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Evenin’ all, “Obese people are crushing us” lol…

Joe Public

only if on top.


Richie , on the front it sounds fine and caring but it’s really part of the great reset. It sounds like no nano tech jab no job. Today on the news we are told of a jab to stop obesity. …so if you don’t comply you may lose your job.
Part of the Ray kerswiel connecting the body / mind to the A.I. cloud.
Good show.
Jim & Tudy.

Welsh Gregg

I’ve been asked to organize a school project with regard to the unseco aims, specifically “importance of access to digital information and connectivity”.

It contains the usual nonsense, such as “engagement with the electoral process”, “sustainable development”, “security of democracy” and laughably “tackling censorship and disinformation”. I’m trying to politely to avoid it, lest I fall out of favour with my employer by pointing out the doublespeak.

I teach history and never give the students my personal opinion as I feel it is unprofessional to do so, but i do put all ideas on the table for them to consider. I don’t see how I can do this when following the unseco blurb. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Hi Richie

A suggestion for a future guest maybe. Paul Burgess is a retired water resources engineer who now speaks out on climate alarmism and the false climate narrative. He has a YouTube channel called ‘Climate Realism’ and for your information he has been on GBNews – The Nana Akua Show on a few occasions and debated that clown Jim Dale who you played a clip of on yesterday’s show.

Here is some info about him:

Paul Burgess B.Sc, MS.C, a retired Chartered Water Resources Engineer was in charge of water resource planning for large sections of the UK and sat on national UK committees. Before he retired he represented the whole of the country of Wales where he was responsible for planning water supply, flood protection, reservoirs, hydrological and weather monitoring. He built the first mathematical model of the climate back in 1971. Retiring early from the water industry, Paul set up his own business. In the early 2000’s, Paul became aware of the growing corruption of science by the climate alarmists and then started making videos to counter the alarmism. He now has over 80 videos on the subject. He gives talks all over the UK all at his own expense in order to further the cause he feels so passionate about.

Paul Burgess’ YouTube channel:


Checked some of his videos earlier thanks.  Good source. His one on realism of EV cars was excellent.  Similar thing here from an ARC speaker about such and other Green Energy all being madness.

Paul Burgess would indeed make a great guest for the BBG though


Does anyone actually care where the Bilderberg conferences are and who goes? Personally I don’t give a monkeys 🙉

William Henderson

If voting made a difference then the world would not be in the mess that it’s in. Politics is nothing but broken promises and corruption, history proves it full stop!


If voting worked it’d be illegal.

As someone very wise said.


At last somebody has said it; its much better voting for any OTHER than the main parties, just to cycle the nobbled politicians, instead of not voting which does NOTHING…

Last edited 6 days ago by THE VIOLINIST

“Stand there and do nothing” is right; Starmer hasn’t opposed any major government policy since he’s been there… 

Last edited 6 days ago by THE VIOLINIST
William Henderson

I’m not sure what’s worse, the Eurovision contest or the folk who watch it… give me strength!


The media glorification  of narcissism reached new heights with the Kardashians, and its only gotten worse since; the intent of  brainwashing kids in  that direction is so  obvious…


Evenin’ all, found a great debate on political correctness from a few years ago; heres a speech from Stephen Fry that should be shown to anyone who  still believes in “misinformation” heresy or pronoun shaming…


Hello Richie, I just wanted to say thank you so much for your kind and positive wishes for my battle ahead. We really missed the melodies, and Sundays are now complete again x

Urban Fox

Really enjoying the melodies this morning.

I saw the film Arthur the King recently. About the dog that joined the adventure race team through the jungle, and saved their lives. I cant remember being so emotional over a film before, and think you would love it.

Did you remember you said you would give the theme from Thunderball a spin sometime. I understand if you cant this morning.


richie, am hearing a man dressed as a woman won the brainwashing contest

Last edited 7 days ago by anto
Urban Fox

Thats what the photo looked like to me Anto. Though apparently none binary.? Get your head round that one. Did the see that disturbing mess representing Ireland.


couldn’t watch it anymore,
stopped watching it when the woman with the beard won it a few yrs ago,lol

Urban Fox

Been a good many years since I’ve seen it as well. I stopped watching it when the voting went totally political, and it was no longer about the tunes. I had watched it since a child, but had to say no more. But i watched the Irish one when David Icke posted on his site, just to check out the symbolism. 


Yeah, I’m half Swiss but not impressed by the fluffy twink that won; my Swiss mum’s face dropped too when she saw who actually won…


Good Morning, Richie and Caroline. I am listening in the same time zone here in sunny Hayes looking out at Heathrow. Good morning to all of the Sunday Morning Melodies listeners. Especially, Sophie, Andrew, Julie, Erwan, and Tristan.


Good morning Richie.
Feel your pain this morning on the sporting outing. Travelled to Limerick yesterday from Galway to watch my team Connacht play Munster in the rugby. Lost 47-12 and could have been worse.
Hope you’re well and looking forward to enjoying the great songs this morning.
All the best,


Top of the morning to ya Richie and later Melodies listeners.  Nice chill tunes at the moment Richie many thanks.  Well that Heat Wave for all of one afternoon was exceptional hey?  Northern Lights and all that and now threats of Thunderstorms in Manchester today!! WTH?   

A Happy USA Mothers Day to any yankee listeners 🙂  Found 1905 by Anna Jarvis in memory of her mother treating wounded Civil War Soldiers apparently.  Whilst USA fathers Day is based on a Mining Towns disaster which killed many families fathers.  

