that journalists worldwide are paid by the CIA, secret societies, governments, billionaires etc. to… always lie, and never tell the truth to the public.

This newspaper editor confessed that journalists are paid to… push for war with Russia!

That’s where Ulfkotte drew the line. After lying to the public for over 25 years, he could no longer live with his conscience. He publicly confessed his guilt, and exposed the worldwide criminal media cartel, that steers humanity to its doom. Shortly after his confession, Ulfkotte was found dead. Listen to his confession in this video …

Last edited 15 days ago by Steve.T
Scottish John

Wow top that , brilliant interview.


I wonder if the establishment will be able to coax people to hate Israel enough to support it’s invasion? 


Who the feck would want to invade Israel, or even go there! Its a SHITE HOLE filled with assholes that cant even realise they are pathetic children that pretend a faked and stolen (as they could not even make anything original up themselves) shitty god of a stolen flood myth, that even they distance from, as they KNOW its a load of old bollox!   Total bunch of cunts and its a bombed to shit arid crap hole with nothing there that anyone could ever have got for 40 years of exodus of, without dreaming up something far better than it actually is.  I mean, what you want, some withered fucking fig trees and some walking dead corpses in some sandy shite hole next to a crappy lake with only 153 fish to catch! FUCK THAT!  Everyone should shake the sand from Israels claims from our sandals on their doorsteps and mark them for LAVENDAR to make sure the 2nd coming comes for properly and may all the children of Israel be properly struck down this time as that fucking twat Moses the HORNED GOD of ARIES, failed to point so called gods wrath on the right direction. BUNCH A CUNTS are the ZIONIST FUCKING JEWS that claim that land is theirs!  Is it bollox… NOW FUCK OFF and GROW UP YA BUNCH A CUNTS! 


I’m sure many of the present inhabitants of Israel are much like those shown God’s wrath in ancient times. However that’s not the point. I think that this is all leading to the UN condemning Israel and support for it, financially, militarily, and it’ll be the new battleground. 



Fuck you if you’re Jew, Krout, Spaghetti, Frog, Wog, Nig Nog, Coon, Chyna, Spick, Paddy, Mongol, Cong, or ding a ling tucked in, or fleshed on dropped thigh or forearm donged! Or even with a damn strap on and a napalm enema, or Whiskey Pete CoVfeFe over the IDF selfies above a soon to be bulldozed pit of DEATH!  



Now, I am gonna need ARNIE to fit that on a T-SHIRT but he can go FUCK HIMSELF and SCREW HIS JABBED WIENER DOOM TOO! 

“Now, I ain’t being racist but…”   


Israel IS the American government, so I don’t understand quibbling about who genocided more people…


USA and Israel are the UK Government, which is also the Vaticans potentially too 😉 


Yes that’s definitely my view too, they are all the same government. I love listening to Kevin Barret but on talking about Israel he does sometimes seem blinded.

Tim in Brazil

I am getting an echo on the live feed


I had a TRIPLE echo when 1st tuning in. Cut the stream and reboot it.  It will be okay then. 

Tim in Brazil

I tried MS Edge instead of CHrome and there was no echo. I returned to gppgle and  the echo is still there. Chrome also now tells me that the site is not safe and it took forever to connect;   Thanks for your tip


Funny how the police didn’t behave that  way with anti Trump protests and riots or climate change activists…


 Sangita Myska has been booted , Vennessa Feltz taken on board and program rescheduling taking place Sky News presenter Belle Donati seems to also been removed after asking ” awkward questions ” ,


Ratings for MSM shows?  Does anyone actually watch it all? Or is it all just A.I bots pretending to give an audience to folks on a perma pay roll to lie, just incase someone has woken up, after the more interesting Shopping channel adverts all night!  Hell it’s more fun watching that once endless SNOW!  Zelinski agrees!  😉


richie, in fairness,we all really believed manchester happened, until we were shown proof it couldn’t have 


I  found it strange from  the beginning that there was no footage of the concert at all that  fans usually upload from their phones, then later it turned out there was no box office ads or sales or anything; in other words the Ariana Grande concert itself never took place to begin with…


Now that is even more interesting, as I never heard the idea that NO EVENT AT ALL took place that day.  Tell me more please, of I guess the nothing to tell.