Mothers Day normally, at least in UK, is more of a Christian Tradition and not actually about our own Mothers at all. Rather a pilgrimage to the Mother Church of a chosen denomination is the supposed real purpose of the day, to worship at source if you will.  
Anyway there is an exciting new Vaccine Trial underway but I will detail that below, as I am sure you are all itching to sign up for such!  😉  

Happy Sundays Folks 🙂


My 2 cents to the TRIAL advert from SYNEXUS:
Why do you need a trial when the entire effing planet is already in a batch code dependent Russian Roulette game of placebo shots and toxic lots of death dealing GMO illegal Nuremburg War Crime clot shots? Will your trial be properly designed? Have a genuine placebo group? Not destroy that control group immediately on unblinding? Will it actually track the participants groups for a long time period over several years and into and through subsequent pregnancies? Will it rely purely on fake fraudulent misuse of non diagnostic PCR amplification “tests” to check infection/re-infection breakthroughs and transmission? Do you even have a real sample of the thing you are claiming to try to defend against? An actual isolate of a “real” pathogen? Not some made up gene brew soup chucked through a gene sequencer and asked to spit out a magic unicorn virus that you visualise with some CGI?
To be blunt, “Vaccines Save Lives” is an utterly fraudulent bollox statement, utterly disproven by the entire history of vaccinology back to the disaster of Smallpox shots, which killed and maimed everywhere they ever went. They did not stop so called “Smallpox” which was never a catchable disease in the first place. It was due to sanitation and malnutrition and atmospheric pollutants. Same as every so called plague or sickness. Most of which went away before any so called “Quackzines” had ever been foolishly dreamt up by murderous mad men.
Vaccinology is an utter sham of Medical Science, on the back of the PURILE FARCE of ViroLIEgy, which basically invents mythical viruses they cannot prove the existence of, or transmission of at all, as cover stories for toxic industrial hazardous chemicals such as DDT (the real cause of so called POLIO).
Mad Cows was not from a PRION from infected sheep feed fed to cows, it was mandated overdoses of toxic organophosphate Cow Dip for a Fly problem called PHOSMET. All vaccines are toxic poisons, that circumvent the bodies natural defenses by direct injection and systemic circulation. They are the cause of the majority of all chronic and acute societal ailments. Leading to endless ailments that require further toxic pharma crap to treat the symptoms of and not the root causes.  A great business model.
Unvaccinated people are the healthiest humans on Earth. Todays new “QUACKZINES” of Viral Vector and mRNA platforms, are illegal unlicensed G.M.O products, inducing transfection and DNA integration and basically act just like a mythical virus is supposed to do.
They are a synthetic lipid coating of dangerous PEG (which can induce anaphylaxis at higher rates than all prior vaccines combined), wrapped around a FOREIGN instruction set, which hijacks a cells machinery to REPLICATE. Exactly what a theoretical virus is supposed to do.
The foreign instructed proteins, either burst a cell to death to spread to other cells, or display the FOREIGN PROTEIN on the outside of the host cell. This does not “train the immune system to recognise the “REAL THING” (which does not exist in nature), but rather the Immune System so called, goes to work on the FOREIGN displaying cells, in AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES of ANY CELL TYPE that DARE TO EXPRESS SUCH Viral Vector or mRNA messages!
This will manifest in horrific autoimmune disorders of every single bodily organ or tissue cells system. All such modern platforms for “Quackzines” are INCOMPATIBLE WITH ALL LIFE. They can never ever work and MUST BE BANNED WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT.


u would want to be really slow to go near this, my family would fit right in,more money for booze

William Henderson

I’m an Elgin City fan, they are my local team and I also follow Arsenal, but a goal that has always stood out for me is Matts goal against Liverpool in 93, simply magnificent! I don’t think Matt ever scored a bad or scrappy goal.

Last edited 9 days ago by William Henderson

ahh the auld moskitos, who would do this i wonder


The wonderful NZ Dr Bailies demolish Dengue Fever nonsense here 

As usual its overblown in threat (as unpleasant as such is) and even in its origins and of course it magically obeys borders like covid too.


Insanely they are threatening to use the old and priorly BANNED “DENGVAXIA Jab” that was a disaster 1st time around, killing over 600 kids, with serious Antibody Dependent Enhancement syndrome, which also plagued all so called Coronavirus vaccine attempts in the past.  They are also touting another newer Dengue jab too I believe, though I am not sure if such is mRNA/Viral Vector based.


Quote:  “Dengvaxia’s fallout was so dramatic that it even overrode the U.S. media’s customary whiteout of vaccine safety problems. As summarized by National Public Radio (NPR), the Philippines’ mass dengue vaccination program—”implemented with “undue haste”—not only killed children but provoked protests, criminal investigations, indictments, revocation of the vaccine’s license in that country and a plummeting of parental confidence in vaccine safety from 82% to 21%.”


Re: THE PAPERS:  Vaccine Hesitancy!!!  

Vax vs Unvax studies proving unjabbed people are the healthiest on Earth.  All societal ailments are far far higher in vaccinated people.  

3 studies covered in depth and links to many more.  20 mins clip
These are the graphs and data that all parents need to see, to firmly decide what’s best for their kids, loved ones and selves. 



To understand what is happening in Venezuela and other countries, one needs to look back to the post World War II era –

Aftermath of World War II and The Hidden (US) Government …

With the war at an end, the world was at the mercy of the Global Elite. Europe was devastated, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and economically –as it was planned to be. The enormity of the deceit may be hard to comprehend as you survey those endless rows of white gravestones in the war cemeteries of France, but those young men and women did not die for freedom in its true sense. They died to satisfy the Elite agenda for global domination.

Of course, if those soldiers on both sides had known that, there would have been no war. Instead, they were presented with a story that the Nazis were a uniquely evil creation that had to be stopped by the forces of goodness, freedom, and virtue. Again, another black and white fantasy. The Nazi philosophy was unspeakable, but it was also the philosophy of those who controlled the Allies.

The same forces funded and manipulated both sides and at the end of World War II, the United States was the most powerful country on Earth. It had bankrolled the war and, through the lend-lease system of supplying armaments on the basis of ‘have now, pay later’, Europe was drowning in debt to the American –Elite-controlled –bankers. Roosevelt had told Churchill years earlier that the British Empire would have to be dismantled and now that was a certainty. Britain’s long period of pre-eminence was over, destroyed by the two World Wars. Britain should never have had an ‘empire’ in the first place, but we need to keep our eyes on why it was brought to an end by those plotting their own world supremacy. If you read the Illuminati Protocols you will see that the use of debt and wars as a means of control was precisely what the manipulators had always planned.