An event took place and was videoed, but it  did not involve an Ariana Grande concert as far as I have been able to ascertain; all I can say is search the internet yourself to try and find any actual concert footage or box office evidence because could not find any…


Evenin’ all, lets not forget the USS Liberty, bombed shot and torpedoed by Israeli planes with NO REPRISALS or even enquiry from US government during the 1967 invasion of Egypt, which Israel LIED ABOUT for years saying Egypt had attacked first 
So they have a track record of false flag attacks and lies and war crimes that have been quietly admitted to without the media covering it…


Chemical Weapon false flag example –
Caught red-handed

The London Daily Mail ran a story in January 2013 about leaked emails that confirmed plans for a chemical attack in Syria sanctioned by Washington that would be blamed on President Assad to justify a ‘humanitarian’ invasion of the country.

The report was quickly removed from the Mail website.

What the story described was a classic Problem-Reaction-Solution. The report revealed details of allegedly hacked emails from the British and Dubai-based defence contractor Britam Defence revealing a plan ‘approved by Washington’ and organised through the American client state of Qatar to transport a chemical weapon (CW) to Syria that was clearly intended to be a Problem-Reaction-Solution to remove the Assad regime as they had been so desperate to do for so long.

Obama had said that a chemical attack by Assad would be the ‘red line’ that would trigger military intervention and the on-the-team French President Francois Hollande followed suit. He agreed that the use of chemical weapons would be ‘a legitimate reason for direct intervention’. Israel naturally said something similar –any excuse for a war.

The emails were revealed by a German hacker and were alleged to be correspondence between David Goulding, the Britam Defence Business Development Director, and Philip Doughty, the company’s founder. This was the exchange:

Phil We’ve got a new offer. It’s about Syria again. Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved by Washington.

We’ll have to deliver a CW to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell from Libya similar to those that Assad should have. They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record.

Frankly, I don’t think it’s a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion? Kind regards David


College protests are about as organic as a mRNA lipid nanoparticle, they’re just a part of the plan. (in my opinion!)


Yup you even have to look back at Mario Savio and WONDER, if it was done to make others think, that someone was speaking for them!
THE MACHINE does remain Odious though

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“posh”is -or was-mean to imply  that onlty wealthy people could afford to sail and,to wave to plebs on the dockside, they would ask for a cabin on  “port out starboard home”…..=p.o.s.h. posh.


No James, the wealthy card is the only real privileged card that  really exists, no matter what  your sex – sorry gender – or ethnicity…

Patrick Videan

Now Okay, Richie, having reloaded Google. Only to arrive back and the Cunt O’Brien is spewing out his disgusting guts again.


Evenin’ all, the thing is you shouldn’t  call something a “gentlemen’s” club; these  days you’d have to rename it “the vulnerable cis male rehabilitation” club if you want to keep it…

Tim in Brazil

Gobbledy gook. What does ‘damage civilians’ mean? I think kill, wound, maim are better descriptive verbs. I suppose ‘damaging civilians’ must be ‘collateral damage’. 


Talk about objectifying human beings; “damaged civilians” really ticks the box there…

Patrick Videan

There is some kind of Echo going on so the sppech on the show is irritating and almost indiscernible and I’ve tried logging in and out several rimes..


I got that with the player on Brave; its two streams playing at once for some reason, just pause the stream and one should still keep going on its own…

Dónal O Brien

Hi Richie there is a very bad echo.


Hit the PAUSE button on the player ONCE and you’ll find it still plays but no echo. Seems a double stream is being sent.  


Worked for me today…

Tim in Brazil

Go out and come back in


Superbly good Tom Lehrer style History of Pandemic Scams song –  Guy totally nails Germ theory history and quackzines, along with many other topics along the way.  He is very talented and made this in early 2020 calling the whole thing out.  