These protocols came to light late in the last century and, although they have been condemned as a ‘forgery’, they tell the story of the twentieth century with remarkable accuracy. Whoever wrote them knew what was coming. The debt they talk about was to grow still more, with the European countries borrowing heavily from America, to rebuild their towns and cities in the aftermath of all the bombing that had gone on.

The United States (Global Elite) introduced its Grand Area strategy to control Western Europe, the whole of the Western hemisphere, the Middle and Far East, and the former British Empire. The Third World was essential to this policy.

In the words of a 1949 memo by the US State Department, the Third World would “… fulfil its major function as a source of raw materials and a market for industrial capitalist societies”.

Put another way, it was going to be mentally, emotionally, and physically raped. George Kennan at the State Department even suggested at this time that Europe might enjoy a ‘psychological lift’ from exploiting Africa, as declassified documents reveal. Vital to this plan was to ensure that no country, particularly in the Third World, was allowed to delink from Elite economic domination and run their economy for the benefit of the people.

This so called ‘threat of a good example’, which others might follow, led to slaughter across South and Central America and the East, including Vietnam. Henry Kissinger (Comm 300) would call the introduction of social and economic reforms in Third World countries a ‘virus’ that, if allowed to thrive, would ‘infect’ a much wider area. Or, as Secretary of State Dean Acheson (Comm 300) said in the late 1940s, “One rotten apple can spoil the barrel”. The Elite’s barrel.

The more terror that could be used against leaders and people trying to eliminate dependency on the Elite bankers and multinationals, the less likely it was that anyone else would try it. This was the fundamental and base motivation behind the United States (Elite) strategy which engineered the horrors in Vietnam, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Brazil, Italy, Chile, the Dominican Republic, Laos, Grenada, Honduras, Iran, and Indonesia. You would need a map of the world to list them all.

Behind these events and the overthrow of democratically elected governments were many of the Nazis employed all over the world by the CIA. The SS officer and Gestapo chief, Klaus Barbie, the ‘Butcher of Lyon’, was one who was employed by the Americans to spy on the French. For hundreds, if not thousands, of Hitler’s men who were bankrolled by the CIA, it was ‘business as usual’ after the ‘defeat’ of Nazism.

The manipulation was happening on many levels, but the most important goal was to cause so much conflict between nation states (the problem), that public opinion would demand that something must be done (the reaction), and the Elite could then unveil its long-term plan for centralised global institutions under the control of a tiny clique (the solution).

In summary, the foundation themes of the Elite’s plan immediately after the war were the following:

•To introduce a world authority called the United Nations (with associated bodies like the World Health Organisation), which could evolve into a world government with powers to control the lives of everyone on the planet.

•To continue to cause conflicts across the world and to use the fear of the Soviet Union to massively increase spending on nuclear weapons and ‘conventional’ weapons, thus adding to the terror of nuclear war and demands for global security. To set up an American-European defence alliance (which was called the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)) and a United Nations ‘peace’ keeping force, which, through the engineering engineering of conflicts, would eventually be fused together to form the world army.

•To create three ‘free trade’ regions in Europe, the Americas, and Asia, which would be sold to people initially as merely economic groupings. Gradually, however, these would be evolved into centralised political unions, with one central bank and one currency. These would be stepping-stones to the introduction of the same institutions on a global scale. The European Economic Community, now the European Union, was the first of these, but the other two are now underway, also.

•To advance the control of public opinion and to research and expand the understanding of how to manipulate the human psyche, individually and collectively. Today this agenda includes the microchipping of people and their permanent connection to a global computer.

•To create a welfare state while destroying alternatives to the economic system and, when the desired dependency had been achieved, to dismantle that state welfare support, so creating a vast underclass without help or hope.

•To make fantastic amounts of money in the course of realising all of these ambitions via the Elite-controlled companies and banks.

•To continually add to the debt burdens of people, business, and state, thus increasing the control exerted over the approach which was followed to hoodwink public thinking was painfully predictable, but highly effective: Discredit the nation state.

This was laid out during the War by the German economist and refugee, Hans Heymann, who produced his Plan for Permanent Peace using funds given by… the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. In this work he said: “Nations have created international disharmony in the vain belief that harmony in our society can be achieved on a national basis… This narrow-minded approach has left us one strong hope, namely, that this fallacious concept may hold only during a transitional period… After the debacle [World War Two] an international organisation will be imperative, for the well-being of society as a whole.” It was classic problem-reaction-solution.

In 1945, the original Round Table secret society had two main offshoots –the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) at Chatham House in London (which had branches in many other parts of the world), and the RIIA’s United States branch, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in New York (which had branches across the United States). In the post-war years, these would be joined by the Bilderberg Group (Bil), the Trilateral Commission (TC), and the Club of Rome (CR) to form a highly effective network of manipulation which comprises a very significant element of the secret government of the world –a government that is far more powerful than any elected authority.

You will find the membership of these organisations among the elite of global politics and political ‘advisors’, banking, oil companies, multinational corporations, media owners, executives and journalists, the military, the law, and education. They work as organisations within organisations, infiltrating these spheres of influence and secretly promoting the Global Elite agenda. The majority of their colleagues and employees have no idea what is going on or how they are being used. As with the Round Table, there are distinct circles of people within these front groups. There is an elite core who work full time for the cause; a circle of members who know the agenda and work within their own organisations to achieve it; and an outer circle of members who are not aware of the real and full implications of the agenda, but are useful to the manipulators in the short term.

Not everyone who is a member of these organisations is a conscious manipulator and we need to use our intuition and the information presented by researchers to decide which ones know the score and which are being used without understanding what they are really involved in. The influence of these groupings and of their associated power blocs are contained in the United Nations and the European Union.