Ahh the Gilbert Barbie doll!  Needs a remake, covered in blood with 10 jabs in each hand and a noose round its neck!


Jeeezus H Christ!!


Yup, got a face only ITs mother could love! 😉


Oh dear


Tragic for the lad but great news for another nail in Pfizers reputation and a “worry factor” for Joe Public, over further gene therapies!


Richie,Im mailing you a letter with 10 checks, starting for May, then  postdated so you can deposit one every month. 🙂
I know its better for you to have monthly support than a bigger sum once in awhile.
Does anyone in the forum know if checks written on an American bank account can be easily deposited in a UK account?  I havent mailed them yet.


P.S.I know you havent time but you would really respect Richard D Hall in his interview with Gemma ODoherty who is facing the same kind of legal persecution.
If you interview that Martin character who is going after RDH, i think its only fair that you interview Richard as well.


Not sure but I think Richard declined an offer to come on the show. Could of been because the trial was on going.


I had not realised RDH has made a 3rd and 4th FILM and subsequent 1hr update, following Part 1 NIGHT OF THE BANG and Part 2 MANCHESTER ON TRIAL.  So there’s another 3hrs or so of new material.  

Pt 3 is here  “A TABLE FOR TWO” 

Richie is not terribly familiar with RDH Arena work sadly, so it would make a difficult interview, until he is up to speed on such in full.  




Cheers, good interview/info from Gemma.

Joe Public

There may be some exchange rate fees, but no problems otherwise.



Urban Fox

The UK stock market FTS 100 ( list of top 100 companies ), has broken several records over the last 2 weeks. Closing today 7th May, at 8313 points, which is the highest value ever. Remarkable as before April this year, the highest price was 8012 February 2023. And bearing in mind the steep drop early 2020, which took the value to well below 5000.

So why despite the roller coaster of the last 4 years, has there not already been a complete crash. Many including myself, expected this to happen within 12 months. Some of it can be put down to ignorance of what was unfolding. Ignorance of what some of us believe is part of a much bigger plan. Unwarranted optimism that covid was nothing more than a ‘black swan event’. An unplanned, unavoidable, unforeseen freak event, expected to be short lived and recoverable. Then others seeing this positive outlook, catching the optimism and following with their money. But does that explain everything, or is there more to this.

Anyone who follows the stock markets daily bulletins, will know the form they normally take. They point out which sectors and company’s are doing particularly well. Then speculate on why things are doing as they are. So for example currently, potential interest rate cuts, a boost to mining for the first time in years, and a strong dollar, ( Many of the top 100 companies deal in dollars.) have all been listed as reasons for things going so well. There may be some truth in all of this. Though the strangest thing i heard touted the last 2 weeks, was that lessening tensions in the middle east, was resulting in current optimism. But i no more believe any of this is the whole picture, than i did the various reasons given since 2020.

What I’ve observed is whenever i new virus threat is spoken about, a new war starts, whether that be Ukraine and Russia, or the gynocidal lunacy that’s taking place in Gaza, or any number of things both real and imagined that have taken place over the last few years. The stock market has unsurprisingly taken a hit. But then surprisingly made a suspiciously quick recovery again. Which has led me to believe that the markets are being deliberately manipulated. This is a very easy thing to do, for those with knowledge of the next moves planned. And for those with limitless resources, able to invest millions in buying up shares. 

If my hypothesis is correct, i believe its being done for one of several reasons. Either the puppet masters are waiting for a particular date before engineering a complete crash. ( All it would take is a major event or 2, followed by selling off their shares rather than buying more.) Another possibility is they are waiting for the markets to reach a particular height, or for certain things to be put in place first. Lastly and most controversially, i believe its possible they are going to try and avoid such a thing altogether. My reasoning being, though the cabal are absolutely ruthless, stopping at nothing in order to achieve their goals. They have also shown themselves historically, to be cautious and practical. Never doing anything more than they need to.

So If they think they can bring about digital currency, the technological prison they are building, mass depopulation and transhumanism of what’s left of humanity. And do all of this without the need for a total crash, then it may well be seen as the expedient thing to do. So i dont believe personally, that a total crash of the economy is necessarily the aim. Though it is certainly not something that can be ruled out. If they do bring this this about, it makes sense that the markets are as high as possible at the time. Meaning that the damage done, would be felt more severely.

What’s happening with the stock market is important, not just to those that have shares, but to the whole economy. It should be of particular interest to those with a standard personal pension, as how well its doing invariably effects the value of such. Anyone who like me cashed theirs in 2020, should be kicking themselves now. Anyone who started the ball rolling in cashing theirs earlier in the year when i suggested it, will likely be patting themselves on the back. Likewise now may be a good time for others to think about doing so. Though as i said then, its always possible that the price may crash before the paperwork is finalized. The possibility of bank ‘bail-ins’ are another reason to watch the stock market. As i dont believe such a thing would be likely, without a severe crash. In the UK my guess is, the FTS 100 would have to crash to 4000 or less.

I’m sure many will disagree with me, but i dont see Gold and Silver as any kind of guarantee. As we can no longer rely on comparing things to past history, in the truly unprecedented times since 2020, and considering what’s planned going forward. The film character Mad Max in the apocalyptical films, traded in water, food and oil, not preciouses metals. If i had money to invest now, i would be looking at food, water, medical supplies, candles, torches, batteries, alcohol, basically anything that can be used , bartered or sold on. Certain things will always have true intrinsic value. Regardless of whatever happens in the world, and regardless how long we have on this planet that’s our home.

Graph of the FTS 100 for the last 4 weeks.

Last edited 10 days ago by Urban Fox

We in the Gorilla Media…?   😉

Patrick Videan

The Darkness has to be fully exposed so that each Human can recognize the full extent if the depravity, see the Truth  and it will act as an incentive to help build the New Earth, which won’t look anything like the WHO, WEF and the United Nations AGENDA2030 Crap. The true Creator God is in charge even though it doesn’t seem like it.


John is right about that, the people coming over to European countries are the wealthy immigrants; one of the reasons being that the poverty that has been created in our countries needs these rich immigrants to spend their money here and push against the deflationary pressure of that poverty…


Its not a financial collapse they were covering up with the pandemic, it was a deflationary shrinking of the corporate gravy train: The artificial inflation that has occurred during and since that atrocity and the massive wealth transfer from poor to rich is a dead give away…


I could not find Aidans film over the weekend on YT yes, however I watched a bunch of his stand up shows and he’s very on point and very funny! 
Here is a great example “WHO AM I?”


Bless you Jonathan, many thanks.  Will check that out after the show 🙂  

Jonathan Stone

Yeah I’m going to check it out myself, only heard about it today. 


Again you have this fraud American on your show. She is not connected at all to Ireland, her father is buried at the Freemasons lodge in the US and ask her about the killing (her own words) her husband made on the Astra zenica clot shot. Ask her. Controlled opposition that will melt away when the shit hits the fan as planned.


Frankly I’m looking forward to a new spamdemic being called as the protests will be even bigger this time and be a great chance to connect and network with like minded people now the internet is so controlled…


 Marine Gaza Gas Project….The gas field is owned by the Palestinian National Authority and the Palestinian people and it seems Netanyahu ….and Hamas do not like that


Evenin’ all, crappy weather finally behind us here in London…


It’s been lovely sunshine here in Norfolk the last few days, but they’ve started spraying the skies again today, so overcast now.

Urban Fox

Hi Chris, How are you doing. Jennie emailed me, and said she was wondering how Jess was. She wanted to say hello on the site, but she hasn’t been able to log on.


Hi Mate,
We’re OK, chugging along. Jess is doing OK, a bit up and down emotionally, but holding it together. Give Jennie our love, and of course our love to you brother. X

Urban Fox

Thanks Chris, I’m just gonna write a stock market update. Then get a  long overdue brew.