Urban Fox

I no more believe that the King and Princess Kate have got cancer at the same time, than i believed that Boris and the Queen apparently were sick with covid with 48 hours of each other. I find it totally implausible as i dont believe in coincidence. The timing of both scenarios was a propaganda dream come true. In the case of the cancer, it came at the same time as the new cancer campaign, and talk of the development of cancer jabs. 

I can’t prove it, but i think Charles isn’t really sick, and Kate may have somehow been made sick. Princesses unlike Kings are dispensable, as we saw with the sacrifice of Diana.


Brilliant, Fox

Urban Fox

Thanks Baird, I don’t believe in covid. But I’m convinced that they just said the Queen had a positive test, whilst making Boris sick. And it having worked so well the first time, i believe they did exactly the same thing regarding the King and Kate. There’s a perfect insane logic to it. Another apparent coincidence, Queen Elizabeth dies, just after crowning another Elizabeth ( Liz ) as prime minister. Which i believe was done as some kind of symbolic ritual.

Tim in Brazil

The flooding in Brazil was in the news. Recently Elon Musk was fighting with the Brazilian Supreme court a couple of weeks ago


Those royals are SAID to have cancer; lets not take these things at face value, who really knows…

Joe Public

  Has Dean got any thoughts on “Our country Our choice” run by Col Doug MacGreagor ?




Electric vehicles are WORSE for the environment than normal vehicles …

Electric cars release more toxic emissions than petrol-powered vehicles and are worse for the environment

EVs weigh 30 percent more than petrol cars, causing tyres to wear out faster

The tire tread releases toxic particles 400 times greater than exhaust emissions

READ MORE: Apple pulls plug on e-car project, following other carmakers –


Evenin’ all, while I agree that ISIS is a really just a NATO covert asset, I disagree with Kurdistan just being a construct; its a bit more complicated than that…


I don’t really know where Dean is getting this idea of the people now ‘winning’ from either. 


The audacity of the cabal crew that relentlessly spew “Safe & Effective”, when it is fully admitted by ALL the jab brands, that the jabs were never designed to “block transmission or prevent infection!” (which means they are not vaccines or effective as such.  So “EFFECTIVE” cannot be said of them ever, legally.  

“Safe” also cannot be said of them as products, as on all global adverse effect monitoring systems, ALL the jabs, have beaten all prior vaccines for injuries and in UK at least, have beaten the entire 50 years history of ALL MEDICINES EVER USED IN THE UK for injuries reported to MHRA Yellow Card, in a mere 9 months!  Such that the MHRA stopped recording or reporting such to YC at all.  

So anyone saying “Safe & Effective” is illegally LYING to you!  


They wouldn’t blatantly lie to the public. Especially not the Prime Minister. 


Best joke I’ve heard all year that mate 🙂 


If you hear something so many times then it must be true. 


Wow Penny Mordaunt really showing off why she is where she is. What a horrible bish. 


Renowned scientist: All Covid-Vaxxed ‘will die in 3 to 5 years’
by Frank Bergman

A world-renowned scientist and leading immunology expert has raised the alarm with an explosive warning to the public that everyone who has been vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots “will die within 3 to 5 years, even if they have had only one injection.”

Urban Fox

I can’t believe my ears Richie, This woman really believes that football practice has been moved to Saturday, because of the Jew haters.?

As for banning Israel from the Eurovision, i believe music and sport should be about joy and bringing people together. Not used as political tools, in the same way as television drama now is.

Joe Public

  When did Israhell become part of Europe ?


NATO Agenda song contest doesn’t sound so good…

Urban Fox

I always wondered why none European countries are in it. After all these years, i finally just found out. They say that any countries that are part of the European broadcasting union can be in it. An organization that before today, i didn’t know existed. Better late than never. Yet another globalist outfit no doubt.

Joe Public

Cannot get the show on the listen live button or on FAB radio 2 whats going on ?

Urban Fox

Try the page link, which is what i used when the website was down. Let me know if it works.

Joe Public

  Thanks Fox

Joe Public

Sorted switched off then on and voila 


If the show ECHOES, just hit PAUSE on the player and the echo goes away folks!



Cannot stop laughing at the UK excuse to not sign up to the WHO Treaty!  As IF, the UK cannot wait to deal dished up death shots globally from sheer charity alone!  Probably with a little note of “From UK with Love!”.  


Here’s Once Upon a Lockdown on Rumble…


It’s sad saying to family and friends “I told You So”

Last edited 11 days ago by BiZi

Nice bit of friendly arm twisting there… =)


Great shout out to Steve Hughs there; nice one Aiden…


What a guest Steve Hughes would be? Can’t someone organise a gig in Manchester for us knucle dragging neanderthals tup north to go see him, and maybe bump into some Richie Allen fans to rub shoulders?😁

Steve Hughes tour dates & tickets 2024 | Ents24


I’m even sceptical of that pandemic; it’ll just be the 77th brigade or Big Pharma taskforce… 

Diane Hughes



“Once Upon a Lockdown”  – Bitchute version


Aiden I’m listening to you in the nude


Is it better like that.
Yep you’re right


what was the discount code for supreme cbd from Matt?




Stigmatizing the Unvaxxed and Unboosted. “Mass Formation Psychosis”. “You’re a Criminal Because You’re Unvaccinated”

Scottish John

My experience with Gummies is exactly the same as Matt’s. I went from waking up 3 or 4 times a night to sleeing right through ’til morning.

Petra Simpson

why is richie so ecoie


Hit the PAUSE button on the player and the echo will vanish and the stream will carry on regardless. 

Patrick Videan

Yes, it seems that Matt has bucket loads of Discernment which is what we humans all need.

Joe Public

  Why is the listen live button not functioning on the site ?


Richie ,
As I said before….o’brains is looking at himself in the mirror as always….

Jim in Staines.

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Evenin’ all, “Obese people are crushing us” lol…

Joe Public

only if on top.


Richie , on the front it sounds fine and caring but it’s really part of the great reset. It sounds like no nano tech jab no job. Today on the news we are told of a jab to stop obesity. …so if you don’t comply you may lose your job.
Part of the Ray kerswiel connecting the body / mind to the A.I. cloud.
Good show.
Jim & Tudy.

Welsh Gregg

I’ve been asked to organize a school project with regard to the unseco aims, specifically “importance of access to digital information and connectivity”.

It contains the usual nonsense, such as “engagement with the electoral process”, “sustainable development”, “security of democracy” and laughably “tackling censorship and disinformation”. I’m trying to politely to avoid it, lest I fall out of favour with my employer by pointing out the doublespeak.

I teach history and never give the students my personal opinion as I feel it is unprofessional to do so, but i do put all ideas on the table for them to consider. I don’t see how I can do this when following the unseco blurb. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Hi Richie

A suggestion for a future guest maybe. Paul Burgess is a retired water resources engineer who now speaks out on climate alarmism and the false climate narrative. He has a YouTube channel called ‘Climate Realism’ and for your information he has been on GBNews – The Nana Akua Show on a few occasions and debated that clown Jim Dale who you played a clip of on yesterday’s show.

Here is some info about him:

Paul Burgess B.Sc, MS.C, a retired Chartered Water Resources Engineer was in charge of water resource planning for large sections of the UK and sat on national UK committees. Before he retired he represented the whole of the country of Wales where he was responsible for planning water supply, flood protection, reservoirs, hydrological and weather monitoring. He built the first mathematical model of the climate back in 1971. Retiring early from the water industry, Paul set up his own business. In the early 2000’s, Paul became aware of the growing corruption of science by the climate alarmists and then started making videos to counter the alarmism. He now has over 80 videos on the subject. He gives talks all over the UK all at his own expense in order to further the cause he feels so passionate about.

Paul Burgess’ YouTube channel:


Checked some of his videos earlier thanks.  Good source. His one on realism of EV cars was excellent.  Similar thing here from an ARC speaker about such and other Green Energy all being madness.

Paul Burgess would indeed make a great guest for the BBG though


Does anyone actually care where the Bilderberg conferences are and who goes? Personally I don’t give a monkeys 🙉

William Henderson

If voting made a difference then the world would not be in the mess that it’s in. Politics is nothing but broken promises and corruption, history proves it full stop!


If voting worked it’d be illegal.

As someone very wise said.


At last somebody has said it; its much better voting for any OTHER than the main parties, just to cycle the nobbled politicians, instead of not voting which does NOTHING…

Last edited 6 days ago by THE VIOLINIST

“Stand there and do nothing” is right; Starmer hasn’t opposed any major government policy since he’s been there… 

Last edited 6 days ago by THE VIOLINIST
William Henderson

I’m not sure what’s worse, the Eurovision contest or the folk who watch it… give me strength!


The media glorification  of narcissism reached new heights with the Kardashians, and its only gotten worse since; the intent of  brainwashing kids in  that direction is so  obvious…


Evenin’ all, found a great debate on political correctness from a few years ago; heres a speech from Stephen Fry that should be shown to anyone who  still believes in “misinformation” heresy or pronoun shaming…


Hello Richie, I just wanted to say thank you so much for your kind and positive wishes for my battle ahead. We really missed the melodies, and Sundays are now complete again x

Urban Fox

Really enjoying the melodies this morning.

I saw the film Arthur the King recently. About the dog that joined the adventure race team through the jungle, and saved their lives. I cant remember being so emotional over a film before, and think you would love it.

Did you remember you said you would give the theme from Thunderball a spin sometime. I understand if you cant this morning.


richie, am hearing a man dressed as a woman won the brainwashing contest

Last edited 7 days ago by anto
Urban Fox

Thats what the photo looked like to me Anto. Though apparently none binary.? Get your head round that one. Did the see that disturbing mess representing Ireland.


couldn’t watch it anymore,
stopped watching it when the woman with the beard won it a few yrs ago,lol

Urban Fox

Been a good many years since I’ve seen it as well. I stopped watching it when the voting went totally political, and it was no longer about the tunes. I had watched it since a child, but had to say no more. But i watched the Irish one when David Icke posted on his site, just to check out the symbolism. 


Yeah, I’m half Swiss but not impressed by the fluffy twink that won; my Swiss mum’s face dropped too when she saw who actually won…


Good Morning, Richie and Caroline. I am listening in the same time zone here in sunny Hayes looking out at Heathrow. Good morning to all of the Sunday Morning Melodies listeners. Especially, Sophie, Andrew, Julie, Erwan, and Tristan.


Good morning Richie.
Feel your pain this morning on the sporting outing. Travelled to Limerick yesterday from Galway to watch my team Connacht play Munster in the rugby. Lost 47-12 and could have been worse.
Hope you’re well and looking forward to enjoying the great songs this morning.
All the best,


Top of the morning to ya Richie and later Melodies listeners.  Nice chill tunes at the moment Richie many thanks.  Well that Heat Wave for all of one afternoon was exceptional hey?  Northern Lights and all that and now threats of Thunderstorms in Manchester today!! WTH?   

A Happy USA Mothers Day to any yankee listeners 🙂  Found 1905 by Anna Jarvis in memory of her mother treating wounded Civil War Soldiers apparently.  Whilst USA fathers Day is based on a Mining Towns disaster which killed many families fathers.  