Am I the only one hearing an echo in this stream?


I had an echo from outset on Brave browser but switched to Firefox and its okay on there.  Happened to a few of us the other day last week too.  Otherwise try a refresh of the tab or log in/out again and restart the stream.  That also often fixes it.  


Actually I’m on Brave and no echo…

Jonathan Stone

I spotted that earlier it seems that the webpage is playing back two streams by mistake. Just press the pause button and it stops the echo. 


Wow, Israel and its USA Zionist bitches, threaten the ICC to retract Israeli official arrest warrants or ELSE!!


Not pulling any of their punches here!


Mind you, US  already put its military and NATO in general outside the jurisdiction of ICC (just about everythin George Bush did in War of Terror would have been prosecuted otherwise) so I’m not sure what a handful of senators threatening US sanctions against the ICC as an institution would do…


Well yes the ICC has no real teeth anyway, and most judges there are in theory corrupt exiles shipped off to do nothing under a courtesy title.  Otherwise as you say, Blair and Co-Conspirator War of Terror scum, would indeed all already be hung!  Still Israels pressure to silence all critics now since its outrageous genocide after clearly allowing Oct 7th, is very boldly showing whom pulls the strings now, and has exposed so manys true colours. 

Scottish John

Richie, when i started subscribing i couldn’t pay directly into your bank account, any suggestions.


Evenin’ all, how  do non-binaries kill people  ?    They / them…    =D


Happy bank  holiday y’all…


Thats  “they (slash) them” if anyone didn’t get it…


Gerry O’Neill interviews Derek Bligh on Scholar Gypsies

Scottish John

RBN  appeals for funding repeatedly every day so i wouldn’t feel too bad about doing the same, maybe a pre-recorded jingle type thing. I was actually shocked and saddened to learn how few people contribute to the show because quite frankly i hate to imagine life without it. If i’m able i’ll be making an increase in my monthly subscription and i urge anyone who reads this please put your hand in your pocket.


Hi Richie, I am a contributor to the show and I’d be absolutely gutted if the show was no more but I’d fully understand why.
It’s your show and you decide how you proceed but you like feedback so here’s mine: I think you should put some of your content behind a paywall, if the content is good enough (and it is) people will support you and pay to listen to essential content.
I believe a tiered system or a flat paywall with some free content is the only way to guarantee the show continues.
You’ll receive increased monthly contributions and one offs after your appeal last night but it will taper off I fear.

I hope you can find a solution and I would personally like to thank you for your daily show which I look forward to and never miss the next day, you’re one of several creators who I get my news from.
The last 4 years have been a rollercoaster of both a physical and emotional journey for me, I never realised how much the establishment hated their plebs and thanks to you and your guests, I’ve learnt so much about the machine and how it works .

Thank you Richie and be lucky.

kevin lodge

Hi Richie, for the funding suggest you put an pre-recorded announcement for support at the start and end of each show? It is essential that you stay on air!!!!


I’ve done EMDR. It’s like 20 years of talk therapy progress in 90 mins. The eye movements, or in my case, tapping both legs while sitting, preoccupies a part of the brain that then allows a more holistic perspective to be accessed. Programmed beliefs, emotional wounds, etc, can all be released. It is not overwhelming and allowed me to feel/experience what I truly held at a deeper level, when my egoic mind convinced me that I had nothing to see. Each has his own preferred therapy. EMDR helped me and my analytical controlling mind. The only other way I have ever accessed such useful life changing information was from hours of meditation.
It is not that new and there is a lot of YouTube videos and information on the net about it. You can begin with a therapist, learn a few tools and can then use it on your own.
When you are ready for experience over the safety of only thoughts/words. When you are tired of standing in the rain with ½ an umbrella and the ego is telling you that you are entirely dry. When you listen to Iain McGilchrist and wonder how the right brain feels to be engaged with the left. Try EMDR.

Paul G

Please support Richie if you can afford it, we cannot afford to lose his show. I’ve sent an extra £30 and I will be increasing my monthly donation too. 