Mothers Day normally, at least in UK, is more of a Christian Tradition and not actually about our own Mothers at all. Rather a pilgrimage to the Mother Church of a chosen denomination is the supposed real purpose of the day, to worship at source if you will.  
Anyway there is an exciting new Vaccine Trial underway but I will detail that below, as I am sure you are all itching to sign up for such!  😉  

Happy Sundays Folks 🙂


My 2 cents to the TRIAL advert from SYNEXUS:
Why do you need a trial when the entire effing planet is already in a batch code dependent Russian Roulette game of placebo shots and toxic lots of death dealing GMO illegal Nuremburg War Crime clot shots? Will your trial be properly designed? Have a genuine placebo group? Not destroy that control group immediately on unblinding? Will it actually track the participants groups for a long time period over several years and into and through subsequent pregnancies? Will it rely purely on fake fraudulent misuse of non diagnostic PCR amplification “tests” to check infection/re-infection breakthroughs and transmission? Do you even have a real sample of the thing you are claiming to try to defend against? An actual isolate of a “real” pathogen? Not some made up gene brew soup chucked through a gene sequencer and asked to spit out a magic unicorn virus that you visualise with some CGI?
To be blunt, “Vaccines Save Lives” is an utterly fraudulent bollox statement, utterly disproven by the entire history of vaccinology back to the disaster of Smallpox shots, which killed and maimed everywhere they ever went. They did not stop so called “Smallpox” which was never a catchable disease in the first place. It was due to sanitation and malnutrition and atmospheric pollutants. Same as every so called plague or sickness. Most of which went away before any so called “Quackzines” had ever been foolishly dreamt up by murderous mad men.
Vaccinology is an utter sham of Medical Science, on the back of the PURILE FARCE of ViroLIEgy, which basically invents mythical viruses they cannot prove the existence of, or transmission of at all, as cover stories for toxic industrial hazardous chemicals such as DDT (the real cause of so called POLIO).
Mad Cows was not from a PRION from infected sheep feed fed to cows, it was mandated overdoses of toxic organophosphate Cow Dip for a Fly problem called PHOSMET. All vaccines are toxic poisons, that circumvent the bodies natural defenses by direct injection and systemic circulation. They are the cause of the majority of all chronic and acute societal ailments. Leading to endless ailments that require further toxic pharma crap to treat the symptoms of and not the root causes.  A great business model.
Unvaccinated people are the healthiest humans on Earth. Todays new “QUACKZINES” of Viral Vector and mRNA platforms, are illegal unlicensed G.M.O products, inducing transfection and DNA integration and basically act just like a mythical virus is supposed to do.
They are a synthetic lipid coating of dangerous PEG (which can induce anaphylaxis at higher rates than all prior vaccines combined), wrapped around a FOREIGN instruction set, which hijacks a cells machinery to REPLICATE. Exactly what a theoretical virus is supposed to do.
The foreign instructed proteins, either burst a cell to death to spread to other cells, or display the FOREIGN PROTEIN on the outside of the host cell. This does not “train the immune system to recognise the “REAL THING” (which does not exist in nature), but rather the Immune System so called, goes to work on the FOREIGN displaying cells, in AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES of ANY CELL TYPE that DARE TO EXPRESS SUCH Viral Vector or mRNA messages!
This will manifest in horrific autoimmune disorders of every single bodily organ or tissue cells system. All such modern platforms for “Quackzines” are INCOMPATIBLE WITH ALL LIFE. They can never ever work and MUST BE BANNED WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT.


u would want to be really slow to go near this, my family would fit right in,more money for booze

William Henderson

I’m an Elgin City fan, they are my local team and I also follow Arsenal, but a goal that has always stood out for me is Matts goal against Liverpool in 93, simply magnificent! I don’t think Matt ever scored a bad or scrappy goal.

Last edited 9 days ago by William Henderson

ahh the auld moskitos, who would do this i wonder


The wonderful NZ Dr Bailies demolish Dengue Fever nonsense here 

As usual its overblown in threat (as unpleasant as such is) and even in its origins and of course it magically obeys borders like covid too.


Insanely they are threatening to use the old and priorly BANNED “DENGVAXIA Jab” that was a disaster 1st time around, killing over 600 kids, with serious Antibody Dependent Enhancement syndrome, which also plagued all so called Coronavirus vaccine attempts in the past.  They are also touting another newer Dengue jab too I believe, though I am not sure if such is mRNA/Viral Vector based.


Quote:  “Dengvaxia’s fallout was so dramatic that it even overrode the U.S. media’s customary whiteout of vaccine safety problems. As summarized by National Public Radio (NPR), the Philippines’ mass dengue vaccination program—”implemented with “undue haste”—not only killed children but provoked protests, criminal investigations, indictments, revocation of the vaccine’s license in that country and a plummeting of parental confidence in vaccine safety from 82% to 21%.”


Re: THE PAPERS:  Vaccine Hesitancy!!!  

Vax vs Unvax studies proving unjabbed people are the healthiest on Earth.  All societal ailments are far far higher in vaccinated people.  

3 studies covered in depth and links to many more.  20 mins clip
These are the graphs and data that all parents need to see, to firmly decide what’s best for their kids, loved ones and selves. 



To understand what is happening in Venezuela and other countries, one needs to look back to the post World War II era –

Aftermath of World War II and The Hidden (US) Government …

With the war at an end, the world was at the mercy of the Global Elite. Europe was devastated, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and economically –as it was planned to be. The enormity of the deceit may be hard to comprehend as you survey those endless rows of white gravestones in the war cemeteries of France, but those young men and women did not die for freedom in its true sense. They died to satisfy the Elite agenda for global domination.

Of course, if those soldiers on both sides had known that, there would have been no war. Instead, they were presented with a story that the Nazis were a uniquely evil creation that had to be stopped by the forces of goodness, freedom, and virtue. Again, another black and white fantasy. The Nazi philosophy was unspeakable, but it was also the philosophy of those who controlled the Allies.

The same forces funded and manipulated both sides and at the end of World War II, the United States was the most powerful country on Earth. It had bankrolled the war and, through the lend-lease system of supplying armaments on the basis of ‘have now, pay later’, Europe was drowning in debt to the American –Elite-controlled –bankers. Roosevelt had told Churchill years earlier that the British Empire would have to be dismantled and now that was a certainty. Britain’s long period of pre-eminence was over, destroyed by the two World Wars. Britain should never have had an ‘empire’ in the first place, but we need to keep our eyes on why it was brought to an end by those plotting their own world supremacy. If you read the Illuminati Protocols you will see that the use of debt and wars as a means of control was precisely what the manipulators had always planned.

These protocols came to light late in the last century and, although they have been condemned as a ‘forgery’, they tell the story of the twentieth century with remarkable accuracy. Whoever wrote them knew what was coming. The debt they talk about was to grow still more, with the European countries borrowing heavily from America, to rebuild their towns and cities in the aftermath of all the bombing that had gone on.

The United States (Global Elite) introduced its Grand Area strategy to control Western Europe, the whole of the Western hemisphere, the Middle and Far East, and the former British Empire. The Third World was essential to this policy.

In the words of a 1949 memo by the US State Department, the Third World would “… fulfil its major function as a source of raw materials and a market for industrial capitalist societies”.

Put another way, it was going to be mentally, emotionally, and physically raped. George Kennan at the State Department even suggested at this time that Europe might enjoy a ‘psychological lift’ from exploiting Africa, as declassified documents reveal. Vital to this plan was to ensure that no country, particularly in the Third World, was allowed to delink from Elite economic domination and run their economy for the benefit of the people.

This so called ‘threat of a good example’, which others might follow, led to slaughter across South and Central America and the East, including Vietnam. Henry Kissinger (Comm 300) would call the introduction of social and economic reforms in Third World countries a ‘virus’ that, if allowed to thrive, would ‘infect’ a much wider area. Or, as Secretary of State Dean Acheson (Comm 300) said in the late 1940s, “One rotten apple can spoil the barrel”. The Elite’s barrel.

The more terror that could be used against leaders and people trying to eliminate dependency on the Elite bankers and multinationals, the less likely it was that anyone else would try it. This was the fundamental and base motivation behind the United States (Elite) strategy which engineered the horrors in Vietnam, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Brazil, Italy, Chile, the Dominican Republic, Laos, Grenada, Honduras, Iran, and Indonesia. You would need a map of the world to list them all.

Behind these events and the overthrow of democratically elected governments were many of the Nazis employed all over the world by the CIA. The SS officer and Gestapo chief, Klaus Barbie, the ‘Butcher of Lyon’, was one who was employed by the Americans to spy on the French. For hundreds, if not thousands, of Hitler’s men who were bankrolled by the CIA, it was ‘business as usual’ after the ‘defeat’ of Nazism.

The manipulation was happening on many levels, but the most important goal was to cause so much conflict between nation states (the problem), that public opinion would demand that something must be done (the reaction), and the Elite could then unveil its long-term plan for centralised global institutions under the control of a tiny clique (the solution).

In summary, the foundation themes of the Elite’s plan immediately after the war were the following:

•To introduce a world authority called the United Nations (with associated bodies like the World Health Organisation), which could evolve into a world government with powers to control the lives of everyone on the planet.

•To continue to cause conflicts across the world and to use the fear of the Soviet Union to massively increase spending on nuclear weapons and ‘conventional’ weapons, thus adding to the terror of nuclear war and demands for global security. To set up an American-European defence alliance (which was called the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)) and a United Nations ‘peace’ keeping force, which, through the engineering engineering of conflicts, would eventually be fused together to form the world army.

•To create three ‘free trade’ regions in Europe, the Americas, and Asia, which would be sold to people initially as merely economic groupings. Gradually, however, these would be evolved into centralised political unions, with one central bank and one currency. These would be stepping-stones to the introduction of the same institutions on a global scale. The European Economic Community, now the European Union, was the first of these, but the other two are now underway, also.

•To advance the control of public opinion and to research and expand the understanding of how to manipulate the human psyche, individually and collectively. Today this agenda includes the microchipping of people and their permanent connection to a global computer.

•To create a welfare state while destroying alternatives to the economic system and, when the desired dependency had been achieved, to dismantle that state welfare support, so creating a vast underclass without help or hope.

•To make fantastic amounts of money in the course of realising all of these ambitions via the Elite-controlled companies and banks.

•To continually add to the debt burdens of people, business, and state, thus increasing the control exerted over the approach which was followed to hoodwink public thinking was painfully predictable, but highly effective: Discredit the nation state.

This was laid out during the War by the German economist and refugee, Hans Heymann, who produced his Plan for Permanent Peace using funds given by… the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. In this work he said: “Nations have created international disharmony in the vain belief that harmony in our society can be achieved on a national basis… This narrow-minded approach has left us one strong hope, namely, that this fallacious concept may hold only during a transitional period… After the debacle [World War Two] an international organisation will be imperative, for the well-being of society as a whole.” It was classic problem-reaction-solution.

In 1945, the original Round Table secret society had two main offshoots –the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) at Chatham House in London (which had branches in many other parts of the world), and the RIIA’s United States branch, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in New York (which had branches across the United States). In the post-war years, these would be joined by the Bilderberg Group (Bil), the Trilateral Commission (TC), and the Club of Rome (CR) to form a highly effective network of manipulation which comprises a very significant element of the secret government of the world –a government that is far more powerful than any elected authority.

You will find the membership of these organisations among the elite of global politics and political ‘advisors’, banking, oil companies, multinational corporations, media owners, executives and journalists, the military, the law, and education. They work as organisations within organisations, infiltrating these spheres of influence and secretly promoting the Global Elite agenda. The majority of their colleagues and employees have no idea what is going on or how they are being used. As with the Round Table, there are distinct circles of people within these front groups. There is an elite core who work full time for the cause; a circle of members who know the agenda and work within their own organisations to achieve it; and an outer circle of members who are not aware of the real and full implications of the agenda, but are useful to the manipulators in the short term.

Not everyone who is a member of these organisations is a conscious manipulator and we need to use our intuition and the information presented by researchers to decide which ones know the score and which are being used without understanding what they are really involved in. The influence of these groupings and of their associated power blocs are contained in the United Nations and the European Union.