Dave the Nurse

They pyramids were power stations like Telsa tower

Urban Fox

Healers usually had training in astrology and the occult arts, all which they considered science.

The original Hypocritic oath, included not operating on areas of the body, if the moon was in the star sign governing that area. Research has shown conclusively, that operations that ignore this, have a greatly reduced likelihood of success.

Though modern medicine ignores this.

Last edited 15 days ago by Urban Fox

Again I’d just like to add that it is not just the Israeli government that is involved in this genocide unilaterally; the  US and UK  governments have funded and armed this since the beginning  and have STILL NOT made  any threats to withdraw that  aid on any condition…

Urban Fox

Some life coaches and un-mainstream therapists, have used eye movements as part of their-tool-box for many years.

The theory being, that because the direction our eyes look, involves using different parts of our brain. By moving our eyes in various directions, we can bring harmony between the different areas. It could be likened to exercising the whole body, rather than just one part.

There are also some very simple visualization exercises, that can reprogram the way we feel about traumatic events.

William Henderson

Ceasefire? How about end the occupation? I seen one of the university protest leaders in an older photo wearing a black lives matter t-shirt, are these protests just BLM take 2, controlled and pushed by the powers that be?

Last edited 15 days ago by William Henderson

This thing about Israel taking over and ruling western nations is such bollocks.


The murky world of journalism

What nobody told you about Ukraine – Mindblowing!

Something incredible was revealed by a brave hero of humanity. Udo Ulfkotte was the editor of one of Europe’s largest newspapers, the Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung. A few years ago he confessed to the world that journalists worldwide are paid by the CIA, secret societies, governments, billionaires etc. to… always lie, and never tell the truth to the public.

This newspaper editor confessed that journalists are paid to… push for war with Russia!

That’s where Ulfkotte drew the line. After lying to the public for over 25 years, he could no longer live with his conscience. He publicly confessed his guilt, and exposed the worldwide criminal media cartel, that steers humanity to its doom. Shortly after his confession, Ulfkotte was found dead. Listen to his confession in this video …

Last edited 15 days ago by Steve.T
Scottish John

Wow top that , brilliant interview.


I wonder if the establishment will be able to coax people to hate Israel enough to support it’s invasion? 


Who the feck would want to invade Israel, or even go there! Its a SHITE HOLE filled with assholes that cant even realise they are pathetic children that pretend a faked and stolen (as they could not even make anything original up themselves) shitty god of a stolen flood myth, that even they distance from, as they KNOW its a load of old bollox!   Total bunch of cunts and its a bombed to shit arid crap hole with nothing there that anyone could ever have got for 40 years of exodus of, without dreaming up something far better than it actually is.  I mean, what you want, some withered fucking fig trees and some walking dead corpses in some sandy shite hole next to a crappy lake with only 153 fish to catch! FUCK THAT!  Everyone should shake the sand from Israels claims from our sandals on their doorsteps and mark them for LAVENDAR to make sure the 2nd coming comes for properly and may all the children of Israel be properly struck down this time as that fucking twat Moses the HORNED GOD of ARIES, failed to point so called gods wrath on the right direction. BUNCH A CUNTS are the ZIONIST FUCKING JEWS that claim that land is theirs!  Is it bollox… NOW FUCK OFF and GROW UP YA BUNCH A CUNTS! 


I’m sure many of the present inhabitants of Israel are much like those shown God’s wrath in ancient times. However that’s not the point. I think that this is all leading to the UN condemning Israel and support for it, financially, militarily, and it’ll be the new battleground. 



Fuck you if you’re Jew, Krout, Spaghetti, Frog, Wog, Nig Nog, Coon, Chyna, Spick, Paddy, Mongol, Cong, or ding a ling tucked in, or fleshed on dropped thigh or forearm donged! Or even with a damn strap on and a napalm enema, or Whiskey Pete CoVfeFe over the IDF selfies above a soon to be bulldozed pit of DEATH!  