Urban Fox

I no more believe that the King and Princess Kate have got cancer at the same time, than i believed that Boris and the Queen apparently were sick with covid with 48 hours of each other. I find it totally implausible as i dont believe in coincidence. The timing of both scenarios was a propaganda dream come true. In the case of the cancer, it came at the same time as the new cancer campaign, and talk of the development of cancer jabs. 

I can’t prove it, but i think Charles isn’t really sick, and Kate may have somehow been made sick. Princesses unlike Kings are dispensable, as we saw with the sacrifice of Diana.


Brilliant, Fox

Urban Fox

Thanks Baird, I don’t believe in covid. But I’m convinced that they just said the Queen had a positive test, whilst making Boris sick. And it having worked so well the first time, i believe they did exactly the same thing regarding the King and Kate. There’s a perfect insane logic to it. Another apparent coincidence, Queen Elizabeth dies, just after crowning another Elizabeth ( Liz ) as prime minister. Which i believe was done as some kind of symbolic ritual.

Tim in Brazil

The flooding in Brazil was in the news. Recently Elon Musk was fighting with the Brazilian Supreme court a couple of weeks ago


Those royals are SAID to have cancer; lets not take these things at face value, who really knows…

Joe Public

  Has Dean got any thoughts on “Our country Our choice” run by Col Doug MacGreagor ?




Electric vehicles are WORSE for the environment than normal vehicles …

Electric cars release more toxic emissions than petrol-powered vehicles and are worse for the environment

EVs weigh 30 percent more than petrol cars, causing tyres to wear out faster

The tire tread releases toxic particles 400 times greater than exhaust emissions

READ MORE: Apple pulls plug on e-car project, following other carmakers –


Evenin’ all, while I agree that ISIS is a really just a NATO covert asset, I disagree with Kurdistan just being a construct; its a bit more complicated than that…


I don’t really know where Dean is getting this idea of the people now ‘winning’ from either. 


The audacity of the cabal crew that relentlessly spew “Safe & Effective”, when it is fully admitted by ALL the jab brands, that the jabs were never designed to “block transmission or prevent infection!” (which means they are not vaccines or effective as such.  So “EFFECTIVE” cannot be said of them ever, legally.  

“Safe” also cannot be said of them as products, as on all global adverse effect monitoring systems, ALL the jabs, have beaten all prior vaccines for injuries and in UK at least, have beaten the entire 50 years history of ALL MEDICINES EVER USED IN THE UK for injuries reported to MHRA Yellow Card, in a mere 9 months!  Such that the MHRA stopped recording or reporting such to YC at all.  

So anyone saying “Safe & Effective” is illegally LYING to you!  


They wouldn’t blatantly lie to the public. Especially not the Prime Minister. 


Best joke I’ve heard all year that mate 🙂 


If you hear something so many times then it must be true. 


Wow Penny Mordaunt really showing off why she is where she is. What a horrible bish. 


Renowned scientist: All Covid-Vaxxed ‘will die in 3 to 5 years’
by Frank Bergman

A world-renowned scientist and leading immunology expert has raised the alarm with an explosive warning to the public that everyone who has been vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots “will die within 3 to 5 years, even if they have had only one injection.”

Urban Fox

I can’t believe my ears Richie, This woman really believes that football practice has been moved to Saturday, because of the Jew haters.?

As for banning Israel from the Eurovision, i believe music and sport should be about joy and bringing people together. Not used as political tools, in the same way as television drama now is.

Joe Public

  When did Israhell become part of Europe ?


NATO Agenda song contest doesn’t sound so good…

Urban Fox

I always wondered why none European countries are in it. After all these years, i finally just found out. They say that any countries that are part of the European broadcasting union can be in it. An organization that before today, i didn’t know existed. Better late than never. Yet another globalist outfit no doubt.

Joe Public

Cannot get the show on the listen live button or on FAB radio 2 whats going on ?

Urban Fox

Try the page link, which is what i used when the website was down. Let me know if it works.

Joe Public

  Thanks Fox

Joe Public

Sorted switched off then on and voila 


If the show ECHOES, just hit PAUSE on the player and the echo goes away folks!



Cannot stop laughing at the UK excuse to not sign up to the WHO Treaty!  As IF, the UK cannot wait to deal dished up death shots globally from sheer charity alone!  Probably with a little note of “From UK with Love!”.  


Here’s Once Upon a Lockdown on Rumble…


It’s sad saying to family and friends “I told You So”

Last edited 11 days ago by BiZi

Nice bit of friendly arm twisting there… =)


Great shout out to Steve Hughs there; nice one Aiden…


What a guest Steve Hughes would be? Can’t someone organise a gig in Manchester for us knucle dragging neanderthals tup north to go see him, and maybe bump into some Richie Allen fans to rub shoulders?😁

Steve Hughes tour dates & tickets 2024 | Ents24


I’m even sceptical of that pandemic; it’ll just be the 77th brigade or Big Pharma taskforce… 

Diane Hughes



“Once Upon a Lockdown”  – Bitchute version


Aiden I’m listening to you in the nude


Is it better like that.
Yep you’re right


what was the discount code for supreme cbd from Matt?




Stigmatizing the Unvaxxed and Unboosted. “Mass Formation Psychosis”. “You’re a Criminal Because You’re Unvaccinated”

Scottish John

My experience with Gummies is exactly the same as Matt’s. I went from waking up 3 or 4 times a night to sleeing right through ’til morning.

Petra Simpson

why is richie so ecoie


Hit the PAUSE button on the player and the echo will vanish and the stream will carry on regardless. 

Patrick Videan

Yes, it seems that Matt has bucket loads of Discernment which is what we humans all need.

Joe Public

  Why is the listen live button not functioning on the site ?


Richie ,
As I said before….o’brains is looking at himself in the mirror as always….

Jim in Staines.

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