Now, I am gonna need ARNIE to fit that on a T-SHIRT but he can go FUCK HIMSELF and SCREW HIS JABBED WIENER DOOM TOO! 

“Now, I ain’t being racist but…”   


Israel IS the American government, so I don’t understand quibbling about who genocided more people…


USA and Israel are the UK Government, which is also the Vaticans potentially too 😉 


Yes that’s definitely my view too, they are all the same government. I love listening to Kevin Barret but on talking about Israel he does sometimes seem blinded.

Tim in Brazil

I am getting an echo on the live feed


I had a TRIPLE echo when 1st tuning in. Cut the stream and reboot it.  It will be okay then. 

Tim in Brazil

I tried MS Edge instead of CHrome and there was no echo. I returned to gppgle and  the echo is still there. Chrome also now tells me that the site is not safe and it took forever to connect;   Thanks for your tip


Funny how the police didn’t behave that  way with anti Trump protests and riots or climate change activists…


 Sangita Myska has been booted , Vennessa Feltz taken on board and program rescheduling taking place Sky News presenter Belle Donati seems to also been removed after asking ” awkward questions ” ,


Ratings for MSM shows?  Does anyone actually watch it all? Or is it all just A.I bots pretending to give an audience to folks on a perma pay roll to lie, just incase someone has woken up, after the more interesting Shopping channel adverts all night!  Hell it’s more fun watching that once endless SNOW!  Zelinski agrees!  😉


richie, in fairness,we all really believed manchester happened, until we were shown proof it couldn’t have 


I  found it strange from  the beginning that there was no footage of the concert at all that  fans usually upload from their phones, then later it turned out there was no box office ads or sales or anything; in other words the Ariana Grande concert itself never took place to begin with…


Now that is even more interesting, as I never heard the idea that NO EVENT AT ALL took place that day.  Tell me more please, of I guess the nothing to tell.


An event took place and was videoed, but it  did not involve an Ariana Grande concert as far as I have been able to ascertain; all I can say is search the internet yourself to try and find any actual concert footage or box office evidence because could not find any…


Evenin’ all, lets not forget the USS Liberty, bombed shot and torpedoed by Israeli planes with NO REPRISALS or even enquiry from US government during the 1967 invasion of Egypt, which Israel LIED ABOUT for years saying Egypt had attacked first 
So they have a track record of false flag attacks and lies and war crimes that have been quietly admitted to without the media covering it…


Chemical Weapon false flag example –
Caught red-handed

The London Daily Mail ran a story in January 2013 about leaked emails that confirmed plans for a chemical attack in Syria sanctioned by Washington that would be blamed on President Assad to justify a ‘humanitarian’ invasion of the country.

The report was quickly removed from the Mail website.

What the story described was a classic Problem-Reaction-Solution. The report revealed details of allegedly hacked emails from the British and Dubai-based defence contractor Britam Defence revealing a plan ‘approved by Washington’ and organised through the American client state of Qatar to transport a chemical weapon (CW) to Syria that was clearly intended to be a Problem-Reaction-Solution to remove the Assad regime as they had been so desperate to do for so long.

Obama had said that a chemical attack by Assad would be the ‘red line’ that would trigger military intervention and the on-the-team French President Francois Hollande followed suit. He agreed that the use of chemical weapons would be ‘a legitimate reason for direct intervention’. Israel naturally said something similar –any excuse for a war.

The emails were revealed by a German hacker and were alleged to be correspondence between David Goulding, the Britam Defence Business Development Director, and Philip Doughty, the company’s founder. This was the exchange:

Phil We’ve got a new offer. It’s about Syria again. Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved by Washington.

We’ll have to deliver a CW to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell from Libya similar to those that Assad should have. They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record.

Frankly, I don’t think it’s a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion? Kind regards David


College protests are about as organic as a mRNA lipid nanoparticle, they’re just a part of the plan. (in my opinion!)


Yup you even have to look back at Mario Savio and WONDER, if it was done to make others think, that someone was speaking for them!
THE MACHINE does remain Odious though

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